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Everything posted by KB

  1. Aah well........err......umm yeah..........................................................................so rry Ken
  2. Ooohh..........................Been there Ken
  3. Actually that's damn funny And you might be on to something there Ken
  4. Don't worry Retep I gave up 5 Months ago and I know where you're coming from. Ken
  5. Missed tour plane once I take it Ken
  6. Two questions.................What? Why?? Ken
  7. Bob it was most certainly the DRTRLWWW and yes I did have my Fax both turned on and plugged in at the time! I will admit that I suggested Crazy Salesman looked like the north end of a south bound camel, but hey thats personal and this was business. Ken
  8. *Bloody grumble damn bloody crazy bugger* If I ever catch up with that scammer.........I tell you!...............I had an order for a box of his DTRLWWW...........Prepaid too!..........NOT A ONE!!...........Not a single solitary one did I recieve ...........No wonder he's bought an island, he just took money for nothing .............if I ever catch up with him his goose will be cooked.....................ok chicken then. Ken
  9. Ok so this would be more an American thing as not many people buy their phones outright here in Oz we tend to get them included in contracts and where we get the contracts the store transfers the data. Ken
  10. And you would use this when exactly? Ken
  11. Why thank you clive *Grunble grumble bloody whoreologist* Ken
  12. Before being injured I was earning just over 120 Grand a year, most people thought I was earning more, I have a Vacheron that is worth 35 Grand in the gen and nobody has ever looked at that funny. Ken
  13. Ok only one question before I walk away and forget this place forever. What's a 'Mobile SIM Card Recorder'? Ken
  14. The Thin Red Line..................will we even meld that well again..............I think not, to have more than twenty members all with the same mind set, all posting in the right places..........no 'TRL' was a freak, we may have future wonderful threads but 'TRL' will always stand out......... Now where was I.........oh yeah..........bump Ken
  15. @ jimmytim Do as I did check some jewelry boxes you will find quite a few can convert to watch boxes very easily Ken
  16. Well guy's as the Boss said................thread closed. Ken
  17. I am sure that there are many of us that have had very similar stories but you have given yours in an excellent manner. Thank you for entertaining me Ken
  18. Look here......... http://www.acetimer.com/ I'm told you can also get good buys on eBay, but not in Australia Ken
  19. Great news ryy, do you think there is still time for this to be the shortest thread though Ken
  20. Simple................ask them A lot of guys get quite worried about this knowing as we do that reps are illegal, but the fact of the matter is nobody can do anything to you once the watch is safe in your grubby little hands, so just waltz up to your watchmaker and say do you mind servicing my rep.......................he can only say no. Much like asking girls out for a date Ken
  21. Just one little thing to add here, recently I purchased an item off eBay Australia from an Aussie seller, the item took 3 weeks to reach me and you know something I wasn't the least surprised or annoyed, it was what I expected. Think about that next time you order an item from one of our dealers here. Ken
  22. Thanks once again for the heads up Andrew, just another reason why we need to give these guys some slack. Ken
  23. Ryy we're not ignoring you we are just doing what the boss asked and not posting..............oops Ken
  24. Sam your missing the point it is not that you have only spent 5 Euro, a PP dispute for even a 500 Euro transaction is a very last resort because of the damage it does our hobby. Ken
  25. And with that bit of info Jeff you just bugger up this post Ken
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