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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. Russell Brand. Some people find him funny, others just think he's a cunt of the first magnitude. Sure, he can be funny, but he also has a habit of frequently 'crossing the line', such as making prank calls to the police with information about a rapist (which the police were investigating) while live on stage. Whenever he's called out, his 'apologies' come across as utterly hollow, and not truly admitting that his actions were in the wrong, and that it 'was only meant as a joke'.
  2. Bro, all you're gonna do is drive yourself crazy with that shit A few pointers/proverbs... 1. You're trying too hard. 2. New money shows it, old money knows it. 3. You're trying too hard. I may be wrong here, but, I believe, that folks with gen watches, (Not including GangstaRappers/Footballers/other celebs) do not flash them about. At all. Flashing a watch will get it noticed. But for the wrong reasons. Someone might well think 'Nice watch', but they're also going to think 'What a poser, flashing his watch about ' It won't impress anyone, but rather the reverse The best way to display a watch, is through subtlety. Rather than standing next to the hot girl and grabbing the pole so the only thing she can see is the watch, sit opposite the hot girl and read a newspaper (not tabloid ) The watch will occasionally peek beyond the cuff, and be noticed, but no-one will think it's being flashed about. Subtlety is the name of the game here, not ostentation At the end of the day, you need to put the watch on, then forget allll about it. This has to be something you're totally comfortable and at ease with. It can't even enter your mind that you're wearing a watch. There is no watch. That's the only way to display one without looking like a jerk trying to impress someone with their flashy new toy. Display it by not displaying it. Watches and Zen... What a way to start the week PS Having a few high-end accessories, ie briefcase/messenger bag by a Name, a nice pen, a nice lighter etc, will also help 'round out' the illusion
  3. Absolutely so. If something is strong enough, it can withstand such discussions, and still remain. People who fear such debates, are those whos convictions are less 'well grounded', and unable to defend their point (even if it is defendable) due to their own lack of knowledge. That is not so say, however, that something should be criticized or satirized just for the sake of criticism or satire. As much as I love satirical humor, I do feel that it can occasionally 'go too far', with the only 'justification' (self-justification at that) being "It's only a joke..." as if some fault lies with the audience for not being receptive to 'the joke', when in such cases, it is not a joke, it is just bad taste, and the true flaw lies with the teller, who should realize that they are 'crossing a line'. Personification of such point/behaviour:
  4. Awesome suggestion, I definitely agree, Pateks are popular enough to merit a subforum of their own
  5. I'd echo Kruzer's advice of if you wear it, keep it, if you don't, sell it, but, I'd add another aspect keeping the economy in mind... If you were to keep the watch, should you ever fall into real financial difficulty, you can always sell the watch for a reasonable amount of cash, but, if you sell it now, and spend the cash on reps (while I totally appreciate the idea of having several reps rather than one gen) should finances turn difficult, it might be harder for you to get such a good re-sale price on your several reps, as you might for the one gen...
  6. It's an awesome watch, I love the CG work
  7. I was meaning the way in which the various displays scroll through finger contact, not just the musical function Indeed, but, on the Labyrinth game settings, there are two 'spirit gauges' (for the two axis of rotation), so, with that mode enabled, putting the phone on a surface, it acts precisely as a traditional spirit gauge would work (the gauges on the settings have the same 'green liquid with bubble' look ) There's an application available, which enables for precise measurements using this aspect of the technology, but I haven't downloaded it yet
  8. If it does what you need it to do, then that's all that matters With regards the coverflow, are you meaning just the actual section of the iPod where you 'flick through the covers', or the overall technology involved? I admit, I never use it to flick through the covers, not because of a lack of the covers (although I do appreciate the point you mean) but because I can get to what I want quicker by using the artist/song lists. However, in terms of overall technology, I love how it integrates into the other functions, as it does make for a very user-friendly interface (even more so as the screens are customizable) The other thing I love about it, is it keeps coming up with new features which impress me (I know, I'm easily impressed ) For example, the other day I downloaded the Labyrinth game, and it's awesome. But, that's not what impressed me. When I went into the game settings, I found that it had two gauges for showing the orientation, so in effect, the game came with a built in spirit gauge function It's the little unexpected things like that which I like about the iPhone, and it's the things like that, which a person will likely not see on any demo or "look at a friend's", but which only come to light during ownership Ahh, I see the difference... There are plenty of GPS apps available for the iPhone (providing you have the 3G version )
  9. I can empathize, I've been studying martial arts for... must be 22 years now Using tools just makes the job easier I remember reading fairly recently, where someone got off of getting in the first punch, as, when it got to court, they said that they were wearing an expensive watch, which they had had to work hard to earn the money for, and were scared that the other person was going to try and steal the watch... I admit, I don't think I'd've bought that, but, it worked... I'd've thought the law would show a little difference between someone getting in the first punch in the bar, compared to defending their home from an intruder... It's always interesting to find out what laws are the same around the world, and which ones are different Ahh...
  10. That's an absolutely disgusting attitude for the police to take, that itself needs reporting... Crazy... I'm not sure about your local laws, but in the UK, people are allowed to use 'reasonable force' to defend themself. If someone was to hear an intruder, grab the first thing which came to hand, and have a swing, then I believe that would be okay. If, on the other hand, someone was to go rummaging for a baseball bat, or keep one intentionally close to the bed, then that might get someone in trouble... That's why I suggested the steel 'toys'. If anyone asks why it's kept in the bedroom, then just play the " It's a sex toy... Where else should I keep it... " line. A lawyer would have a hard time arguing the item or it's 'intended use', as it's clearly sold as a sex toy Heck, even a jelly dildo can give a hefty blow, like a leather sap
  11. The Blockbuster could work, I guess I just prefer the more traditional styling of the Intruder. It's obvious what it is: A metal kosh, but the 'alternate branding', somewhat legitimizes it's ownership (for domestic use ) That's true, but having a 'persuader' close to hand could certainly ease the post-burglary jitters I saw them discussed on a forum a few years back, and thought they'd be awesome as weapons. To be honest, I don't own one, it's a heck of a lot of money to shell out something like that, but the idea is great As far as I can tell from the website, it's a solid lump of surgical-grade steel...
  12. Not even close, my friend Begins with a Q, and ends with a Z
  13. I'm sure folks can guess what I'm wearing
  14. I don't really know what to say, so I'll just say what's on my mind. From my own personal experiences moderating a forum, I know how frustrating it can be when a forum is being 'over-run' by people who are only doing so for their own amusement. I know how sickening with worry it can be, when said people start posting false statements or other forms of harassment, and I would never wish that on anyone. I think it takes courage to admit ones mistakes and take the repercussions of ones actions. As Jon Fort mentioned above, with his Christian approach to forgiveness, I can only respond likewise, from my own perspective as a Muslim, and that is, that it is simply not my place to judge anyone, so I will leave it at that: It is not my place to judge anyone.
  15. This is advice I like A less lethal alternative, is on of these The Intruder Just keep it on the bedside table, and if anyone ever breaks in again, you can proceed to give them a good smacking with it. If you wind up in court, and some snoot lawyer asks why you keep a surgical steel truncheon by the bed, you can simply say that it is an adult toy, you like to cram it up your Missus, and, in the midst of panic, grabbed the first thing which came to hand
  16. He's probably running on the theory that if something's in the 'public domain', then it's essentially a free for all. If I recall from my time moderating another forum, if a person makes a request to the forum owner that [offensive] comment be removed, if the forum owner does not remove it, then they may be liable for potential prosecution... The US authorities take 'Cyber-stalking' and other online-related crimes much more seriously than the UK authorities. Something else which could be done, is to make a complaint directly to the actual hosting company, and report the site for being used maliciously, and chances are, they will remove it themselves... PS I don't even know the forum address, so if any comments are ever made there in my name, it's not me
  17. Hate to say it, but sounds like someone knew what they were looking for and where to find it... With regards the repayments, they might take sympathy once they get a police reference confirming theft... I hope you get things resolved
  18. QC at it's finest Joking aside, that's an interesting clip, thanks for sharing
  19. Interesting question... I would go with these: Generally versatile watch... Smart/Casual/on SS, with date and second functions: Casual watch... On leather, no need for precise time or date: Rugged watch... (when I wouldn't want to risk smacking up the others) : Maybe not to everyone's tastes, but I think they'd meet my needs
  20. Counterfeit or not, as photographer, you still have legal rights as 'author' of the photos, regardless of the content
  21. I was thinking any of Pug's photo tutorials and related pictures.
  22. Any better ideas? I know it's probably not something which would be taken particularly seriously, unless said impersonation was to be making extremely defamatory, libelous or malicious statements, I was just pointing out the potential legal implications of impersonating another person... If anything, Pugwash would probably be in a better position to have action taken, due to unauthorized use of his intellectual properties.
  23. Personally, if it was a bracelet watch, such as Sub, or SMP, I would put a piece of cardboard inside the bracelet, just to prevent it knocking against itself and scuffing up the caseback. I would then wrap the whole thing in several layers of bubblewrap, place in a bubblewrap-lined envelope and post. If it was a watch on a strap (without a deployant clasp) I would simply wrap it in bubblewrap, and then bubblewrap-lined envelope. I guess you could always substitute the bubblewrap-lined envolope for a small box...
  24. The crazy thing about it all, is I believe that it is illegal to impersonate another person, and something like this, could potentially come under a UK statute, Malicious Communications Act... I may be wrong, but if I'm right, who ever's doing this could wind up in serious trouble, if people were to take action for being impersonated
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