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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. First, welcome elementrace! What is more important than your fantasy La Bomba PAM, is that though it's not very good, you've gotten the PAM bug. You won't stop there.

    You literally cannot have one Panerai watch. It's too addictive.

    Enjoy it, though! And after you get others, you'll begin to appreciate just how much this forum adds to your appreciation of Panerai watches.

    Should the forum have helped you, please consider upgrading to Supporter status. It's too much fun! :)

  2. Done.

    Super easy. Perhaps too easy. I chose the US flag with the Bald Eagle (or was that a Thanksgiving Turkey?).

    "I cannot find the words to express how grateful my family and I are that you are putting yourself in harm's way to protect our country. The U.S.A. is the land of the free and the home of the brave...but only because of courageous people like you. We wish you and your fellow troop members complete safety throughout your tour of duty. May you return home soon to a true hero's welcome. Thank you."

    This pretty much summed up my feelings.

    Thanks again, Nanuq, and to all who take literally a few seconds worth to bring comfort to men and women in harm's way.

  3. English women love being taken the [censored] out off, especially if they are the strong types. When she was in your bed, and you didnt make the move, it was the absolutely perfect thing to do, because you have left her wondering.

    There's only one problem with this logic, though overall it is a correct observation.

    British men tend to be cool towards women. They are not full of bragodoccio, slobbering compliments and showering kisses, nor are they masters of Le Grand Jeste like many Latin men tend to be.

    (This distance was in part, why I rarely dated British men whilst I was at University. I stuck to American Rhodeys, and foreigners like Italians, and Frenchmen. There was never that fatiguing competitiveness with these guys)

    This despite, may I say, the fact that though there is a famous joke that one of the World's Smallest Books is "Famous English Lovers", actually British males are excellent in bed.

    Just don't ask me how I know that. ^_^

    So if Redroom's bit of rough is English, she's used to this type of cool behaviour and didn't dismiss him because of it. IMO, anyway.

  4. @vbarret

    :) i like women with understanding of taste

    Why thank you, Iceberg!

    I have to say that regards Germans (politicians), I am reminded of Wolfgang Joop's famous quip, that they all have that "Mutti-dressed-me look".


    But one of the most elegant guys I ever met was Joachim Fest. Perfection.

  5. I'm a total Food Network junkie, but the best "food" show isn't even on the Food Network. Top Chef is one of the best shows period!

    Remember The Frugal Gourmet? ;)

    I even bought one of his cookery books (utterly disgusting recipes, BTW). I am not a foodie, but I appreciate those who know fine food. This is why I still watch PBS' cookery programmes, like the CIA.

  6. Thanks HB, any one got a link to theat photo of Peirce Brosnan they show there??

    Aye. Here you go, FxrAndy! MUCH more than you expected perhaps. But you know me, I go that extra mile each time. ;)

    Pierce Brosnan at "The Matador" premiere, with Greg Kinnear. Oh dear, he's "That Guy", isn't he? Like the Shah of Iran, showing off his watch, as per my recent thread on that.


    Some men shouldn't wear beards. He looks like Billy Connolly...and look at the Nixon watch worn by the autograph hunter chick.






    Pierce Brosnan wearing his JLC Reverso, which I believe was the watch he wore in The Admin Crown Affair.



    Pierce with Michael "Feet of Flames" Flatley at the Spirit of Ireland Awards.


    From the photos, I thought he had those two watches. But I do believe this is an Ingy?


    And finally, this is the Pierce Brosnan I know and loved as 007 (at the Cartier in Windsor). My word, Irish guys are sooo handsome. :wub:


    ...even if they are a bit of a show off. ;)

  7. You're going to be wearing a tux, right?

    In the UK, one usually wears a morning coat/cutaway not a dinner jacket/tuxedo since it's not de rigueur to wear a tux before 6 PM.


    If indeed it is a tux for the wedding, then Desuetude is more than ever correct. Never never anything but a watch on a strap. No Breits, Rolexes, APs.

    So far, Section8 has hit the nail on the head.

    EDIT: Some new suggestions given this info.



    Don't worry about strap colours. Collectors usually will change that, on request.

  8. Greetings everybody, I found this website yesterday and im glad I joined because it has a lot of useful information. The watch bug has hit me and my roommate and we are always looking at watches. He likes renato watches and im in love with panerai watches and hope to buy one soon. :p

    Welcome, neighbour! Waving hello from 81F Miami Beach. ;)

  9. I should mention that the divorce rate statistics are often skewed. Actually, the divorce rate is DOWN. The over 50% statistic is one employed by sensationalist news programs. They simply divide the number of marriages by the number of divorces for a given year. Sociologists universally scoff at this blatant manipulation of facts.

    Nice! Thank you for this correction. I will research it a little more.

    Then, people love to lament the dropping marriage rate in this country as a sign that our society is going down the tubes.

    Well naturally. There is an agenda in place to suggest that the US is going the way of all "empires", and its end is near. One such criteria is being a dissolute society.

    Ah, but see, she must be pretty too. And down to earth, laid back, dynamic, and rational. Alas, my standards are rather high. :(

    I have a theory about Gen X'ers (if you are one, as I am, even if I'm a late version).

    We don't marry until later because we are deathly afraid of divorce. Not just the failure that implies, and the legal hassle, but the loss of companionship which other generations had until their death.

    At least, this is why I haven't married yet. God knows I've been asked enough, but I was always scared...no one on either side of my family, Protestant and Catholic, has EVER been divorced.

  10. Nice SFSO, DET11!

    Yes, do this -- [ img ] [/ img] without the spaces. OR, do you see on the list of HTML buttons, just on top of your post? There's a smilie, a plus sign, THEN the image button.

    Highlight your Image Shack url, then hit that button. There's a popup window, so just click OK. Wallah! It'll be embedded unto the page. ;)

  11. Heh. Good thing it was modded. You were probably a Finepics datewheel away from being down a watch in your collection. ;)


    I jest, of course.

    If it had been Canada, he'd be a goner. :yeah:

    Welcome back, Kru!

    God bless America indeed. Portuguese customs suck. :thumbdown:

  12. Lovely Duck...... :p

    Thanks, Raymond! :p

    I love all kinds of animals. Strangely, that same Monday the native bird of Florida called an Ibis landed on my car. Before I could take a photo through the moonroof, it hopped unto another car!

    The Ibis is the first bird to fly away when a hurricane is coming, and is the first to return. The local indians, the Miccosukee, used that as their early warning for hundreds of years. It's also the mascot of the University of Miami. :)


    So, of course, Wristcheck near the Ibis!


  13. Very creative photo's V, as usual. Unfortunately, I'm lucky to get them in focus.

    I'm on record as saying you have one of the best collections on RWG, Robert, so obviously any blurriness has never impaired my opinion. ;)

    Turkey day: PP Nautilus


    The perfect Turkey Day Watch!! Classy all the way. Should be a conversation starter with your Uncle Rufus, whom you haven't seen since you were a nipper. ;)

  14. It was only a matter of time before Panerai watches became recognized as the important contribution to wrist watch

    allure that they are. The 11/19/2007 issue of Time Magazine has a nice writeup on one of our favorite watches.

    Brilliant! Thanks so much, Hambone.

    Will have to buy the mag this week, as I fancy that's the not the complete article on the link.

  15. its the 2nd watch i ordered from Silix. The 1st arrived in normal time (around 18 days with registered mail)

    Now he send me new email for Paypal payment. AFter the payment - last weekend - he has not answered or replied anything..... Is it usual for this delaer to ''disapear'' for short or long periods of time ?

    Yes, TD. Unfortunately, Jay has been having some problems of late, and there are several threads already on the topic.

    Someone said he had gmail problems, but I have to tell you that Jay is a slow emailer at the best of times. 1-2 days is a good timeline for him.

    Please read the other threads, and since I will email him soon, I can add your name to the queue, if you want.

    @TD: With pleasure, I'll use "Tigerdaytona" as the reference, then, shall I?


    Going casual today with my DSN PAM 112 on an OEM Rubber Diver's strap/buckle. :tu:

    Though overcast, you can see one of the most famous places in Miami -- Dinner Key Marina. That's where PAN AM jets used to have their hub, in the early days of aviation. The exact place where I am standing to shoot these pics, is where Lindbergh, Rickenbacker, Mitchell and others landed.





    Fortunately, duck

  17. It all depends on how the watch is put together and the overall design. Just like a work of art, it is a personal choice and you can be just as fond of a simple Patek Philippe Calatrava as you can a Hublot BB Chrono with all of it's complications. Seems that most of us have a simlilar eclectic sense of taste in watches from simple to complex and

    one is really no better than the other.


    Single-best thing about being in a rep watch forum -- the utter diversity of the eyecandy.

    (Yes, I know a lot of people will disagree, because it's PAM this, Rolex that, but individually we have a varied collection which unless we were millionaires to a man and woman, we couldn't have if they were gens)

  18. Hmmm, I used to be like you... Nice guy, respectful, listening, considerate, sweet etc. Enough girls around me who all wanted me as a friend ('you really understand me') . But I always ended up with the girls running after the bad guys and coming back to seek comfort when the bad guys had left.

    Now that I'm a bit older, wiser and turned down just a few times too often, I notice that the times I'm not that considerate and nice anymore, say the things they don't expect to hear and act on impulse instead of thinking too much, the 'bad' girls are chasing me. What a strange world we're living in, hahaha.

    Love it, Scoobs!

    BTW, did you or anyone here ever watch "The Last Days of Disco"?

    Typical Whit Stillman effort centering around the preppies of the late 1970s. In one scene, the characters are all talking at Studio 54 (!) about Lady and the Tramp (!), the famous Disney cartoon. This is my absolute favourite scene in the movie.

    One of the guys analyses why girls tend to like jerks when they start to date:

    "There is something depressing about it and it's not really about dogs. Except for some superficial bow-wow stuff at the start, the dogs all represent human types which is where it gets into real trouble.

    Lady, the ostensible protagonist, is a fluffy blond cocker spaniel with absolutely nothing on the brain. She's great looking but, let's be honest, incredibly insipid. Tramp, the love interest is a smarmy braggart of the most obnoxious kind, an oily jail bird out for a piece of tail or whatever he can get.

    He's a self confessed chicken thief; an all around sleaze ball.

    What's the function of a film of this kind?

    Essentially it's a primer about love and marriage directed at very young people, imprinting on their little psyches that smooth talking delinquents recently escaped from the local pound are a good match for nice girls in sheltered homes.

    When in ten years the icky human version of Tramp shows up around the house their hormones will be racing and no one will understand why.

    Films like this program women to adore jerks."

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

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