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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. All these applications mentioned have got me flicking through the apps store and downloading some great freebies, and taking note of some great paid apps I'd love to get when I have some spare cash. Given the limited space on a single display screen, I was wondering, how many 'screens' are people using for their apps? How are your screens organized? (are they organized? )
  2. Still wearing the same shoes, so still wearing the same watch
  3. At least he took the time to actually start a new forum
  4. PS I know you're joking, and I know, domestic abuse isn't something which should be taken lightly, but I do love that poster...
  5. I downloaded a few apps when I got the iPhone, and downloaded a load more today I've downloaded... Where To? iTalk Remote Translator Google Earth Flashlight Zippo Lighter MiniPiano BubbleWrap iTicTac Sol Free Shazam Blocks Classic Lite Lightsaber iQur'an iPray Pro 112 The ones which have been of the most use, would be Flashlight, Translator and iTalk, where the one which has most enhanced my iPhone would have to be iQur'an
  6. That'll be awesome Haemetite's an amazing stone
  7. That's awesome Did you go with haemetite in the end, or stick with onyx?
  8. Oh wow. Looking at that pic is... emotional I guess this is a bit like what it feels like when a child is born
  9. Oh absolutely. Right now, I'm in the state of no unnecessary purchases, so it's not so much a case of saving what I have now to buy soon(ish), but finding out the facts so, as you say when the time comes, I'll know precisely what to be looking for
  10. I avoided getting an iPhone for quite a while, because I felt I would have been giving into that kind of 'emo-chic' (TM ) consumerism, so had clone phones for a while. In the end, I did buy an iPhone (as the clone became unreliable) and I don't regret it at all. I bought one pre-owned, but in mint condition off the Bay, stuck my Pay as You Go SIM card into it, and it works fine. It can bluetooth to a TomTom no problem at all. It's got a good MP3 player (although I have heard the iPhone's MP3 player as being the worst MP3 player Apple have made... Seems okay to me...) It's also customizable, and able to take on new applications. Right now, mine is downloading a full copy of the Qur'an. Full Arabic text, optional English translations, and Arabic audio as well (Qur'an means 'recitation', and, unlike the Bible, is actually intended to be read aloud and listened to, rather than read silently) I'd like to see another phone with that kind of adaptive flexibility... Gimmicky, maybe, but, if the gimmick actually does what you want it to do, where's the issue? [Edit to add] From my own experiences, I would suggest that the iPhone is something people can't truly appreciate until they have one permanantly. Having a look at a friends, or a display model, only really allows a cursory examination, and, while it gives a general idea as to the phone, much of what makes the iPhone so good, are 'the little things' which aren't immediately apparent during a 'five minute play about'. It's the little quirks of the software which only become apparent when the phone becomes personal property and gets used permanently.
  11. That is absolutely fantastic advice, and very much appreciated Indeed, I think this could be a good way for me to earn a little extra, so from that perspective, I plan to treat it as seriously as I would any other business venture. On the flipside of that, I won't be spending large amounts of money, or playing for considerable lengths of time. I'm all too aware of the dangers involved, so I want to be sensible enough to avoid them by not 'getting sucked in'. To use a pool analogy, I'd be aiming to be someone who goes into the pool hall every now and again, shoots a few tables, then leaves, not someone who spends all their time in there Thanks again
  12. Indeed, that's why I'd aim to save for a Discovery from Chris rather than Tony, although to be honest, given the state of my finances, it's likely not going to be for a very long time
  13. Thanks for the advice Fortunately, I don't have the funds to get into big gambling, and I understand these online betting forums allow players to put a fixed limit on their spends. Believe me, at the first sign of getting in too deep, I'd pull the plug. I'm not looking to take it up as a career, or because of a 'love of the game', but just for a little extra cash. If I can get that little extra, I'll be happy. If I lose the little bit of stake money I allocate, then that'll be all I lose. Honest
  14. If it pays, and keeps a roof over your head... I'm a pretty good shot, any vacancies going?
  15. I bought a set of these not so long ago, and have already found them extremely useful, so figured I'd let folks in on the find Tick Removers
  16. No problem, credit where credit's due, that is an awesome project. It looks like a purchased item, not something assembled from parts from different sources
  17. Thanks for the advice, I figure as long as I stick to the golden rule, of never betting more than I can afford to lose, I won't get too caught up in it. I mean, I appreciate that it's something that needs to be taken seriously (decisions, probabllities etc), but not Serious Seriously, if you know what I mean... Nothing like living the dream, if only we could all be that lucky I hope things work out with your new lady when you get to meet up
  18. Absolutely. Regardless of if folks are particularly into Rolexes, it is an amazing project. It's a work of art, and will make an awesome gift. Chief, absolutely awesome work, I bet your brother will be speechless
  19. Crazy as it might sound, a while back I heard from a friend, that another mutual friend was planning on becoming a professional poker player, once he leaves the RAF. I've never played online poker, so I've no idea how it would compare to playing in person, but I could definitely be interested in finding out
  20. It's awesome to hear your fortunes have reversed themselves so favorably, it certainly sounds like you've weathered the storm and come out the other side Out of curiosity, is there really money to be made in online poker? At the moment, I'm willing to try pretty much anything to get a little extra cash in my pocket
  21. TeeJay

    Prop 8

    And yet you still read it, and not only felt the need to troll me, but still feel the need to do so. Sad. Lets just say that the tone has significantly lowered recently. As you clearly dug through the files to find that, it might interest you that those two mods have apologized for 'calling me out'. It really is sad that you went to the lengths to find that thread to try and validate your 'point'. Maybe so. I doubt you would be missed either.
  22. I'm in the same situation as Freddy, three days and counting Nice watches all round, amigos
  23. TeeJay

    Prop 8

    The thing is, I have no time for trolls, I've seen it ruin too many forums. As long as it stays 'in the bin', I can ignore it, no harm no foul. It's a shame, as this could have been a good debate. Oh well.
  24. Yes, I agree, it is only a small percentage of home owners. But, it would also be a large percentage of sub prime home owners, and that is what would throw the plan. Just because someone is given sub-prime credit to get a car/home, it does not always guarantee that they will make payments, and that's all that would concern me with the plan. Other than that, I thought it's a great idea
  25. That was one of the reasons why I wanted to get a Mac rather than a PC. I am sick of the patch/scan/update hassle that comes with PCs, but sadly, my budget couldn't stretch that far, so I didn't really have a choice in the matter
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