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Everything posted by KB

  1. Well as the Aussies are the only team proficient in shirtfronting I say we will go all the way Ken
  2. KB

    Sydney Gtg

    You're a cruel, cruel man cornerstone ................................ Ken
  3. KB

    Sydney Gtg

    And he only lives 15 mins from Marrickvilleboy Ken
  4. Well that depends, one plan being pondered by Guus is to rest some of his yellow carded players in a game he expects to lose so we will have close to a full strength team for the next match. Ok......yes.....I am starting to show a glimmer of interest Ken
  5. This has got to be some kind of joke seventeen and a half hours for three lousy votes, I don't expect everyone to be cultured enough to enjoy poetry but I do think we should all have enough intelligence to be able to push a vote button Ken
  6. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/RARE-JAPAN-SEIKO-SC...1QQcmdZViewItem They usually go for under $100 Ken
  7. Five and a half hours for two votes, obviously I underestimated the difficulty of this task! Or maybe I explained it bad, the job is to read the entries and vote for the one you like To be honest though it is hard almost as hard as logging on. Ken
  8. KB

    Sydney Gtg

    Actually there is a few Sydney members, but they must have all gone away for the weekend Ken
  9. Mine wasn't an entry, I just posted it to set the mood. I'm sure I would like Neils attempt if I could read Scottish BTW nothing is stopping you from voting for yourself Ken
  10. That's the way Puggy let's get this rolling gang Ken
  11. Due to lack of interest we fell short of the required number needed to pay 2nd, 3rd, or Hon. Mention, however I have decided that if everyone can help me pick the winner I will then award an Hon. Mention of my choosing. I will leave this poll up until Monday morning (my time) and then pay the winner and delete it. I'm not splitting up these entries if someone has submitted two...........pick your favourite. Go to it gang........ 1. chris5264 the princess anima in a past without limits and ends lives a quest for a perfection that mends the heart of one man and the souls of many in a poverty of surround, a boy took cape and broke bound to seek an image that was close but forever unheard she spoke soft, in opposites her captors preferred in his shadow she found darkness her home trapped by evil traits a princess lay alone till in a fools sleep he cast a line, infinitely small it cast no shadow at all to pave a path of escape less than timeless did it take to emerge on the other side and grace clear sky for all he saw was the princess anima it filled all, both truth and lie The inhabitants of a most populace land, Found the task of decision making desperately at hand Simple coordination seemed implausible With so many parts, a single thing was impossible Then, by trial and error A fictitious King appeared from out of nowhere A ruler with the hearts of the court Moved forth with ease to both walk and purport And in the joy of harmonic rule The stories of the King grew and grew Till the myth itself began to question and worry What will happen in the end? Forgetting all along, the King was nothing but a useful story -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. V FADE TO INFINITY I left the years fade to yesterday and my life to oxidize through infinity but I forgot the rust, the days of joy when the clouds danced in the rhythm of sadness And when it rained again in the secret parts of my mind I opened a black umbrella to dismiss the bad things to come, in the hilarious light of history. Because my future is deep and chaos of secret shadows that rushed to cover and extinguish the sun inside me. And destiny lighted a fire that burns and ruins… What cities will resist my way? And for how long I will resist being silent? What soul, what soul I will redeem in lies? And what lies I will tell to my soul? CREATION A dazzling night, a glorious night, she appeared through misty winds and blazing lunar reflections, a figure glowing from purity bringing tears of awe in the eyes. A woman that you believe she arrived here from another star, faraway to infinity, where the spots of light penetrated the transparent glasses of life and the width of the invisible souls. Only in silence were able my senses to see the dazzling beauty at her sky-coloured eyes and the luminous comets she had in her hair. I wanted to say so many things beneath a dome full of stars and the wind formed my words from dust and fireflies. ‘The incomparable shining that radiates a so brilliant presence is a gift into the centuries of existence’ She approached me, she touched me, and she took me with her in a valley drenched with starlight and flapping Angels. Oh! Soul, in the dawn of life of this infinite material world, the only thing I asked her to let me take, was the smell of the soil after the rain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Maikel SAD CAFE Late morning cup of tea. I can no longer remember last night's dream. The tea, like the dream, leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. PANTOMIME Dancing with the sunbeams. They lead me gently through the moves, softly, caressingly. Moments like this I can forget everything else and I haven't a care in the world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Cornerstone "TIMELINE OF A MINE DISASTER: TEN DAYS IN BEACONSFIELD, TASMANIA" Phone call at ten, three miners are dead, But it's in Tassie, we'll just send down Ed. Press release Sunday, not dead only trapped Message to me, your week off's been scrapped. Newsroom's gone mental, “get on a plane!” Goes without saying, can't take a train. Day one is boring, miners still stuck, Mulling 'round Tassie, dumb out of luck. 'Beckon' or 'Beacon', chewing the fat, Nothing to do, but shiver and chat. Newsroom to laptop, “what is the rub?” “Shh,” I say thinking 'PO or Sub?” Day two is worse, even less news, Tap up some local, suss out their views. News people restless, let's make something up No sod will notice, let's sell them a pup Day three, four, five, news people itchy, Some of the anchors, decidedly bitchy “We'll get them out safely,” the manager whines, Just get 'em out quickly, we're fed up of mines. Not much to do, but stare at my watch, That guy in the hat, is that David Koch? Now May the sixth, still metres away, Looks like we're staying, just one more day. Next day no further, we no longer care, Just spare a thought, for the news anchor's hair. Carleton collapses, “cameras away!” No such thought, for the rest of our prey. “It's harder than concrete, tougher than stone,” But we haven't got news, we continue to moan. “Just blow them up! Just give it some thought!” Just think of the headline - 'Family Distraught'. Suddenly they're out, in the lorry jumps Koch, If we pay enough money, will the audience watch? Chequebook journos, not much to admire, Glance over the bar, is that Eddie McGuire?! Cornerstone --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Gunnar Gran The intruder continued, determined, brainless...but not headless It nestled against its intention, pushing but not yet trembling, impatient...yet slowly Millimetre by millimetre ceasing from sight ... no longer superficial but deep and approaching bliss -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Craytonic Titled: An ode to my sub. Oh I have the most perfect sub, With it I can bathe in my tub. Although with it time I do keep The Asian movement belongs on the junk heap. Thank goodness my re-haut is deep from the stupid AD I heard nary a peep! Thank you to those that had a go I know know to steer away from poetry here Ken
  12. Good of you to take time off from your honeymoon to keep everyone updated Now get back to bed Ken
  13. And again! C'mon gang the funny pic's were popping up everywhere in the original thread but now we have turned it in to a comp they've all dried up Ken
  14. Could be interesting, also could be a chance to pick up another dealer if he has good prices. Ken
  15. Oh well this comp is now closed, due to lack of interest there will be only the first prize awarded. Please watch for a public poll to select the winner being posted later today (my time). Ken
  16. Never heard of them but do they post any prices? Interesting to note that unlike most sites they have a range of spare parts and straps. Ken
  17. KB


    Just to clarify, we in the Admin team elected to give slay a 7 day ban only after exhausting all other options, we do hope he can lose the attitude and return after the week off with the intent to post for the betterment of the board if not his ban may become permanent. I and I'm sure the rest of the Admin team take no pleasure in banning a member especially one that has had a relatively long history on these boards, so we hope you all understand that this action comes as a last resort. Ken
  18. KB


    Well it certainly is a beautiful watch, but I wouldn't sell my kidney for it Ken
  19. I'm a little concerned, Blade dumped on Matrix big when he offered his explaination on his forums probs, yet a quick check shows 3 Admins.......Blade, Johnnyboy and yes Matrix! I wouldn't have though he would be keen to keep Matrix when the guy let Blades forum go to ruin Ken
  20. KB


    Yeah ryyannon was the first from this board to find it. Ken
  21. Great post Another member has just pointed out that this thread would be better suited in the rep v's gen forum, which of course it would, give me or one of the Admin team a yell if you want it moved. Ken
  22. Wow that's a lot of fishing boat Ken
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