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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:
  2. Ahh, I see what you mean Yeah, pretty stupid to ask "Is so and so dealer trusted??" when they're on the list
  3. Oh yeah :thumbsupsmileyanim: Even Jesus was known to kick some ass when the situation called for it Besides, how can one doubt God's sense of humor when there is this fine example of His work... This is the work of someone with a few spares and time on His hands on the 7th Day
  4. I'd like to throw in my .2c here, as my rep-buying experiences have been somewhat different to many. Due to cashflow issues, I can't afford the more expensive reps, and at the moment, even a $108 rep is an unaffordable dream, so I've always looked around and seen what deals were avaialable via 'off-site' dealers, and I can honestly say that I have not had half the troubles using them, that some folks seem to have had when using forum trusted dealers. A dealer I've been buying from on CQout, has a rating of 424 positive feedbacks, and zero negative feedbacks. This is a site which employs a 'three strikes' policy: More than three negative feedbacks, and that dealer is gone. No questions asked, just gone. 100% buyer protection. Even WatchEden, prior to their RWG days traded on CQout and were unlucky enough to fall victim to this three strikes policy, and I always (and still do) consider them to be an excellent dealer. Of course, you can't please everyone all the time, n00bs can have unrealistic and unreasonable expectations as to what they are getting, so of course, some negative feedback is inevitable (especially from those new to the rep game who seem to think they are buying regular goods at a regular store and expect identical standards of product and customer service ) I've seen one dealer come onto the forum, quickly become a regular poster and major player in regards the QC and customer service, and then sadly go down-hill to the point that they are no longer considered a trusted dealer, but instead a pariah to avoid (I'm not naming names here, I'm not playing favorites, I'm just giving the facts, I only named WatchEden specifically as they have been both an on and off-forum dealer, so an exception to the rule of say Silix and the Cartel) All I can say, is that people should go with whichever dealer they feel the most comfortable dealing with. They can all get access to the same stock, so it's not like trying to choose between the venders at the food-court, it's like going to a food-court where they are all McDonalds, and you just go to the kiosk with the staff you like the most. As with everything, reasonable expectations and behavior, yield reasonable results The one thing I would add, is that with on-forum dealers, should a transaction go bad, there is at least the option of Admin involvement to aid in the resolution, but as with everything, it is a matter of common sense when selecting... People don't go to hairdressers they don't like... People don't sit down for a tattoo when the artist's portfolio looks like a pre-schooler sketchbook ( ) People don't eat from places where there is filth on the counter or bad reviews... As many have said before me, first choose your dealer, then choose your watch
  5. i·ro·ny1     [ahy-ruh-nee, ahy-er-] –noun, plural -nies. 1. God's warped sense of humor, manifested through the system known as Karma I know, it was a pretty amusing situation when it occured, and I can only say that Emily's life has been much happier since the removal of her bio-dad from it I know what you mean though, good people brings good situations, it's just a case of surrounding yourself with the right crew
  6. Karma exists... Best example I can give, is my wife's bio-dad never paid child-support, always played mind-games, always did everything to serve himself. He dropped dead of a massive heart attack at his market stall (where he made over £150 a day, yet still claimed poverty to the Child Support Agency) ten days before we got married, on the day which, had she been alive, would have been his ex-mother in law's birthday. That strikes me as too much of a cosmic smiting to be anything other than karma... Don't worry, the douche who stole your watch will get his when the time comes. Maybe the movement will fail and he'll miss an important meeting, maybe he'll get hit by a bus crossing the road, who knows, but one thing's for sure, his cards are marked with the Big Cheese
  7. It's not so much the diameter of the case which was an issue for me, but the thickness and height which it stands from the wrist... Way too clumsy for anything other than casual/tool watch use, but of course, to each his own
  8. It's not normal. The automatic movement should keep running all the time you are wearing it (and still run for appx 24 hours after being taken off)
  9. How much would you be looking to get for the Yachtmaster?
  10. How important is 100% perfect accuracy in the watch to you? If it's not, just buy a budget Submariner. That'll leave you the spare cash to keep the wife happy and hopefully make a start on your project watch
  11. Thanks for the comments, amigos I'm glad to know it's not just me who doesn't really feel it, even though I understand that it is a popular watch I think if the watch was re-released with a 22mm bracelet, I would have no issues with it 'as a watch'. The height which the watch stands from the wrist is probably no worse than a PAM (but I think it is taller than the Heritage) but I certainly wouldn't try and wear it with a suit. T-Shirt and jeans or shorts (or a wetsuit ) sure, but not if the aim of the wardrobe is to look smart... I must also agree with the above comment about the fit and finish of the bracelet. Links flowed absolutely butter-soft, quite a difference from the 'straight from the factory and in need of lubing' rep bracelets The other aspect which did catch my attention, was the semi-matte finish to the dial. It would've been nice to see it under natural sunlight, but I doubt they'd've let me take it out of the mall for the experiment
  12. Not impressed Probably the shortest review I've ever written, so I'll go into a bit more detail Everything I feared about the watch from seeing pics of it on here, were confirmed the instant I picked it up. The dial and case, viewed 'dial-on', was not so bad, especially as I had my Heritage on prior to trying, but the thickness of the case, definitely seemed a bit OTT, and I totally stand by my previous comments about the thickness of the bracelet... The DSSD needs a 22mm bracelet to be a proper aesthetic match for the case. It felt okay on the wrist, not too heavy or unbalanced, but it definitely isn't the watch for me, as I could never accept the bracelet/watch ratio... Oh well, I know it's a popular watch, and to each his own, but I just wanted say a few words on the subject
  13. Any time, I've always been a sucker for custom
  14. Love it :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:
  15. Looks almost like scorching... You could maybe try removing the marker and gently filing the side to see if the stain lifts, but not too sure what else to suggest
  16. Waiting for the Rapture with an old favorite
  17. Awesome :thumbsupsmileyanim: Ahh, I see I like how the word sounds similar to the rank 'Commodore' My own children's names, I would likely just do a straight translation, rather than finding the Japanese word, simply because I don't think Japanese has words for Luke and Lilith
  18. I haven't come across that site before, but I will certainly check it out, so thanks for the heads up And absolutely. Luckily, my best friend's wife is native-born Japanese, so I have a source I can go to for translations There was no way I was getting that one wrong Interestingly, the spelling I have always come across, is komadori, not komatori, as you wrote Doesn't bear thinking about Or even if someone's gone to a person in a foreign restaurant in the hopes of getting a translation, and getting given the 'kick me' None of the shops locally will take on apprentices, they just see them as future competition, so won't do anything to help anyone out, and of course, in the process, totally forgetting that someone once gave them a hand-up to learn... Fortunately, UK regulations allow people to register as 'mobile artists', who then go to the client's home. It's just a matter of creating a sterile working environment, and to be honest, probably easier than maintaining a sterile environment in a studio, which has people in and out all day Sorry to hear of your own tattoo experiences, I've also seen some pretty shocking work come out of studios over the years I think it's sad that, as an industry, there is a lot of snobbery towards artists who don't work out of a studio. Sure, having a studio is nice and all, but it doesn't guarantee that the guy in the chair actually has any artistic skill, just that he knows enough about BBPs and sterile practice to pass the necessary paperwork... Several of the well known artists today started out at home with home-made equipment, but their work now speaks for itself Mine says I need to learn more, but that's okay, as that's my plan
  19. :thumbsupsmileyanim: It's a tattoo machine, minus tip (of the tube) and needle. Essentially just two electromagnetic coils, as on old-fashioned bell ringers
  20. Machine is 100% rebuilt, including the coil wraps (printed from close ups I took of Yen notes in Tokyo)
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