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Everything posted by KB

  1. I often feel like a nerd after one of Nanuq's posts......usually a quick flick through a Playboy mag will fix though. Ken
  2. @chevallll what these Rolex nerds......oops experts are saying is that no NDT trading do not sell dials identical to the original, what they sell is the best replica dials you can get. You need to decide if you need this level of accuracy for the cost or if something a bit less like an MBK/MBW will do. Ken
  3. I take it by your post that they don't produce these shirts anymore? Ken Edit....A quick Google gave me this... http://millcreek-trading.com/shirts_wool.html
  4. Women....can't live with them, can't live without them. Ken
  5. I don't think you would like an Aussie reception then. Ken
  6. Lelong is like a Thai (or was it Malaysian I can't remember?) eBay, the dealers there are not going to sell outside Thailand and even if the did 99% of what they have is rubbish. @tolis if you continue looking for the cheapest reps you can find you are only going to be badly disappointed, take my advice and stick with the dealers on this board. Ken
  7. KB

    My State burns

    Col I stake everything on the CFA keeping their fighters safe, I far to many friends within their ranks, very good friends that I want to see come back. Sadly the death toll continues to rise and currently stands at a confirmed 166 If anyone would like to help please contact the Australian Red Cross Bushfire Relief, or even light a candle and say a prayer for those that have lost their lives. Ken
  8. Chief I think it's a wonderful gesture but please forgive me as all my donation dollars must go to my fellow countrymen at this time of crisis. Ken
  9. KB

    My State burns

    Indeed this tragedy would have been on a far greater scale had it not been for the brave men and women who have literally risked their lives to fight these fires, some would have been aware that their own houses would be lost whilst the battled to save others. The measure of the heat of a bushfire is in KiloWatts per Meter of firefront, the CFA will not send fighters to a fire over 4,000kW/m, the fire that did the most damage had a heat reading of 20,000kW/m and a firefront that stretch 100km long. Authorities state that to get in the path of this fire would have been suicide. And yes as CS states this fire moved fast, one estimate was that it covered 5km in 1 1/2 minutes and the savage furnace wind that ran ahead of the fire was blowing off roof's of houses like decks of cards. Ken
  10. And do those rep Adidas sports pants come with all the fluffy stuff or do you have to stick it on yourself? Ken
  11. swiss eta 2824 with box for $110...........do you really need an answer? Ken
  12. KB

    My State burns

    The toll has now reached 131. Some very tragic stories coming out, one man packed his two kids into the car ran inside for something and straight back out only to find the car ablaze, another staggered up to a farm house so badly burned he had strips of skin hanging off him everywhere, he was carrying his daughter who was also burned but not as bad, he said to the lady who answered the door he had lost his wife and other child but please save his daughter. Ken
  13. Actually that would be my guess too. Ken
  14. KB

    My State burns

    Niki I'm very sorry to say that the toll is indeed in treble figures but is expected to climb much higher with at least 100 still unaccounted for, this is beside the fact that the best estimate for getting these fires under control is around 3 to 4 days. To give an idea on the size of these fires, there have been reports of seeing an orange glow at night from....New Zealand Ken
  15. CNY is finished, over, kaput....anyone who doesn't sell you a watch now doesn't want to. Ken
  16. KB

    My State burns

    GTV 9 used to have a jingle about their lead newsreader Brian Naylor, the end of it went "I know everything I need to know because Brian told me so" During Brian's years at the helm it was considered the social norm when discussing any hot topic to add that "Brian told me so", without a doubt he was one of Victorian best loved icons. Only a few short Months ago Brian and his wife lost their youngest son through a light aircraft accident, certainly the Naylor's didn't deserve the last year that was dealt them. But yet Brian was 78, his wife would have also been around that age so at least they lived full lives, my heart goes out to all the little children that are victims to these fires, the toll now is horrific there will be no words to describe the final count. Ken
  17. KB

    My State burns

    Yes we have just learned that Marysville has been wiped off the face of the map, my nephews in-laws owns a pub in Marysville. Still waiting on news there. Ken
  18. KB

    My State burns

    Just an update to this. There is in fact 10 major fires raging and authorities have now confirmed 35 dead and hundreds of homes destroyed, they say it's still far to early to give a final total to the devastation as so far they have only been able to access the fringes of many of these fires. There is also news that the many fine men and women fighting these fires are being constantly hampered by arsonist coming along behind them and relighting the fires they put out. Ken
  19. KB

    RWG rings

    I was hoping to add my own pic's here but unfortunately my daughter had an urgent need for the batteries out of my camera for one of her toys, so that's going to become a 'to do' thing. Anyway I received my ring a couple of days ago but I have been to busy to update on this. When I look at this ring it is with mixed emotions, for a start it is indeed a nice looking ring and as such everything I had hoped for, it is certainly far better than anything else you would ever buy for 25 bucks, even 50 bucks if you want to count the RWG donation part, also it will become a rare and collectible item for those of us that love this place. The mixed emotions part comes from what this ring has put me through, from the time I had the money ripped off through Paypal right up to the moment kruzer00 received them in the USA has been a rough journey which at one time brought me very close to resigning from the Admin team. What has made the whole thing bearable is the good people of RWG so I just want to take a moment to offer thanks to them here. For a start there is kruzer00 who took on the distribution of these rings even though he has a very hectic work schedule which see's him flying in and out of the country on a regular basis. TeeJay (the father of the ring) who not only designed the logo but also suggested the stone that was incorporated. Omni who very early in the piece not only let me know his strong belief and support of this project but also personally paid for the ring of every Admin member. The A team, who not only put up with the shit when it hit the fan but also bailed me out when I was still struggling to raise all the funds. This debt still has not been repaid but not one of them have made mention of it yet. LordRasta (where are you S?) who not only put down the first payment for his ring but that of our Admin's and another forum buddies too. Get in contact with me you have at least earned you ring. Then of course there are all of the members who's support never waived throughout the long Months, I wont name any as I fear some may be left off but without you guy's I truly don't know if I could have seen this to completion. Finally just a short note to all those who put down their first payments but have not so far followed up with their second....get in quick you don't know what you are missing. Thanks Ken
  20. We are used to bushfires in Victoria we get them almost every Summer, big ones too, some the size of small European countries. Yet yesterday a dangerous cocktail of up to 47C temperatures, extremely high winds and tinder dry grasslands was the powder keg that exploded across our state in what some are now saying is the worse bushfire day in our history. At it's peak there was 9 majors fires and up to 30 minor burns scattered right across the state, it still remains to be seen just how many of these were started by firebugs, but like always, there will be a few. It is still far to early for officials to give accurate numbers but they believe at least 40 people have died, over 100 homes have been destroyed, fire trucks (and at least one station) have been lost and thousands of hectares burned. Over night there has been a cool change here with a little rain so although the 9 majors fires are still raging it is hoped the change in conditions will help the men and women of our CFA, MFB, SES etc be in a position to get the upper hand on these burns. None of my friends or family (that I know of) have been affected by these fires, but I feel it is a shocking tragedy that needed reporting. Ken
  21. When he was hailed a hero and given the key to the city I had friends here saying "What if he just put it down anywhere he could and just got lucky?" I think this tape proves the hero he really is. It also shows why there is a very large incidence of nervous breakdowns within the air traffic controllers group. Ken
  22. If at first you don't succeed..........try chewing them first..........(seeds) Ken
  23. KB

    Will she stay

    If you can see it out your window has it crossed your mind that maybe....just maybe mind you......you're too bloodly close! Ken
  24. KB

    5 Riddles

    And matches..................woof Ken
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