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Everything posted by KB

  1. Heeeeyyy everyone Look at me........................I'm a mod Anyone remember Perfectionist?.....well he didn't understand the Mod bit...........now he's not with us anymore Now I'm not asking, I'm telling! THERE WILL BE NO MORE THREAD CRAPPING!!! understand? Ken
  2. Ah but with an excuse like that ryy I just have to forgive you Ken
  3. I'm just waitting for the pic's Ken
  4. I can see why he chose you as his first scam job, you happen to reside in the right place so he can refute your claims by stating you are just another Arab scammer. Maybe we should all contact this guy through our own countries eBay so he can see how many friends Richard has all around the world. Ken
  5. May as well be for all I know of it Ken
  6. Big Band, Jazz and Rock and Roll...............but I can't vote because all three are missing Ken
  7. Umm this is that round ball game .................yes? Ken
  8. jtb that's a very catchy tune (can't get it out of my head now) but I must confess I don't know it Ken
  9. post scriptum's don't cover you for posting in the wrong section, so off to OT it goes. Ken
  10. Very nice, small but quality collection Ken
  11. KB

    Wake Up!

    Hey that was just like tying tin cans to a dog Ken
  12. Well there you go if Enzo's is gen then the last pic that slay has shown us is in fact more correct than the WM lettering. Ken
  13. Don't sell, I have never perscribed to this 'If you don't wear it sell it' idea. I'm a collector that means I want to collect as many of the watches that I like as I can, I already have more than I can wear so I have set up a showcase of my watches to bring me enjoyment every time I cast my eyes on it. You love this watch but talk of letting it go, I love all my watches and you'll get them over my dead body. Ken
  14. I also have this watch but it is the same version as slay's last pic. One thing I will say though if you look at Enzo's engraved crown the lettering and cross is in the same position as the newer version, could that be the correct placement and why the newer crowns are made this way? Ken
  15. Well I was going to say please make yourself at home until your site is back up, but I see by roeod4's last post it already is Well I hope you enjoyed your stay Ken
  16. Yep that got your little warning meter raised. I'm am very aware of the thread of which you speak, I am also very aware that no one could guarantee that the site did in fact belong to George, in fact I am quite sure there were many who were willing to swear that it was not in fact his site. Regardless none of that changes my opinion that you took a chance on an off site seller and lost. Ken
  17. KB

    Rwg Mug

    Very good Pho.................prob is we thought of it 2 Months ago Ken
  18. Look I'm having trouble with all this, you come to the best safe haven on the net equipped with the best dealers yet you use the wisdom of your 30 posts to follow the recommendation of another member who has 21 posts and then go and buy off site. Not only buy but you spend $600!!!, I mean if I pay $600 for a sub I want the dealer to bring it to my door in a locked suitcase...........................and now you are wondering what went wrong. If you had spent just a little time to learn what the senior posters recommend you wouldn't be in this position and I'm sorry but you have shown all the characteristics of a fly by nighter and probably got what you deserved. Ken
  19. KB

    Rwg Mug

    I love the Java Jive and he loves me Ken
  20. Yeah I thought the same, I went for Monthly but I can see that wouldn't suit everyone. Ken
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