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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. I'm having a bit of a frustrating time, and wondered if anyone might have any suggestions... When it arrived, my new 16610 was water resistant: I showered and bathed in it, and ran it under the cold faucet at full force, with no issues what so ever. A few days ago, I noticed that the 10 marker was very slightly raised from the dial, and the crystal was offset by 1 degree clockwise, so I decided to fix the issues for something to do, and since then, if the watch is held under the running faucet (or taken outside in the cold) the inside of the crystal fogs up There is absolutely zero signs of actual flooding, ie no droplets round the edge of the crystal, and no droplets around the inside of the caseback or crown. I used a vice to clamp the case, so I know the crystal is seated as firmly as possible, and the gasket appears exactly as it did before popping the crystal, and the caseback and crown are being screwed down as tightly as possible, allowing no further rotation... Any ideas? Could this be due to the crystal transmitting temperature fluctuation, like the inside of a house window condensing on a cold day, rather than 'traditional leakage'? Any suggestions? At the moment, I'm trying gently warming the watch dismantled so as to let it dry, bu t several drying periods have this far not prevented the fogging occuring, neither did replacing the gaskets, so thought I'd open this one up to those in the know
  2. Thanks for the feedback, amigos I'm about to watch the film again properly, and will keep my eyes peeled
  3. I was just watching the movie (got about halfway through, before deciding to call it a night) and his watch caught my attention in a few scenes. It looked like a black-dialled early Daytona (I forget the model number) on a black leather (or possibly Tropic) strap, and I was wondering if anyone knew for sure what watch he was wearing?
  4. Nothing like a custom build
  5. Thanks to an Italian magazine, folks insist on referring to the 1655 as a 'McQueen', but the simple fact, is that there is absolutely zero evidence of him ever owning one. Not a single photo of confirmation... Being an expert in Daytonas does not qualify him as an expert in GMTs An interesting blog article though, and reassuring to see such sloppy dial printing on a genuine product, it certainly showcases the quality of commercially available replicas
  6. Why? I never had an issue with the water resistance of three Planet Oceans, and I'm sure I paid a lot less for mine than you did for yours Have you ever had it it flood, or have you simply never tried getting it wet because of the rumor that reps flood at the first sight of rain?
  7. I can't see the gen industry ever taking a hit on business levels, all the time there are tasteless rappers prepared to pay the pricetag to feel like a Mac Daddy, but I do hope that in time, the general public will come to see through the consumerist branding and marketting lies, and realize that the 'counterfeit goods' can very often be produced on the same lines as the 'real thing'. As I mentioned in another thread, the watch on my wrist says Rolex on the dial, it doesn't flood when it gets wet, and the movement is barely out of COSC standard in out of the box condition (something I can tweak when I modify the dial as a 16800 conversion project) It is a Rolex, it was just assembled in China, rather than Switzerland
  8. Not even slightly Although I wouldn't say it's my all time favorite watch, I'll use the 16610 Submariner as an example: The gen is appx £3000 at retail. Rather than paying that 4-5 years ago, I bought a 16610 from EuroFakes at about $800 (YSerial, whatever kind of rep that relates to) Knowing what I do now, I know that I well and truly got my pants pulled down over the price, even though the watch itself, I will call flawless. I expect it did have flaws, but in every comparison I made to gen images, I could never find any discrepancies... The other week, I received a budget 16610 which was about £38 shipped. Now, while it has some easily noticeable differences, such as size of hands and hour markers, construction of the diver's extension, lack of engravings, it is by all measurable visual standards, a less accurate replication than the EuroFakes Submariner, yet it is still a perfectly wearable watch. Something the average guy on the street likely would not know enough to distinguish from the real thing, something which keeps time at +9.5 seconds a day, is readable in the dark, and doesn't fog up when it gets wet, so an equally wearable time piece, but at a fraction of the cost, so even at 50% retail, I'd still not be willing to lay out that kind of money on a gen, as the budget replica ticks all the boxes Even if I had Walden Schmidt's $1.3b, given my life of financial woe and 'making do', I wouldn't be able to shake the conditioning of thinking that the gen simply wasn't worth the money
  9. That's a shame the experience totally turned him off watches, you never know, he may regain his interest in the future I've had more conversations about project watches in general, rather than the "Is that real?" question I've found that people're a bit more interested in projects, even if they're not really into watches, than just noticing them I think in general, most 'non-watch folks' simply don't care
  10. Since my previous reply to this thread, my thoughts have changed slightly on the subject: I now wouldn't even buy a gen for donor parts for one of my bastardization projects If I was somehow to find/inherit/receive/win a gen, fine, but othersise, I simply wouldn't ever want one
  11. That's cheaper than what I buy
  12. Can't wait to see how it looks when it's finished, bro When funds allow, I'm going to be undertaking a 16610 to 16800 project, from the budget end of the spectrum
  13. Sorry to hear about your brother getting stung like that, I can understand why it's soured him to watches, and indeed, quite a difference wearing a rep and knowing that it is, rather than thinking something is the real thing, and then being told it's not, shame on those who sells reps as gen... Oh for sure, I wouldn't spew "It's a fake, I'm a cheapass!!!" if someone was to simply mention the watch, they would have to actually ask the question to be told that
  14. All I can say, is if someone can strip the watch themself, it's no hassle to dunk it under a running faucet, and swiftly strip it if needbe... If not, then by all means go to somewhere that can use a professional pressure tester. As I've said quite a bit lately though, chances are the watch will be water resistant
  15. I'm sure I heard about a story on TZ a year or so back where a guy had owned a particular sub for about ten years, totally believed it to be the real deal, but when he sent it away for servicing, they turned round and told him it was a rep. I always took this is a good example of how a person's perception of an item is all that changes, yet can dramatically alter their feelings about it, but equally, it's a good example of how someone genuinely might not know they were wearing a rep, so always saying it was gen
  16. I would say what makes someone act like that, but having read the blog, it's pretty clear the guy has some serious insecurities (probably hung like a hamster) so that explains the love for BIG MASCULINE WATCHES There's nothing wrong with buying and wearing replica watches, it's simply a case of smart purchassing: Why pay an over-inflated pricetag for a watch which probably costs less that $50 to make? There's a fine line when it comes to 'fronting'... I'm not ashamed of any of the watches I own, and wear them with equal pride, I have no fear of wearing them out in public. The watch on my wrist right now says 'Rolex' on the dial, it's telling the time, it doesn't flood when it gets wet, the hands glow, and the second hand sweeps smooth as silk, not once a second like quartz (I do love my quartz Submariner though ) or worse yet, skipping every few seconds as it sweeps. This is a real watch... It is a Rolex... It just happens to have been made in China, rather than Switzerland I wear it like what it is. If someone was to say "Nice watch..." I'd thank them. If someone was to ask where I got it, I would tell them: "Internet..." and if they asked if it was 'real', then I would tell them honestly There was a guy a few years back who tried putting down some janitor over his quartz sub, trying to pass his own rep off as the real thing, just to try and look like a pimp infront of some girl, he got chased off the forum pretty quick... The guy who owns that collection is clearly cut from the same cloth as the other douchebag... Not someone who's opinion you need to concern yourself with... It's YOUR watch, bought with YOUR money, it's MEANT to be on YOUR wrist, and don't let some under-sized Beta, who wishes he was an Alpha, tell you otherwise
  17. If he was a member here, someone would have recognized his collection by now... Next time he tries playing Mr Big Potatoes, just tell him you know all the watches are fake and tell him to fuck off
  18. Looking again, I think new subdial hands on the middle watch as well
  19. New pushers on the outside watches?
  20. If you know the guy's means don't add up to that kind of gen collection, I'd say he's just a douchebag trying to blow smoke up your ass, those pictures don't prove a thing. Serial numbers, on the other hand, would be much more revealing
  21. I'm on the verge of selling my Tudor Heritage due to financial trouble... The only thing preventing me doing so, is that it has too much sentimental value, and at sale, won't raise enough money to actually be of any real financial assistance, so I would be down a piece which means a lot to me, and still not have enough cash to make the difference, so no sale for me, but just to say, sometimes, financial difficulties are legit
  22. No pic, but now back with the 1655 in honor of Hike's expedition. The 16610 tapped out at +9/10 seconds, and will be sitting in the parts tray till I can begin the 16800 conversion project, but no matter how soon it's finished, the 1655 won't be coming off till Hike hits the peak
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