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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. I've often noticed this 'bulge' on relumed Aquatimers, but personally, I always rather liked how it looked... Of course, that's only going by photos rather than actually having it on my wrist, but I do know the phenomenon you're referring to
  2. Thanks for all the feedback, guys, I'll give it some serious consideration
  3. Precisely. I think ADs (and the companies who build the watches) rely on the potential buyers not knowing anything about the workings of their watches, and accepting such charges with blissful ignorance Before I got into reps, I didn't know anything about the workings of watches (and to be honest, I still know very little) the only thing I did know, was that one time, I decided to put the cost of getting a watch pressure tested after a battery replacement towards buying a new watch instead I'm really not sure... I don't think I've read that one, I'd certainly find it interesting to read Absolutely
  4. That's absolutely fantastic work, my friend A big thumbs up indeed It's about time someone cracked cold-fusion... It'd certainly solve the world's reliance on fossil fuels for it's energy requirements... From what I understand (albeit ficticious) the arc reactor (containing palladium) would essentially be a kind of hydrogen reactor (but would have to be cold fusion, for Mr Stark to have one implanted in his chest without baking his internal organs ) If I could make a real-world functional arc reactor, I don't think I'd have to worry about saving money by buying reps
  5. How much might you be wanting for it? I haven't any cash at the moment, but I'd certainly be interested in the future when I have
  6. Nothing new from me, so it's not worthy of a photo But, the project sub is still going strong and keeps awesome time
  7. The plot thickens... Someone leaving a crown unscrewed, and resulting in water damage, I can quite believe happening by accident, but, regardless of how the water got in the case, the fact remains that the movement was dry... Maybe they used the accusation about the crown to try and cover their own faults with the movement...
  8. I've seen folks discussing this watch before, and gather that it's a pretty popular watch. Having watched Lucky Number Slevin, I have to admit, the watch has finally caught my attention, so when I do have the finances to consider re-building my collection, I was thinking about getting one, but, I'm a little undecided, as I'm weighing pros and cons... On the bracelet, it looks like a really nice watch, but, the clasp doesn't have a diver's extension, so I'm wondering if it would be more practical to get it on the rubber strap instead (and that would then give me a 'rubber watch' for the collection, rather than just having a few on bracelets) I'm not normally a fan of chronograph watches, but, on the Aquatimer, the sub dials seem pretty discrete, and don't 'clutter the dial', so I don't think I'd mind that. Something else I'm considering, is dial visibility. The hands are obviously large and pretty legible, but, how about the dial markers? Is this a watch which one can 'read at a glance' like a PAM (or other dive watch) or are the dial markers a little on the small side (particularly at night) ? What do folks think? I know that I like the watch, but is it one that I would be able to bond with, and, do folks think I should definitely go for the rubber option, or does the bracelet make the watch easier to wear under a shirt cuff? Thanks in advance for any advice, comments or recommendations
  9. Indeed, I know folks accept that the 1000ft rating on a rep might just be ink on a dial, and not actually accurate, but on a regular branded piece (even a Diesel) the company have an obligation to provide a product which does what it says it does...
  10. Absolutely, from what you've said, it certainly looks more like a 'standard operating procedure' rather than just a one-off incident. Maybe that's Breitling's way of getting customers into servicing their watches... I remember when I tried on an SFSO in the AD, and the clerk was really hyping up how awesome Breitling where when it came to servicing watches... How they'd "completely strip the movement to clean each part!!!" like that was some kind of revolutionary practice in watch repair rather than standard procedure Maybe they're sending out dry movements in the knowledge that they're going to fail relatively quickly, so the chump er, I mean customer ( ) takes it back to them for repairs within weeks/months/a year (?) (as it's their New Watch) rather than five years down the line, when they may rather put the cost of a repair towards a new watch, and the company then being down that revinue... Who knows... Awesome find though, and thanks for making it public knowledge
  11. interesting indeed, and disapponting to hear of a gen manufacturer dropping the ball like that... Makes one wonder, was it just a one-off abberation, or is it more common that they send out movements in such a condition, with people (not being watch enthusiasts) simply carrying on in blissful ignorance... As above, I think I'll stick with reps
  12. That's pretty funny to hear, I guess Diesel aren't concerned about trade description laws
  13. I have to admit, for the gold case, I'd go for a strap in the darker brown/red range... Burgundy would be ideal
  14. Well, other than that trivial detail...
  15. With the right equipment, I think the Mark 1 suit would actually be a possibility for a home hobbyist to build in the garage. Might be a bit hard to move, but, having seen some of the stuff people have made (such as bear suits and other powered exo-skeletons) I wouldn't want to call it an impossibility
  16. I've been really happy with my 8GB iPhone I guess it depends what functions you require, how long you plan to be listening at a time etc etc. I have a huge playlist on my iPhone which I dive in and out of, but that itself is only a fraction of the tunes saved onto it, so I've never had a problem with running out of music Heck, for short journeys, an iPod shuffle might be suitable in terms of capacity, my only beef is that it won't store a tracklist in the order I enter it, but, never mind Best of luck with your quest
  17. A fantastic pictorial, thanks for taking the time to share it
  18. I've got JARVIS working on it Joking aside, my plan is to install the arc reactor in a statue/bust, so a nice juxtaposition between the Classic and the Futuristic
  19. I haven't gone AWOL, I've just been pretty busy and had some connectivity issues yesterday... This is the project I've been working on... It's by no means completed, but coming along nicely Yes, once it's finished, this project will be up for sale, should there be any interest
  20. Sounds like a plan I have a hunch that it is sapphire, I just can't confirm it 100% If you do need it in the future, just let me know
  21. I've got a spare crystal I could send your way, but I'm not 100% sure it's sapphire...
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