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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. Amazing photos, amigos, I'm ashamed to sully the lineup with this one, but I had to share what I'd done with my DateJust, and am still only able to use my iPhone for all net access... Some time back, JMB generously gifted me a project he had been working on to create an Oyster Quartz, and that came with a rather nice platinum sunburst dial. Originally, I ordered my DJ with a black dial, thinking it would lend the watch an 'everyday' quality. Well, after a few months, despite me filing the case and bracelet to 'reduce the bling' of the polished surfaces, there was something niggling me which I just couldn't put my finger on, when it finally struck me: The dial was, IMHO, too 'mundane' for the watch, and performing below the par of the rest of the watch. So I swapped it over for the sunburst dial, and am now 100% satisfied with it. Despite my intent for it to be a 'smart wear' watch, I still feel comfortable wearing it with jeans and T-shirt, and as I've had it since October, it still feels like 'my watch', rather than something new and unfamilar. But. It also now has what I can only describe as, that 'classic Rolex' feel, like the watches used when discussing Rolex: The purest examples of each line, rather than the less popular variations. Even though the platinum dial is 'fancier' than the black dial, it is no fancier than the rest of the watch: No one part overpowers another, it simply 'is'. Of course, it's still a budget DJ with no gen parts added, and I'm sure there are tells which an expert could spot at a glance, but I really don't care (as I never have about such things) as I'm simply happy to have brought my watch to its full potential. Real Rolex or Fake Rolex, it is still a Rolex, and at last, it is 'classic enough' to look and feel like one (IMHO) Many thanks again, J, as without your gift, the watch would likely have remained an occasional wear 'good enough, but nothing special' budget beater, but I couldn't stand to let the dial continue to sit in my parts tray, and I think it has fit in perfectly
  2. Happy birthday, bro, I hope you've had a good one
  3. The DSSD manages to do that all on its own without any help Jokes aside, totally agree about using it as an SD base, and the Seiko styling, I thought that when I first saw it as well
  4. I think it looks great, especially the wabi insert
  5. I agree, definitely Maxi markers. Can't wait to see how the project works out
  6. Ahahahahahahahahaha So-called 'experts' and brand-obsessed elitists Nothing like seeing them brought down a peg or too
  7. Do it!!! :tu: One of your Rose dial decals with the markers from a regular Sub dial, and you'll be on the money
  8. I like the pelagos, and the black bay isn't bad, but the black bay looks more like an assortment of spare parts which were assembled, rather than an intentional new design like the advisor, or a revision of an exising design, like the pelagos or the Heritage chrono
  9. Looking good As above, not accurate, but who cares about 'accuracy', when personal tastes are involved... It looks good, and that's all that matters Similarly, I've seen a budget version of the GMTIIc with a standard black bezel instead of the ceramic bezel, and likewise, it may not be accurate, but on its own merits as a watch, it looks slick
  10. Interesting... From a technological point of view, I quite like it, but the inner GMT ring is too 'cluttering'/complicating for my taste, and it's not a watch I would want to own
  11. If you want to see what it's like before buying one, try finding an AD so you can try one on, then decide if you want to buy one or not. Whatever replica you buy, you would still likely to compare them side by side with the real thing to identify any differences, and as regards the price, it's a better deal than buying the real thing
  12. Terrible to see As Andreww said, it's a shame the buildings are built to be replaceable, rather than built to last. Can't imagine what it must be like to lose everything like that, a humbling thought indeed...
  13. Absolutely fantastic build kudos to jmb for the metal work
  14. Awesome, I'll give it a go, and thanks for the help, much appreciated
  15. Thanks for the feedback, I'm seriously tempted to do it When you restored from the backup after installing, did you lose any of your apps, pictures or saved notes?
  16. I'd say sell it, and put the money toward something you want and will actually like, that way, said item would still have been paid for by the present, so can still have meaning A while back I was very generously gifted a watch with the express instructions that it was my property, and that I could keep, sell or trade it as I either saw fit or necessity dictated. It didn't get much wrist time, but after a while, the opportuniy came up where I was able to use it to trade for a watch which does see a lot of wrist time, and which still carries the sentimental value and meaning of the original gifted watch If you can sell it and get something you will like, then go for it
  17. If so, any opinions? Is what it does worth wiping the phone's contents?
  18. I'm no environmentalist or eco warrior, but since seeing one on Two and a Half Men, I'm really liking the Fisker Karma
  19. If there was a high end store in town, I would definitely do that one day just to hear the difference I sold all my CDs to pay for my tattoo equipment, so everything I have music-wise is in mp3 format. Some is stuff I'd ripped from the CDs before selling them, some is from my father in law's music library of stuff he also backed up to MP3, and the rest is MP3s ripped from YouTube at high quality conversion, and then filtered through iTunes on 'lossless' option. A few months back, I plugged my iPod nano into a large rechargeable PA speaker, and was surprised that the sound quality was as good as via headphones or my home speaker/dock, but I did read an article a while back saying that iPods would deliver music at the quality of the MP3, even if hooked up to a professional mixing deck, and that it was the quality of the MP3 itself, (other than the speakers, or course ) which was the key ingredient I'm not really one for headphones at all, as I find them uncomfortable, but was interested in this topic as it was a review of a replica product, or, as is looking more likely, deliberate factory surplus to allow for backdoor sales
  20. My Suunto Vecto clone is about 45mm, but it's really a 'rugged wear only' watch, I think size-wise, I'll be sticking to the vintage Sub and DJ sizes from now on (well, other than the 1665 I want to try )
  21. Just his missperception of how he should be treated by a retailer... What the hell is that supposed to mean? Totally agree, some people just have unrealistic and unreasonable expectations in this game.
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