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Everything posted by KB

  1. Hang on 2000 posts....I'm afraid we are going to have to take back that Rookie tag. Ok just kiddin' congrats on the milestone and keep 'em coming. Ken
  2. Bobby in your first post you asked questions, these questions related to a time before you were a member of any of the forums. I politely and concisely demonstrated why we have stronger claims to the name than the boys at 1:1 You chose not to accept this, if you have facts that refute my claims please post them. Otherwise take your own advice And don't stir the pot. Ken
  3. Very sorry to hear this, especially as it happened on the eve of his holiday. Get well soon Sixx and we are always here for you. Ken
  4. Actually Bobby my father spent his work life as an executive of a shipping line and I assure you whether she floats or sinks she always remains the property of the company. Ken
  5. What?...not even one naked girl pic! Oh well congrats hackr on becoming a junior post whore. How do you get to be a senior post whore? Well you need to get a post count like...umm..I guess like me Ken
  6. Hi Bobby, Believe it or not we don't want problems either but we have found ourselves in a position where we had to set some facts straight. What RWG 1:1 did was to set up a new board when the old one died, the problem is they were the second reincarnation, we did that years before hand and when we went we took the vast majority of the members, as much of the knowledge base as we could and the whole feel of the old forum...simply we were and always have been RWG. Back on the old board the ship was sinking fast and the captain had long since fled leaving a few brave souls who decided to go down with the ship. Then a strange thing happened the ship, as luck would have it, was in shallow water and rested on the bottom, it was still taking a battering from the waves and slowly breaking up but those brave souls who stayed aboard saw this as an opportunity to party hard and slowly others ventured out to the bright lights. Then one day the grand old boat could take no more and toppled over to rest under the waves, we rescued the handful of people that stayed with her until the end and we gave them shelter until they got another boat afloat but then lo and behold they buy the name and christen their new boat the SS.RWG and bestow on us the title of RWG2. That title came from another misinformed johnny come lately but at least could be argued to be correct whilst the old board was still afloat, but not any longer, every VIP member and forum moderator of the old RWG voted to move lock stock and barrel to this new site. We are RWG, we always have been and always will be. Ken
  7. I stand corrected, I didn't read it through and basically accredited on the opening lines. Ken
  8. Actually Col we timed it very close before moving, in the end we did so because we had no choice. What was left was an empty shell, maybe half a dozen guys posting and they all knew full well it was about to crash and burn. If you were to look through our knowledge base you will see the amount of effort we put into trying to save large parts of our home. It may seem I am quite passionate about this and I am, I was the member who approached our Admin about setting this board up and I can assure you it was to be a new home for a site that was about to die. This is exactly what you have done, for the second time. BTW we changed the last word on our name when Blade decided to keep the old one running. BTW 2 that quote you printed was by TTK, just in case you were not aware. Ken
  9. Hi Joe, I was going to say that we raised the price from 10 bones to 10 clams per month but i see you are reading as a platinum member. Maybe it was just a short delay in coming through please try again and post here if you are still having prob's. Ken
  10. @ gpuck, when we started this board our very first initiative was to put an end to the sorry saga. We did this by raising funds to repay all those who had not received their watches, this was largely made possible by a very generous donation by a leading member who chose to remain anonymous. Not long after the final settlement Blade resurfaced and paid the fees to keep the old board running. Now it is important to note here that we did everything in our power to track Blade down before the date that the board was to go belly up and we took the decision to start a new board because we had a member base of +15,000 that were about to be sent into the ether. So anyway Blade came back and paid the fee's and the old board became the wild west with maybe the same 20 to 30 odd guys posting regularly. Fast forward and those keeping the old board afloat decided that it wasn't worth the effort anymore and a small group decided on a second, much smaller, exodus. Thus RWG 1:1 was born. A few weeks back the domain name RWG became vacant, the boys at 1:1 swooped and now they they claim to be the original RWG, even though all their members (including their Admins) came along after the many thousands of members set up here. Go figure.... Ken
  11. It could get better, what if he was angry and called her a c...........ok lets not go there Ken
  12. I would ask Narikka first, not because the others can't get them but more because Reg will still go that extra mile for customers. Ken
  13. Big congrats for the day. And remember true love never runs smooth. it's when you both learn to ride out the bumps that you know you will grow old together. Ken
  14. If I remember correctly it was basically a redialed Rail Master so you should be able to get parts for it. Ken
  15. Not trying to be nasty or anything but i often wonder when a new member asks where to buy the perfect sub if he would really know the difference or not? I mean if the first reply had been a pic of a BK sub or seadweller and the same watch from the Silix 50 buck selection would the OP be asking why the $500 difference? Ken
  16. With reps unless it has the step up the large chrono hand will tick. Ken
  17. Sorry Dani but in the end TT was corresponding with Asim and he still couldn't get a result. When an Admin member asks you to address a problem it's time to come clean, Asim chose not to do this. Ken
  18. Make sure you watch it to the end... http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=jEjUAnPc2VA#t=20
  19. I went for inside left, I mean look at the shape of those buns I actually went past this thread a few times, I thought it was another 'choose me a watch' then I saw the Hike reference and realised...Oh this is girls! Ken
  20. Actually I think it looks like a Seiko I once owned. And that wouldn't surprise me as Tissot will copy anything, still yeah nice watch. Ken
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