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Everything posted by KB

  1. How did I miss this thread? You have certainly had many beautiful watches pass through your hands Laz, in fact if I had half the watches you have sold on or gifted I would be a happy man. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. Ken
  2. Of course on the flip side I have 3 rep pens and I haven't any real complaints with any of them. I note where rek001 tried reaming out the tip of a pen, this was one method suggested at one time another is very simple, I have been told a Parker refill would fit quite nicely. Ken
  3. As a long time Porsche lover my biased opinion would simply be "Go for it", you do after all only have this one life to enjoy yourself. It seems to me that you have already done your figures and decided you can afford the car so the biggest question would probably be how much faith you have in your job security, it's not where the economy will be in 6 Months but whether you will still have the job that covers those repayments. Then of course there's the voice of my father ringing in my ears "Never buy a luxury item on higher purchase, if you can afford it you pay cash" Ken
  4. I know exactly what you mean Robbie I have made good friends with quite a few members, two of them I often have long conversations with swdivad and Jawo. I have met swdivad on a couple of occasions and plan to do so more and Jawo, if he lived locally, would be one of my best buddies as we get along so well. Of course the list of guy's that I share PM's with is far to long to put down here and I wouldn't do it because I would be afraid of leaving someone off, but as I have said before, I love watches but I'm here for the people so it's all this interaction that makes the place special for me. Ken
  5. If you do decide on a rep pen then i believe narikaa has a very wide selection. Ken
  6. Well my supplier will go through until the 19th and maybe the 20th and will return on the 3rd. ken
  7. KB

    RWG rings

    Thanks buddy but gee it took a long time to get to you. Ken
  8. The difference between JTB and JF.....................JTB is a real person Ken
  9. It's not a case of customs snagging it, you would be buying a high end watch from oversea's so you need to factor the import tax into the final price. Ken
  10. Are these in Singapore dollars? If so there are some excellent buy's, Take a look at the Paul Picot Chrono on the 2nd page works out to around $1500 USD Ken
  11. KB

    A Game

    *Gets out the defibrillators* *Applies to patient* Lets try once more to kick start some life into this thread.... North Eagles Ken
  12. Surly Bill Gates know's never to work with children, animals and has been comic's? Ken
  13. Actually I missed those.......thank God Ken
  14. Let me get this right..... This is the best advert a multinational company with billions in assets can produce? Ken
  15. Thought you also had a couple of Corums in your old collection Pho? Love your new collection. Ken
  16. Lite beer! Shundi wash your mouth out with...umm...lite beer I suppose. Only the real deal or scotch for this fella. Ken
  17. Everyones got to go through the initiation Spidey. Ken
  18. It's no secret amongst our members that this is a great board, it's also no secret that the Admin team, both past and present have all worked hard to make it the board it is today. One such past moderator, jonthebhoy, did much to help steer us to where we are today but then life, as it so often does, got in the way and he faded from the board. I'm sure you have all noticed that jonthebhoy has recently started posting around the board on a regular basis and our team has voted to re-admit him as one of your trusted moderators. Please join us in welcoming jonthebhoy back to the team. Ken
  19. Ok here's a few... Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. and a funny one... When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car. Ken
  20. KB


    A very Happy Birthday Jennifer Although R hasn't done work for me he is still number one in my book, so what make R happy make me happy. Ziggy, next time try the backs to the fire and a front tickle, I'll bet she wont let you outside to shovel snow after that. Ken
  21. Ahhhhhh I just blew my 12,000th post Ken
  22. Actually Dems I thought you would go for.... Che wore a GMT Ken
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