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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. I agree, there is always something new to learn in terms of horology, but in terms of who is a good dealer/who should be avoided (the primary reason for forums like this) that is information that once someone knows, then they know it, and only occasionallly that someone will come up with a really good 'new source'. It's like I said before about how someone once commented that they thought the forum had 'slowed down', but someone else pointed out that from their join date, it was a case of they had recently signed up, read a huge amount of 'old' information, but then found that there was less 'new' information, so from their perspective, they felt things had slowed down, when really, it was just a case that they had finished 'playing catch up'. I'm not even saying that that's how I personally feel about the subject, I'm just trying to see that all the angles are covered. As Ry pointed out, there are plenty of people viewing, but not many actually talking. Some of those viewers might not feel comfortable discussing issues like this on open forum, so keep quiet, some might feel that they've only been a member for a week so their opinion might not be considered over those of more long-standing posters... As I said, I'm just playing Devil's Advocate so other less obvious options (or opinions) are brought to the table as well.
  2. I quite agree with you, I was merely playing Devil's Advocate to consider that other aspects as to why people may not feel 'the need' to subscribe. My only concern, is that if opinions become too polarized, and indeed, the social aspect comes with the subscription, then I can see that potentially driving off a few people who would otherwise make excellent contributions to the community of the forum, simply because they feel unwelcomed for not subscribing. Likewise, and it has been a pleasure to get to know you as well, and I agree, we can view subscriptions in any way to make them more palatable, as I suggested to someone that they consider a fee as a repair fee rather than a release fee, just so mentally, they find it more acceptable, my only concern, is those who for whatever reason choose not to subscribe, being driven away, or otherwise excluded... Not everyone can afford to put their hand in their pocket 'on cue'. More importantly, not everyone wants to. That is why these discussions are so helpfull, as they can bring about sollutions which make things more palatable for everyone. Probably not a whole lot. Some people will simply never contribute financially to the forum for whatever reason. It might be read by new buyers, but the point I was making, was that once someone has read that information, it becomes redundant to them. They don't need to keep re-reading that X is a good dealer, or that Y is a rip-off artist, or that Z is a drop-shipper who never gets it right. Once they've read it, they don't need that information, yet they remain for the social aspects of the forum. Once someone has all the watches they need, then it becomes a case that they 'came for the watches but stay for the people', and my point, was that some people might not be prepared to subscribe to view a forum solely so they can hang out and chat, that was why I felt a restructuring could be beneficial, as some have expressed the view that people are obliged to pay for the information they have found usefull (which in itself is simply an opinion, people have the right to disagree with that view) so restructuring the permissions and areas, would mean that only subscribers benefit from the watch information, but everyone, subscriber or not, could still benefit from the social aspects, and then there would be no cause for subscribers to take a 'high and mighty' attitude towards non-subscribers, which, intended or not, can happen at present. As Lanikai pointed out, that would let people participate as they chose and felt comfortable with.
  3. Absolutely, the need not renew their subscription, but, then there would be the situation we have at present, where non-subscribing members are looked on as getting a free ride off of the subscribers, and the problems we have seen with people being 'encouraged' to subscribe, by means both friendly, and not so. I guess the point I was trying to illustrate, is that once someone has the watches/info they need, their only reason for remaining is the community aspects, rather than the purely informational aspects of the forum. Maybe it would be worth re-structuring the forum so that subscribers get much more information than non-subscribers, while still allowing everyone to benefit from the discussions and camaraderie... Indeed, I enjoy debate as well, although my post was intended more as using yours as a springboard, and expanding on the theme I agree, the actual fee is not much, and I suspect the amount of it's cost is not the actual issue with people not subscribing, but more along the lines of them feeling they're not actually gaining much by subscribing... Just my .2c
  4. I got the urge at lunchtime to put my 2531.80 SMP on. Y'all know what it looks like
  5. To also play Devil's Advocate, I must point out that although use of the forum might initially save people money on buying reps from disreputeable dealers, before long, people know who is good to do business with, and who to avoid. With that being the case, information on the forum, (unless it is an article relevent to a key area of a person's interest, such as movement assembly, comparisons between the various divers watches or GMT models) rapidly becomes redundant, so those members would find themselves paying a subscription, just to 'chat and hang out with friends'. Some people don't mind doing that, some do. Someone once commented that they thought the forum had slowed down, but someone else then pointed out that as they had been a member for a while, they had 'stopped learning' the new things, which, when new to a forum, every post and thread is fascinating and new to read, but, once that's all been read, there is less 'new stuff' to learn, hence the appearance of 'forum lag'. I'd say that is a comparable scenario to people initially saving money on a watch by not going to a scam site, but, once they've settled on a dealer, they tend to spend spend spend, so probably spend, in total, as much, if not more, than they originally might have done (although if it's on several watches, that is of course better value for money) Just wanted to throw that out as it may be a factor people do not take into account. Hopefully, once my cheque clears tomorrow, I'll be able to upgrade, and thus begin my monthly zakat [Edit to add] Also, if someone only wants specific watches, or just a specific watch for their collection, once they have it, they have no need to rely on the forum to direct them to reputeable sources, hence my comment above about speciality articles retaining their interest more than just purchassing recommendations.
  6. Oh I don't doubt it aids the visibility, as it gives the eye something to 'latch onto' rather than just 'looking for the sweeping hand', I just feel that the distinction of the extra dial creates an effect more like on a chronograph, which personally, I find cluttering. As for the date feature, while I admit they are useful, and, having been so used to having one on my watches, I caught myself looking to check the date on my 111h a few times, but, from a purely lazy point of view, I don't like having to manually re-set the date each month (when the watch is worn constantly) and, from an aesthetic point of view, find that the date window itself can 'disrupt' the dial, as it makes it asymetrical (something I have a borderling OCD issue with) It's a bit like the date window on the HBBs: Stuck in a place that looks like a design 'afterthought' rather than an intentional placement. Of course, as mentioned above, for all those things I would normally dislike on a watch, the one V showed, I think looks absolutely fantastic. The exception that proves the rule, one might say
  7. Awesome I found a 75/25 Pepsi/Coke mix the best, as it kept the taste and sweetness of the Pepsi, but with a little extra kick (I prefer Pepsi to Coke normally)
  8. TeeJay

    My 005

    Looks really nice, the strap especially sets it off nicely If you try charging the lume from an LED torch, you might get better results (they always get a better result than bulb torches, the result would also depend, however, on the quality of the lube) Wear it well
  9. I know what you mean there, and quite agree about those features you don't normally like, but, I also have to agree and say that that is a really nice watch Would I wear one myself? Probably not at the moment, but maybe in 10-20 years when I'm living in Marseille writing my memoirs
  10. I mixed Coke and Pepsi once. It was goooood
  11. To be honest, I think it'd be a comparable feeling. If someone can afford the $10,000 for the gen, they could afford the cost of a replacement case-back. Similarly, the cost of the repairs doesn't concern me in terms of amount, it's just a case of if it would be cheaper (always my favorite option ) to buy a replacement watch rather than obtain a replacement caseback and the cost of repairs. To be honest, although the watch quickly became one of my favorites, it held no sentimental value, as it was just 'a watch I'd bought'. My Omegas, on the other hand, were bought with inheritance money, so have sentimental value, as will the 127 my fiance has bought as my birthday present next week (should arrive the day after my birthday). She was going to buy it as my christmas present (so it would have equally had sentimental value) but following what happened, moved the schedule forward, so is buying it now I'd be way more upset about damaging a watch with sentimental value than one which was simply 'a purchase'.
  12. And several times, to make sure they get the right measurement How's that for dedication to quality service = Person being measured
  13. Have to admit, not my cup of tea... I don't like the sub-dial distinction for the second sweep, nor that it has a date window... Other than that, nice watch
  14. They sure are. At least I don't have to worry about the same thing happening with my 127
  15. Ahh. Hopefully a correctable malfunction Indeed, that's definitely typical psychology
  16. Only thing I can suggest, is going into a jewellers, getting them to size the finger as normal, and then ask what that size convert to in mm. Even if the clerk gives you this look: , their manager should (one would hope) be able to answer the question.
  17. I guess that's the power of flying stainless steel and gravity... What happened to the Day-Date? I have to admit, I'm a little surprized myself at how well I'm taking it. I guess it's because I had another watch I really love that I could put on, and the knowledge that the PAM can either be repaired, replaced with an identical model, or, most likely, just rendered redundant when my 127 arrives. I figure why stress over a watch that might onlyhave 7 days more 'regular' wrist time...
  18. Probably my all-time favorite film. Can't wait till I can aquire one of the handguns for my collection
  19. Why should prices only come from 'recognized dealers'? As Hyster pointed out above, some of those 'recognized dealers', have been shown to 'bend the truth', so why should they be kept on a pedestal as the only valid sources? These forums exist to protect the buyers, not the dealers... That's not to say that all the dealers here are disreputeable, the majority are indeed honourable and trustworthy, the point I'm trying to make, is that people shouldn't be scared to 'think outside the box'. I think a thread like this is a fantastic idea The one suggestion I would make, is that any recommendations people make, should be ones backed up by their personal aquisition of said watch, not just " I saw this going cheap and thought it looked okay... " If someone's actually gone through the deal, has the product in their hand and still feels they got a good deal worth sharing, then fantastic
  20. (from Blade Runner) The light that burns twice as brightly burns half as long... Or something along that line Fingers crossed, it will be repairable, I can't imagine that glass dust would be that damaging that a stripdown and cleaning of the movement wouldn't restore it
  21. 'Slick'?? How about 'dishonest', 'manipulative' or 'sneaky'? They go well Just saying though, because everyone knows that OJ was found innocent
  22. Well, I was a tad concerned when it stopped working after I blew on it, and, when I took my 2531.80 in for repair, they replaced the entire movement rather than fixing what should have been, a minor adjustment or repair (I'd done something while trying to regulate it, but nothing heavy-handed, just moved the beat and regulating arms) if that's their approach in this case, then this watch might have to 'take one for the team', and get replaced... Absolutely, they're just the sugar-coating, but hey, I've still got my Omegas to make me feel like a Big Man
  23. I decided to get a new wrist shot afterall @ Arty: Looking good
  24. I replaced the Fallen PAM with my old favorite (Sorry for the old pic, I'm actually wearing a pink shirt )
  25. I'm waiting on an email back from my dealer, but I am hoping they'll be able to send (even if I have to pay) a new back. If they can't, and, depending on the costs for repairs, I'll likely just order an identical replacement. I wouldn't mind paying the watchsmiths for a new movement if I'd actually done anything to the movement which could have killed it (like my attempts of regulation) but it literally only stopped working when I blew to remove the glass dust. At that point, I hadn't thought to use the 'rubber glove' method to get the back off. Looking back, it might've been an idea to try that first, but hindsight is always 20/20
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