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Posts posted by P4GTR

  1. Before I start, I have to say that my collection is very small, as I try to keep it within 10 watches or less. My goal is to have a tightly focused core of favorites, so knocking this down to 5 pieces is... Difficult to say the least. As mentioned prior, I have pics posted in every possible corner of the forum... So, I apologize now if any of you guys are sick of seeing these things :) And if you are tired of seeing these old faces... I'm open to suggestions as to what I should try and build next to break up the monotony :p

    First on my list... My 4th Generation 42mm PO franken. This was built on a whim, as I really just wanted to see how far I could take one of these. As a bonus, the bracelet came from RobbieG... So a little sentimental value as well :) I never knew that I would come to enjoy this one as much as I do.

    -4th Generation case

    -Genuine bezel complete

    -Genuine dial

    -Genuine hands

    -2892 datewheel

    -genuine bracelet


    Next is my 9411 franken. This is a piece I had built a few years back, but wouldn't come to realize it's significance in my collection until more recently. I built a near exact twin of this same watch for my brother Lanikai; since doing so, a strange, karmatic bond has formed between us in which we can almost expect that when one life occurrence or situation happens with one of us, we can be sure that a similar instance of situation will transpire with the other. It's stranger than fiction and something neither of us can figure out. I figure in order to break free of this strange bond, I'll have to burn the damn watch :) This piece is comprised of:

    -MBW case (5513 marked Polex)

    -ETA 2783

    -Genuine dial

    -Genuine hands (thanks, Zig!)

    -Genuine T-125 crystal

    -Genuine insert w/ old pearl

    -Genuine crown/tube

    -Case modification

    -Genuine 580 ends

    -Genuine 78360 links

    -Genuine 93150 clasp


    My next pick is my 16520 franken. This was one of my first builds and remains a favorite. I think I spent a little over a year collecting parts for this thing and finally saw it come to life on my work space.

    -Genuine case

    -Genuine dial

    -Genuine hands

    -El Primero 400 31j movement

    -Genuine crown/tube

    -Genuine bezel

    -Genuine bracelet (in storage)

    -Self polished hollow link rep bracelet (the gen bracelet irritates my skin :yuk: )


    My 3717 franken is quite possibly my second favorite watch. This piece is special to me as three extraordinary gents on the forum helped me immensely with parts and build. Thank you, Kruzer00, Lani and Zig! This one has:

    -V1 EL100 case

    -Genuine dial

    -Genuine hands

    -Swiss 7750

    -German ETA D/DW

    -Chief AR crystal


    My final piece is a humble one. It's not perfect. It's not accurate to any gen. It's a mish mash of parts, and it's sincere. This is a piece that my son built at the age of 5, with his own two little hands. He did everything from picking the parts he wanted to use, setting the dial, setting the hands, casing the movement and threading on the case back. For that reason alone, this is my most cherished piece...


    Sorry for the long winded list... Each piece has a bit of interesting background to them which is why they hold a special place in my heart. I have a few pieces that I am working on now that will also likely make the list down the road as they see completion. I guess that's really what makes these builds great in my mind... The path taken to reach the destination...

    Thanks for allowing me to share...



    I usually don't requote the pictures due to E-etiquette, but in this case I'm making an exception.

    As I read through the list, starting with the PO, I said, "yeah, I like this one, this is my favorite". Then I got to the Tudor, and found myself saying the same thing, repeating each time I got to the next watch. Then the last one, I scratched my head for a minute but read along, and how precious that is man. You know I'm about to wed, and we will try to make a baby on our honeymoon in March. I'm very emotional lately, you can't post this sort've stuff. What are my co-workers to think seeing this tough Italian guy's (lol) eyes welling-up at his desk?!

    I love the German DW on the IWC. So interesting. I'd insist on having mine this way! A really tight collection for anyone to lust after, and i'm not saying this because of your recent generosity.

  2. Funny you should mention. Good topic! Gentleman, be careful with your words, dont get in trouble like I did. :black_eye:

    I'm getting married in almost exactly a month. I told my, well, mine as well say wife now, that if something happened to me. "Give my bike to so and so, my guitar, this, that, my watches go to this guy, that guy..." And she had a FIT.

    I don't have a lot, but the stuff I have is nice I guess. She makes more money than me, so her being offended wasn't a selfish thing, it was a very touching thing. She was insulted that she thought I would leave her without my prized posessions, because they are "man toys" and I wanted my dad/friends to have them (of course I didnt leave her completely out). She felt those would be her connection to me and would cherish having them, it seemed extremely important and she was very hurt. So like I said, I don't have much, and she can have it if I go. :lol:

    Anyhow, I told her If God forbid something happened to me, I thought she should get rid of it and move on with her life (we are in our early 30's) and not have all these memories around her. She cried more. I probably cried too. :cry2: You can only watch that so long without succumbing to the emotion yourself!

    So tread lightly, your wives might cherish those watches more than you think.

    If something happened to me I would direct her here. She would login with my info and I would expect Admin to see to things personally, that means you Nanuq (No offense T, I just know Bob better, and he's married. :lol: ). I think this could be a SOP. Just send them here and let admin's assign some helpers (forum elders/pros) as they see fit.

  3. It's not often that ladies watches are the topic of discussion here, but I thought I'd share anyways.

    I know that the current trend is for ladies to wear a larger watch these days, but I still think this tiny little thing looks great on my better half's wrist. Elegant, but still casual enough to go with everyday wear. And Mrs. Ubi agrees


    And a shame it is, that we don't hear more about ladies reps.

    I thought bigger was better for ladies, but Mrs. P4 doesnt want a big beefy slab of watch on her wrist either. She has been enjoying her TAG Link she got for xmas, and I believe that had I gone with a larger sized watch, she wouldn't wear it.

    I like that DJ dial, however upgrading this will be fun, i'll tune in to watch.

    What is Mrs. Ubi's interest level in your watch hobby, and this project?

  4. Well i'm taking it in the pool with me and if it leaks i'll expect a replacement. He's doing the bezel mod so I don't see why he wouldn't do waterproofing when its an option and stated.. maybe that was just in the past? We'll see. Just wouldn't be good business if it isn't would it.

    You could do that, sure. Josh would probably replace the watch. It would cost you about $30-40 to ship, and you'd wait around a month, minimum. Then what happens with your next watch when it comes broken, then the next, and you've already begun burning your bridge?

    Do what you can on your side to quality control your pieces, because its not going to be done in China. Thats all we're trying to tell you.

    This is too easy not to do. When you receive your reps, run through this checklist.

    - Inspect it for damage, make sure it works and isn't broken. Make sure the screws in the bracelet, bezel, etc. are intact. Make sure the spring bars are securing the bracelet to the case properly.

    -check the caseback, they come loose most of the time. Unscrew it, and check that you got the movement you ordered. Make sure the O-ring is in the caseback. Grease it (heavy silicone waterproof grease, like bearing grease you can get at a bicycle store.) Tighten it down as hard as you can. You can open and close the case with the sticky ball method (search that term) or get a rubber ball, like a dog toy for example)

    -Inspect the stem, Clean any debris from the threads then dab some of that heavy silicone waterproof grease on them.

  5. I have to laugh at this thread, 131 pages long, and no one gives a damn what kind've whimsy, clever, word you posted in relation to the word prior.

    No... No kinship, no quoting and complimenting the great comeupwiths. (i've had [a lot of] rum, lets let that one slide)

    Its all about the post count, eh? I see a lot of familiar faces not trying to hide! :whistling::rolleyes:

    Even though I started it (and make sure you all are well aware of it), at least i'm not sleazing my way to the top like some of you. Shameful.

    ahem.. so, what was that word Justasgood? Again? Got it...

    EN DEN?

  6. Should have checked the specs on it - it's a minimum focusing distance of 4.9' and a maximum magnification of 1:3.9 (not really a macro at all). I'd take/send it back. You want a macro lens that has a 1:1 magnification - that's macro, you have a close-up lens (5' and a 300mm gets rather close, but won't yield what you're looking for).

    I am just being a smart ass. its a telephoto macro lens, and the for the price ($0.00) I think I'll keep it! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  7. awesome work. I just got my Tamron macro lens tonight and i'm sucking bad. Its a 75-300mm 1:4-5.6

    ...whatever the hell that means. :lol:

    All I know is if I get within 5 feet of anything, its blurry. How am I supposed to take close-ups if I cant get close?!

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