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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. Thanks for the advice, amigo, I might well do that, especially if it continues. The first time I did it, it was purely accidental, and indeed, in the intervening years, never felt the need to do it again. It's only within the past month that I've noticed that 'pressurized' sensation, and guessed from the same sensation in other joints, that a manipulation was required... As above, if this is just 'old age' settling in, that's fine, I just wondered if there might be anything I could eat or take to help alleviate it
  2. As long as it's just 'old age', that I can deal with My mother suffers from chronic osteo-arthritis (now in every bone in her body) and AS, and I wondered if this might be the begining of such a route for myself... I've just read though, that the chances of a child developing AS from a parent with it, is quite low I'm not experiencing any pain or discomfort or loss of mobility, simply experiencing the same 'stiffening/pressurized' sensation I get in a finger joint before cracking a knuckle. PS When it comes to 'adjustments', I am not a 'violent wrencher', but go for a 'gradual pressure', as I'd really rather not risk crippling myself in the process PPS I get this feeling in the evening before bed, after a day of activity, not in the morning, after a night of inactivity...
  3. Silly question, I know there are several doctor's here, but isn't that what hosts/cabin crew always ask? This isn't an emergency, or even a huge concern, and not something I'd want to visit a doctor for, because I'd feel it was taking appointment time away from someone who was actually ill... Okay, down to the symptoms... For many many years, I have cracked my knuckles. Equally, for many years, several joints (wrist, knees, a once near-shattered ankle and neck) have also cracked when pressure is applied. About five years ago, I dropped a pen and twisted round to pick it up. I'd intended for the whole chair to move, but, for some reason, I only moved from the waist up, and, the force with which I turned, meant must of my lumbar vertebrae 'cracked', as if I was at an osteopath At first, I thought "F*CK!!! I've crippled myself!!!" Then I realized I hadn't soiled myself, could still feel my toes, and my back actually felt better for the 'readjustment'... For the last few weeks, my lower spine has begun to feel, well, not stiff, precicely, as I've not suffered any loss of movement or mobility, but, more like a joint feels before it is cracked, and, sure enough, a few carefull twists will crack the lumbar vertebrae. Now... Is this the begining of something ominous like Ankylosing Spondylitis, or just the beginning of 'old age' starting to show, and nothing to worry about? I know from speaking to a chiropractor years ago, that 'controlled cracking' is not particularly damaging, and, if a patient needed it, they would not hesitate to make such an adjustment, so that's not really my concern, what is concerning me, however, is the frequency with which I am feeling the need to do so... Might something like more fish oils or glycosamine supplements be of benefit to allieviate this 'stiffening'? Thanks in advance
  4. I have to agree there. If people don't feel comfortable with someone seeing the name of the forum at work, maybe they should consider not viewing it at those times... WHile I agree with the point being made that someone's business is someone's business, and it's bad form to be looking over someone's shoulder, and, call me 'old fashioned' if you must, but I can't help but feel that at the end of the day, that people go to work to work. Not use online access for their own perusal If I recall, Sir Richard Branson considered (and might even have implemented) 'e-breaks' so employees could check emails, blogs etc, rather than doing so while on his clock PS In terms of a 'forum logo', I believe the membership chose one some time back in the RWG ring thread Not much point of there being a logo if it's never used
  5. This is what I had on today. My 113 on modified Ferrari strap
  6. At the end of the day, I'd say that the difference is not between 'rep and gen', but someone who is a real lover, compared to someone who simply 'buys a nice watch'
  7. Although I have spent a fair amount of money since finding the forum, I don't regret it, as I've never gone 'spend crazy', and only bought pieces I really wanted for my collection, or needed for a certain occasion. As with anything, it's just a matter of self-restraint. Live long and prosper
  8. Looks great I know I'm a pretty die hard PAMophile, but this is one watch which really appeals to me, so I might just get one myself
  9. I wore the One Eight Something during the day, but put my 113 on for the evening
  10. Now to be fair, Rambo Stallone was first impressed by Panerai's visibility. If he has problems with his eyes, the even larger U-Boat watches would be even better suited to his needs than a Panerai... I have to admit, I quite like the look of some of the U-Boat watches, but not enough to buy one
  11. TeeJay

    Vertu Replicas

    I believe Ken sells Vertu phones
  12. Thanks for the info, bro, that is one awesome watch. The next question, is where can I get one without having to spend $325,000 That's for sure! I might have found a new 'grail wedding watch' I'd suggest watching the movie, and seeing if you still feel the same way Batman was never originally intended for kids. As much as the Adam West series brings back childhood memories, it now really annoys me how much it actually distorted the concepts. Batman was never meant to be anything other than brooding, dark, and violent... Bob Kane was actually inspired to create the character by viewing Leonardo da Vinci's glider, so no lightweight stuff there
  13. I feel likewise, they do indeed. I've only had two reps have condensation issues, one was a POS SMP, the other was a PAM 104, but, as the replacement 104 has no issues with water, I can only conclude that the first one leaking was a manufacturing issue with that individual watch. Likewise, I know that the tube/crown/cglever allignment of my 127 means it is not water resistant under normal operation, but, if I hold the crown down manually, the case itself is water resistant. Even my highly inaccurate quartz-powered 187 is water resistant, and that has chrono pushers. While I'd certainly think these watches would benefit from a pressue check before any kind of actual dive experience, everyday water exposure, such as showering/bathing/swimming shouldn't be an issue. Certainly not if it is a relatively 'solid' case, such as Luminors, Radiomirs, DateJusts and Submariners etc. Folks can, by all means, take a watch in for testing before risking an immersion, or, they can just grab the bull by the horns, run the cold tap on full, and hold the watch under the flow Okay, so putting a leather strap under water isn't a good idea, if the owner wants it to stay looking nice, but other than that, it's a bit silly to worry, say, if at a pool party, about not wanting to get a "diver's watch" (from a brand known for it's water-resistance) wet
  14. I just re-watched the movie, and I wondered if anyone knew what watch Christian Bale was wearing? It appeared to be polished SS, rectangular case, on a brown aligator strap. Maybe a JLC? Thanks in advance
  15. I don't think it's 'squishy' enough, but I could always try
  16. That's crazy size I was aiming more at baseball size, but 6" diameter is huuuuge
  17. You know what they say, 'simple pleasures for a simple mind'
  18. Those things which have been sought for ages, and finally become acquired. Not just a nice new watch, or a car, or even a house, but even the most simple of things. Well, that happened for me yesterday Let me tell you a story: About five years ago, I was working at the head office of a car finance company (they went bust fairly recently ) and, this was, to date, the best job I'd had. It wasn't particularly glamourous, just setting up new client accounts and a little under-writing, but, it was a good crowd to work with, a nice office, good pay (and every morning, a local catering company would bring in all manner of sandwiches and snacks, I was rather partial to their pizza wraps... ) and beat the hell out of the retail management job I'd been in for several years. But, things weren't to last for two reasons. One: I'd been promised a transfer into the underwriting department, which was something I had a real flair for, but it never actually happened, so, I got rather disillusioned and demotivated about my work, and Two: The relationship I was in ended at the same time, sending me into a very brief, but very deep, depression. Needless to say, I didn't care about doing any work, and in the end, during a meeting to see if I could 'improve my performance', I quit. Anywho, as it turned out, the company went bust a few years later, so I would've lost the job eventually, and, it meant I was able to move on, without having to compete with everyone in the company for a new job Anyway.... The manager who oversaw my department, had a ball on his desk. It looked kind of weird, so one time, I asked him about it, and he said it was made of rubber bands, and he'd actually found it in his desk when he'd started. From that moment, although it was not a 'Driving Passion', I really wanted a rubber band ball of my own Fast forward five years, and in that time, the 'Ball Quest' was a burried, near repressed memory, until yesterday... While doing some work, I was doing some tidying, and wound up with at least twenty or thirty rubber bands. At first, I thought, where should I store them? Would they come in handy? Then, I remembered recently reading an article of 'bloke skills', where it said that every 'man' should be able to make a ball of rubber bands, and, the dim memory of the rubber band ball re-surfaced, so, I got to work, and, the result, is this: My very own rubber band ball At the moment, it's only about the size of a golf ball, but, now I have it, I plan on adding to it, when more free bands become available How does it handle? Well, being utterly not smooth, it's incredibly tactile, so a good 'stress reliever' toy, and, being rubber, it bounces rather well. (A moderately hard downward throw will get a bounce of at least eight feet) Have I sat bouncing it off a wall Steve McQueen-style? But, the most satisfying thing about it, is not that I made it myself, nor how much fun it is, but, the fact that it's something I've wanted for quite a while, and finally been able to aquire with almost no effort on my part What're your simple, but satisfying aquisitions, and the stories behind them?
  19. That much variety down to two... Would I? Absolutely no way. Ignoring the fact I wouldn't buy a gen anyway, I wouldn't want to get rid of such a varied collection. That's just me though... Enjoy your purchases
  20. A-Merr-i-i-caa... A-Merr-i-i-caa... A-mer-i-cur! F*ck Yeah!
  21. It's the phonetic spelling of the initials of my first and middle names
  22. Strong words maybe, but all of them true. I admit, yes, Neil could be extremely witty at time, but, his other anti-social behaviour, not just towards Admin, but towards other board members, was simply unacceptable, and went way beyond the bounds of acceptable behaviour. I moderated a forum a while back, and, had Neil been behaving like that on 'my' forum, he would have been banned long ago. He was given more than enough 'leeway', and when people behave like he did, then Admin had no choice but to ban him. Sometimes, turning the other cheek just gets you slapped harder (and I feel this would be the case if he was allowed back) As I said above, if people want to talk to, or do business, with Neil, he is freely available on RG. There is no need for him to have a presence here. On another note, welcome back
  23. Let's not. Neil is an extremely arrogant and abusive individual. The whole tone of this forum has improved immeasurably since he was banned. He was banned for threats to the Admin. He does not deserve to be given 'the benefit of the doubt' or any 'second chances'. I don't care how high his IQ is, anyone of reasonable intellect should know that polite behaviour does not involve abusive or threatening behaviour. If people want to talk to, or do business, with Neil, he is freely available on RG. I hope he is never allowed back on this forum, and, I promise this here and now, if he ever is, I will never contribute another cent towards the upkeep of this forum. Hambone and I rarely (if ever) see eye to eye, but he summed Neil up perfectly. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Good riddance to bad rubbish.
  24. SuperDooper Top Secret Actually, it's just a case of the room where it is being held (the Mirror Room, in Portmeirion) is only booked for 12 people (including Emily and I) so all the other people present, are going to be best men, bridesmaids and witnesses The deal was we could have it for 12 people for X amount, or 30 people for Y amount. X was cheaper, but, we knew that if we invited 30 people, the chance of them actually turning up (due to travel issues) would be slim, so the easiest option was to book it for a small private ceremony, and then book a more local venue for a 'reception' of sorts when we get home, and invite folks to that instead [Edit to add] Here's the link for the closeups of the 113
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