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Posts posted by Nebakanezzar

  1. Hey All,

    I wanted to check out the new Omega PO Chrono in person, so I droped by an AD in the mall.

    One M A J O R flaw in the rep is the thickness...the PO chrono is at least 1.5x (probobly more) thicker than the PO...the rep in the dealer pics looks (to me) to use the same case for the chrono as they do for the reg PO.

    After looking at the gen PO and PO Chrono side by side, I like the PO better. The Chrono is just tooooo thick and bulky, and the dial is way too busy! and the colored pushers, I find, are a bit tacky...

    I am excited to see a 45mm rep has come out with the correct 22mm lugs. I was about to give up on this and buy the 42.5mm 4th gen PO, but now I will wait for the 45 mm to get a bit better (AR coated and a more accurate orange bezel), and than pull the trigger!

  2. I wasn't saying the trend is going down yet, just that the high end manufacturers think it is begining to peak and will track back downward. Of the 'haute horology" manufacturers, very few caught the wave of the trend (Chronoswiss and IWC come to mind) and of the mainstream manufacturers, Breitling seems to have ridden it into the beach.

    I guess I'm just an old fart but 42 mm is about a maximum for me. Even my beloved Breitling GT looks a bit grotesque to me at times.

    [cough] Big Pilot [/cough]

  3. First, could they fix the subdial spacing on the speedy? Yes. With some offset gearing the dials could be tweaked into a more favorible position. Do they have any incentive to do so. Absolutely not! The Daytona is a very popular replica and demand sets the market as evidenced by the amount of gearing added to it to move the dials accurately, (and at the expense of the mechanical reliability of the pieces. Read The Zigmeister's review of the Daytona running seconds at six for a great explaination of the "Rube Goldberg" dial mechanics in the Daytona), but there is no incentive to do so in the Omega's. They are just not popular enough among collectors to justify the re-working. The subdial spacing is a minor issue anyway. Many here have posted pictures of genuine Speedys with different subdial positions over the years. With a watch that was made in about a thousand varients, the subdials are far from a fatal flaw.

    From what I have read, it is my understanding is that the modded daytona with seconds at 9 requires less ectra gears and is therfore more reliable than the modded daytona with seconds at 6...is this correct?

  4. Hey all,

    So, why is it the subdial spacing on the speedy's still bad?

    They were able to fix the spacing in the daytonas, whay cant they use the same movement in the speedy? I know the Daytona movement has problems,but from wht i understand, it is mainly because the seconds are at 6...on the speedy, the seconds are at 9, no? so wouldnt a moded 7750 with seconds at 9 be better than a moded 7750 with seconds at 6?

  5. I had it done. It is awsome! I could not function, at all, w/o my glasses. It is a new found freedome to not have to wear them anymore!

    the procedure is reletivly painless and very quick. DO NOT SKIMP! these are your eyes we are talking about! I went to the best eye guy in OC cost me almost 4K. I have had a few freinds who did the 1k special w/o any problems, but they did not have very bad vision to start with.

  6. I have sold a few items here, If anyone inquires about the item from outside the US, I tell them I am willing to ship outside the US, but will not be responsible for any customs problems.

    If possible customs issues were not discused, I think you should probobly split the loss. I dont think you would be "wrong" to not split, but I think spliting would be the "right" thing to do.

  7. Devil's advocate....:)

    Seems like though we are making an environment that we cannot complain about dealers if we need to. I have had some issues in my order history I have not said anything about it because I know I would get flamed and the posting would end up being 20 posts after mine saying...... "XXXXXX, you are the best. I love you and want to have your babies and that guy is crazy and you have the best watches in the universe." That is dangerous I think.


    I know what people are saying about noobs though.....my first watch order i was scared and it was shady compared to a "regular" ebay purchase or internet order....a tracking number that did not work, a dealer that after the order kinda disappered....a paypal to a random person i did not know....sometimes the 1st time is a little tough and requires a leap of faith....

    I disagree. I had a issue with an order I got from Eddie. I made a post in the old RWG, laying out the problem...basicaly I was just asking if I was expecting too much. The concensus was, I had a legit complaint...and Eddie never took care of it for me. But there was a member on the board that had a few extra parts that he sent me for free...problem solved, no need to bring in PP.

    I think people need to manage their expectations. If you feel you have been wronged, post your problem and get advice, if you have a legit complaint, it will get handled...they always seem too...

    going to PP is a last resort, and as Neil pointed out, if the persons goal was to scam you, going to PP wont help anyway, he/she will be long gone with your cash...

  8. It's not our place to nanny the dealers too much. This is, essentially, their problem and they are working on a solution.

    The dealers, the largest victims in this problem, are talking. They will work something out. And if they can't, they'll turn to us for help.

    I 100% agree. But we also need to realize what is bad for our dealers, is bad for us. Because of this, and to a limited extent, their problem is/will be our problem. Only they can decide how and if they are going to alter their practices to combat this problem, but we can still come up with ideas to help them...aswell as do what we can from our end...

  9. Recently there seem to be a lot of “new” members that are having “shady” dealing with our most trusted and valued dealers. I hope everyone realizes that what is bad for our dealers is bad for all of us. Something needs to be done to help protect our dealers, and thereby ensure our hobby can continue.

    These “shady” dealing have seemed too strange and malicious to be accidental. The intent seems more to do harm to the dealer and his ability to do business than to get a nice rep. I am not normally a conspiracy theorist, but I think we need to look at the possibility purists and/or manufactures are coming to our forums with the intent to do whatever they can to disrupt our dealings.

    But irregardless of whether it is a directed effort or simply morons that are causing these problems…something needs to be done.

    I have a few Ideas on how to try and limit the recent damage.

    First, I think dealers need to make a change in how they do business. Bad business dealing with new members and recent crack down on shipping have lead to many problems and higher costs for our dealers. We have all scene TTK’s rant for raising prices to combat these recent problems. I propose dealers require new customers to jump through a few hoops in order to get a watch; And make these same new and unproven customers pay slightly higher prices for their first watch or two; And further make them pay for their first few purchases via western union or similar. Once they have proven to be valued customers, give them better pricing and access to simpler payment methods.

    This could be one way to help protect the dealers, and it will help keep good pricing for valued longtime members and customers.

    Next we need to look at the forums directly. It is now far too easy for the stupid and for the trouble makers to come to our forums and have access to our trusted dealers. I propose we close the door on our open forums. Now before everyone gets all huffy, I said close, not lock. These forums are a great resource to anyone wanting to get a good deal on a good rep - I am so glad I found them - and they should be available for everyone to enjoy. But let’s face it, this is an illegal activity. And as such, needs to be kept in the shadows. Like my idea for the dealers, I think we also need to somehow make new members jump through a few hoops before they can have full access to our forums. Maybe make a beginners forum, with limited access and require new members achieve a, reasonable, minimum post count before they can have full access.

    This could help to weed out the trouble makers and the stupid and could be another line of defense.

    My ideas may be too extreme, or they may be poorly thought out and not practical. Or they might be good and very insightful…but either way we, as a community, need to realize that - unfortunately - it is time for us to start protecting our asses and our dealer’s asses.

    Thanx for listening.

  10. Bangers and Mash, you'll find. Real Guinness, you won't.

    Real Guinness is made in Dublin, Ireland and isn't exported. It's a creamier and tastier pint than you'll get in London. To be honest though, what you'll get in London will be good, very good in fact, but it'll not be the perfection you can find in Ireland.

    May I recommend a Steak and Kidney Pie if you want to try the culinary delights? And, if you have the time, you absolutely, positively have to go to a Curry House. Chicken Madras or Chicken Vindaloo, with rice and a Nan. It'll educate you into what real spicy food is, even if you're used to Mexican.

    Awe man! are you serious? no real guinness? Bummer!

    Is it just the same stuff we get here in the US?

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