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Everything posted by KB

  1. Not sure I want to know what a heiny is Ken
  2. Close (well within 300klms), it's Mt Hotham in Vic. Ken
  3. Someone please remind me never to brag about the weather again. Last night we got hit with a rolling blackout, 5 1/2 hrs without the A/C with a min overnight temp of 30C What makes it worse is that our area wasn't blacked out, our power company cut power to 78 houses in a certain area (I think the threw darts at a map) everyone around us still had their power. Ken
  4. I'm having a bit of a problem with this part of the statement, does the UK actually believe their entire workforce is drug free? Ken
  5. We all remember 'Born Free', well say hello to Christian the Lion..... http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=oiGKWoJi5qM&...feature=related Ken
  6. Grandfather actually, he received a rather nasty bump himself, so he took his aching bones off to warmer climes....retired to a quaint Germany town by the name of Hamburg. Ken
  7. Not if I want to stay happily married. Ken
  8. Get along you say Dems? If you saw the laughs we have in the Admin area you would be saying "Can't you guy's just do some work!" Ken
  9. Now thats plain naughty Robbie Ken
  10. Torbi customs is a part of our hobby you need to deal with that if you want the goods. That said we do replace seized items, if seized in China at totally no cost to you if seized at your customs you need only pay the shipping costs for replacement. That said in almost 3 years I have pretty close to a perfect record for getting my goods to my customers first go. Ken
  11. And anyway sunshine (or should that be frostbite? ) we have our snowy regions too..... Of course we have to deal with the natives up there too.... Ken
  12. Yeah your accent is more Pommy than Scot Ken
  13. Well you know how our polar bear loving chum is always raving about all that snow and ice up north, I decided to give you all a taste of the down south Antarctic region know as Melbourne Victoria. So yesterday was 38C today is 40C tomorrow will be 43C and the next 2 days will both be 40C (all of those are above 100F) before the temperature plummets to a chilly 31C on Sunday or 88F for our Northern friends. Yes it's a rough existence we have down here..... And on top of that we always have to watch out for the natives.... Ken
  14. Ah a perfect demonstration of the can't slip grip. Yes I said can't Ken
  15. Excellent post. Oh.....and why are you here then? Fakey you just questioned the integrity of a very large slice of our senior membership, is there some issues you are having at the moment? Ken
  16. Glad to hear that Geneva, Andrew will look after you. Ken
  17. I don't think (but I could be wrong) that you will find an accessory dealer based in Europe. Ken
  18. Hey they won didn't they? Ken
  19. So let's see....offshore just got it going again....you got it for a 21st present.....that makes you 71 Col Ken
  20. You can forget the proverbial wheelbarrow full of cash, you need a tip truck load for those beauties. Ken
  21. I believe for the same price as all my belts, I sold one before Christmas but I can't remember how much for and we need to wait until after CNY for me to check. The point is however that you will need to make another purchase to bring your total up to the min $100 Ken
  22. Oh.....did you try asking?.... Ken
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