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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. Indeed, as long as it's not a Rolex, it can't be a fake (so think the majority of people ) It's a shame about the clasps. There are reps of a Tudor Hydronaut about, which have a proper Tudor clasp, which I guess someone could swap onto an older oyster bracelet, but it I don't think it would really work on a more modern oyster bracelet, like the one you've shown I guess it's just a case of the Tudors not being an popular as Rolex subs, so the factories probably don't see the need to make them... Oh well
  2. Absolutely stunning photos, thanks for taking the time to share them I can see why my nan loved visiting Malta, it looks like an incredible destination I'm liking the 'dog flap' too
  3. If the situation gets bad enough, I'll keep that option in reserve
  4. You're absolutely spot on there. To be honest, much of their verbal comments aren't directed at me, and those that are, I can kind of ignore (although I feel that I shouldn't have to) As you say, in other ways, they are in incredibly loyal person, so I don't want to be ungreatful to that support or loyalty, hense my use of the term 'giri' I know that I have to put up with it as part of that obligation, I was just hoping to find a better coping strategy
  5. I'm not Japanese, but you're absolutely correct, in that the English language simply does not have an accurate translation for the concept of obligations of this nature and their implications on my daily life I really would, but there's only so much that I can say to someone when I'm pretty much living under his roof... THis is the problem. Anyone else, I'd just say I don't appreciate the behaviour and walk away from it, but, in my situation, that would involve creating either a really unpleasant atmosphere in the home, or, effectively making myself homeless, hense the dilemma
  6. Oh don't get me wrong, yelling at this guy and verbally putting him in his place would definitely work, and I know that I have more than enough ammunition to rip him to shreds and he'd never speak to me again. Which would be awesome. But, this is where giri comes into play... It wouldn't really be right for me to speak like that to someone who ultimately puts a roof over my head, and has been very supportive of my business, when other sources have been less than supportive. As with your scorp, when this guy isn't being a total fucknut, he is a good guy at heart, it's just frustrating that he then behaves the way he does. I'm not sure if he does it knowing that people won't say anything, or if he's hoping that they will (thus giving him more ammunition to behave thus) but at the end of the day, his motivations don't really bother me. I don't really care why he acts like he does, I just wanted to find the best way of minimizing the stress of dealing with him I guess it's true when someone says "It costs what it costs..." This is what it costs... Thanks again for the input
  7. Thanks, putting it that way, will certainly make it easier to ignore. I guess I'm just not used to being in a situation where I have to silently accept such behaviour (to myself and others) without challenging it, so from that point of view, it makes me feel like I'm being 'less of a man' by not doing anything about it, but, as you say, if it's part of the bigger picture, then I can deal with it from that perspective Thanks again
  8. Not at all. Simply using the easiest label to put a handle on the situation for others. I expect there are many reasons for this persons behaviour, which have nothing whatsoever to do with his birthdate, but, at the end of the day, he does fit the profile most frequently applied to Scorpios, so I felt that was the most appropriate description to use
  9. I'm from Sussex, but banished to North of the river Welcome indeed
  10. What a watch Even though I've not yet had the "Is that a real Rolex??", I'm figuring putting a Tudor dial in my project sub would enable me to answer "No..." and not need to say more I don't think I've seen a Tudor sub rep with the Tudor marking on the bracelet, so I understand what you mean by Tudex Wear it well, my friend
  11. Thanks for the advise Sadly, I don't really have the option of yelling at the person in question due to my obligations to them, although if they were anyone else, they would've been told where to get off a long time ago... Such is giri... So you think the best thing to do is to basically be the 'reed bending in the wind'? I've tried being the 'rock in the stream', but even rocks eventually get worn down, and I think that's the point I've reached... Thanks again
  12. As the topic title... What's the best way of dealing with a Scorpio male, who is extremely passive/aggressive, constantly making verbal jabs at people, and generally being one comment away from getting a physical lesson in manners? Avoidance is not an option, as I have giri with this person, so I was wondering if anyone might be able to make some suggestions which might make our interactions more tolerable... Thanks in advance
  13. I don't mean to jump back in, as I had said I'd leave things, but I can't leave such a statement without commenting. As Andreww said before, there was a payout to one person, and an attorney saying that the relationship was inappropriate. The only reason why he won the last trial, was because his defense were able to make it look like a case of extortion (which, to a degree, it probably was, but that in itself still does not justify any inappropriate behavior on someone's part) so that just goes to show that court cases (especially celebrity court cases) are often about who makes the best presentation, rather than the actual truth of the matter. Maybe he did have many victims over the years, maybe he didn't, maybe we'll never know, or, maybe now he's dead, people will start talking about things. I don't know. Personally, I feel that regardless of if MJ was guilty or innocent, the last case only failed (for the claimants) because the jury felt the mother was 'the boy who cried wolf' one too many times, it did nothing to make me believe he was a totally innocent victim of extortion. Peace
  14. I agree with that 100%, but that does not mean people should ignore other aspects of his life which were, frankly, utterly disturbing. I've said for years that he needed help, and I genuinely felt sorry for the life he endured from such a young age, but that does not for one instant excuse or make acceptable his other behaviors, which would have landed a non-celebrity, if not behind bars, most likely with their children taken into care and on a sex offenders register. I think he was without doubt the best entertainer the world has seen, and was an incredibly gifted artist. I don't think that there can ever be any question or doubt about his talents, but it will take nothing short of a revelation from above to change my opinion about his lifestyle. Peace to all, I've said all I can about my own feelings on the topic, so I'm going to bow out before things get heated.
  15. That is such a naive defense. If someone is arrested while plunging a knife into someone/selling drugs/abusing someone, then they are guilty, regardless of their position in the judicial review process. It does not take a trial to determine that they are, as already known, guilty (or mysteriously innocent)... Okay, so MJ was never actually arrested in the act, but to simply say "Innocent until proven guilty" is not a 100% defense of someone. As I mentioned to Dani, OJ was originally found innocent, and look how that turned out... I agree with your above post that he (MJ) needed help, and not just hangers on, but at the end of the day, anyone entrusting children to his care, knowing the 'allegations' which existed, was seriously negligent, and as Andreww pointed out yesterday: I think that sums up the overall situation perfectly, and the bold text speaks volumes about that particular instance. As I've said before, he was an incredibly gifted artist, but that is where my respect for him finishes.
  16. If that's the case, then this is an outright case of intentional fraud, so might the time be coming to report this to the police? After all, having crystals AR coated is not illegal, but defrauding people (and UK Trade Descriptions laws may come into play here) is... Just my .2c... I hope this can be resolved amicably...
  17. Thanks for the comparison I don't know APs enough to spot the flaws, so I'll just say that they look pretty much spot on to me, and could well encourage me to add an AP to my wishlist
  18. That looks awesome, and a fascinating story to go with it as well
  19. Exactly. That was what won the day for Jackson in the end. It took the focus off of what he may or may not have done, and put it onto the motives of the parents. I don't think anyone will forget the phrase 'Jesus Juice' for a while...
  20. Bro, OJ was 'never convicted', that doesn't change the fact that he was later 'found responsible' for those deaths... The last abuse case was a fiasco, and the kid's mother came across like a real gold-digger, and I think that was what enabled him to win the day in court. I do acknowledge that he has done a lot of good for kids over the years, but I just hope that he did that out of the goodness of his heart, rather than using it as some ulterior motive. I can't think of anything lower than a child molester, and I would never shed a tear for a dead one, but at the end of the day, it's not for me to judge him, so I'll just try and remember him as an amazing artist, which is undeniably, what he was
  21. That's about the only positive thing I could say about him, so I agree with you 100%
  22. It's too hot for any other combo (not that I have much choice in the matter )
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