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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Man, this forum is full of spittle and vinegar today. So here's a funny article to raise our spirits:

    Could you work at a watch factory? :p

    Because this janitor couldn't, without putting his handed in the "cookie jar". He five-finger discounted "pricey Timexes" (there are?) and sold them to a pawnbroker, who then sold them on eBay, before being caught.

    "MIDDLEBURY, Conn. -- A former janitor at Timex headquarters in Middlebury was charged with stealing pricey timepieces that were discovered for sale on the auction Web site eBay, police said.

    Police said 28-year-old German Palomeque of Waterbury was charged with the theft of more than 48 watches, valued at more than $10,000.

    A prototype Timex diving watch, which isn’t even available to the public, and more than 20 other models recently appeared as in "mint condition" gifts on the site, police said.

    Click here to find out more!

    According to police, they tracked the eBay sales to the pawnshop owner to whom Palomeque pawned the watches. A search of Palomeque's home turned up more than 120 Timex watches and watch displays, police said."

    From: http://www.nbc30.com/news/14610679/detail.html

  2. Over the past few months I have noticed that there seem to be a lot of threads started, simply for the purpose of receiving some kind of feedback. Topics like "What do you think of cluttered dials" or "Look how many watches I have" seem to be more a cry for help from attention starved wannabes, and tend to be void of any meaningful information. Now, I don't mind partaking in the odd casual conversation, but it seems to me that RWG has been flooded with this kind of stuff of late. For me, posts with actual "content" are becoming harder to find.

    I know I'm not the only one that feels this way, so I thought I'd pose the question.

    Andrew, real men say things out loud without dancing around a topic. So say what we all know you're saying, like a man.

    As an aside, I have always found your attitude completely irrational. It saddens me about human nature, that when a person disagrees with someone politically or about some topic, comes from a different background, strays a little out of the norm, or is another gender, that a person becomes incredibly antagonistic towards that person in general.

    If you have a problem with a certain individual, their personality, or their manner of posting, the answer is QUITE SIMPLE: "Ignore".

    You'll find the universe a much better place, and RWG a paradise.

    Please do so for those who trouble you, and do not drag RWG into these kinds of "fluff" posts yourself.

  3. Small update:

    "A Chinese anti-virus company has warned against free downloads of Ang Lee’s steamy spy thriller, “Lust, Caution” (Se, jie), saying several hundred sites offering the service were embedded with viruses.

    And Chinese doctors have warned moviegoers not to try some of the more ambitious sexual positions featured in the uncut version of the film."


    LOL. Now I want to see that film BAD.

  4. Did it! Braved the cold (and I mean cold night) and got a new TV for the living room! 46 inch LCD - now the kids won't have to watch their cartoons on a broken, formerly color, TV.

    Aww, man that sounds so sweet...how early did you wake up, Brep??

    Anyone else?

    Unfortunately, I have to go shopping now too, and dread the parking, the crowds, and the queues. Nothing so glamourous as a 46 incher. Just some pillows and a heating blanket. :p

    And yes! - where are the rep deals to tempt us???

    Well, Narikaa has a nice uPO deal going. But precious little else so far!

  5. With a "little" wiggle room that could last years...

    Let's see...

    100 watches... from each label... +1 of each in each available metal, variation combination and other material, with each available dial and available hand combination...

    100 straps... from each favored brand, +1 of each in each available color, variation, combination and material...

    100 bracelets... 1 for each watch, + 1 of each in each available metal, variation, combination and other material...

    The only problem with that otherwise good conjecture, POTR, is that these rep watches will probably die in the next year. :lol:


  6. Yes i woud not whant to live anywhere else then Norway,but i em not the kind of person that lets people step on me even if ts the gov,i think we shoud have rights to atlest decied over our own life as long as this descions dont hurt other people.

    I completely agree there. And I'm no Libertarian.

    My dog is the American Staffordshire Terrier in the US its mostly now'n as the show style pitbull terrier it was banned in 2004,pitbull terries togehter whit some other breeds have been banned since 1991 all cause of one stupid political partie called SV..It was my hope to get innvolved on the breeding ascpekt but after using 4 years time on this breed to understand its genetics and such they banned it....And Pitbulls are banned many places in the US and over 3million pitbulls get put down in the US every year.

    Yes. :(

    I'm so sorry. I don't have much knowledge of pit bulls, but I was raised around dogs, and have never been scared of them.

    First dogs, then cigarettes, later perhaps "unhealthy" food (you wait)...very scary.

    The Chinese are masters of yucky food

    When I went to Mexico, the lady street vendors sold cockroaches in a type of pita bread. I passed. :o

  7. It's not the same thing!

    Pickled herring (inlagd sill in Swedish), is a traditional method of preserving the food.

    You mix sugar, vinegar, salt, spices and water. Then you add the fish.

    Damn tasty if you ask me!

    I know the forums' Latins (the Italians, French, Belgians, Spaniards, etc.) just read that, and went ugh. If it doesn't have garlic, it's not food. :p

    Fortunately, this sounded very tasty to me!

  8. Yeah, the rich suburbs west of Oslo, not far between the stylish homes and pools. :) *envy*

    Oh yes, I remember something like that...

    That's an expensive coke even for norway, I hope it came with Bacardi and a twist of lime!

    Nothing! But! Coke! :p

    Oh, and though I'm not a drinker, I like to have a cognac just before a concert or play, etc. I almost keeled over when I ordered Hennessy XO at our hotel bar. Non-acquavit spirits are really expensive in Scandinavia...

    I agree about Stockholm being the more beautiful city, Norway lacks history in terms of urban architecture and construction. In Bergen the old elegance is more concentrated and visible, and it is also my preferred city, having lived there for a while. ..the incessant rain speaks to its disadvantage though.

    Ahh, I didn't realise about the rain. As a Brit, I am always a little astonished when I go a full day without rain, down here. It seems WRONG somehow.

    But yes, Bergen has culture, and its people are more suave. You see far less women there, wearing little white socks and sandals. :o:lol:

    If you haven't already, and ever find your way north, you should travel around Lofoten. Our friend docblackrock has people up there, and I'm sure he'll vouch for it. In summer, for serenity and quiet natural beauty, you'd be hard pressed to find a better spot in Europe. :)

    Excellent, thank you so much, Ape! I am always seeking out of the way travel tips.

  9. Many young girls seem to want what they cant have. Sad but true.


    Human BEINGS want what they cannot have. This is the story of the Garden of Eden, and every human story since then.

    Fortunately, Redroom, as you get older that desire to have what you cannot have lessens itself. That's when you begin to appreciate what you've had, what you have, and even what you cannot have.

    BTW, don't beat yourself up about posting this. This isn't just a rep watch forum. Once you've been here for a while, and are involved in the forum, you become a part of a community*. People care about each other, you know? Good luck to you!

    *I hesitate to say family, because I've never been involved in a dysfunctional one. :p

  10. as I don't like them being a raised detail on the crystal, although with PAMs, they locate it internally, so it's not an aesthetic problem.

    Exactly so with me. When I got my first Panerai watch with a datewheel, I thought, my word, they wouldn't even spoil its sleek lines with an unsightly bump. Italians think of every detail. ;)

  11. It's not just women who go nuts and wake up at 2 AM to be first in the queues on Black Friday. Men do too.

    So who here will be doing the whole "Black Friday" thing? :p

    (Me, no. Never have yet)

    Even Canadians are crossing the border, due to the US dollar's advantageous discounts for our neighbours. Problem is, Canadian retailers are sufferin'.

    "VANCOUVER -- Call it Black Friday, or Blitz Day or whatever you want, but the sales in the United States on Thursday are good enough that not even Canadian mall managers can keep their workers at home.

    Two of James Moller's 10 staff high-tailed it for the border, leaving behind their work at British Columbia's Coquitlam Centre for a dash into a weekend of barn-burning specials, as many U.S. retailers kick-off their "golden quarter" with extravagant midnight openings on the day after U.S. Thanksgiving."

    From: http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/financi...ba3&k=23305

  12. Magnificent track. Have it already, but I so look forward to downloading this. Thanks Goo!!

    You mean to tell us that you don't personally know the Harlem Boys or live next door to them or went to the same school with them or actually cut a few songs with them. I am really let down by this Victoria. I mean with all the magnanimous information you have put forth on this board over the last few months. This is really disappointing. JL

    No amount of teasing my darling, will be able to get under my skin today. I am full of the goodness of family love, and simply radiating happiness and good will towards all.

    Have a good rest of the week, Mr. Lemon!

  13. No offense, Dani, but you grew up in one of the most, -if not THE most affluent part of the country.. It's geographically a small part of norway, and quite an aside from the norm. :)

    I'm guessing that's Oslo, or in the rich suburbs around it. :)

    For the record, the single-most expensive Coca-Cola I have ever had, was in a restaurant in Oslo: at the then rate of exchange, U$15.

    Might be $25 by now. :lol:

    OTOH, Oslo was a delight.

    Extra clean country filled with happy-go-lucky, democratic people like all Norwegians are, safe, and with pockets of elegance (not as elegant as Stockholm, with respect) all around the capital.

    I confess, I preferred Bergen and I loved Trondheim, but Oslo is the kind of city one could easily live in without culture shock.

    P.S.: The Inferno Metal Festival was cool. I see they are adding a 4th day for 2008.

  14. Well i for one would like to see a photo of the 77, do you have wide angle lens Vic??


    Remember I said no compilation shots anymore, after the dread Strapitis thread. Instead, I have gone on record saying that I'll always post a different watch in each Wristcheck. Hope you have been paying attention. :D

    (Same goes for my straps. There's a new one in each Wristie)

  15. I realised, after posting in Stephane's Explorer II thread having said I was interested in purchasing that, and a Tag Heuer, that my watch passion is really too much.

    So, I have decided to make a Thanksgiving resolution.

    I'm stopping at 100 watches...

    Let's see if I stick to that, or if I will break it faster than Michael Moore breaks his New Year's Resolution to cut down on the Twinkies. :p

    P.S.: 77.

  16. As an artist, I see an open field. You should decorate that dial and make it whatever you want. Put a business logo on there...RWG logo...or any artwork. That's what I'd do. VERY NICE! I want one.

    Froggy, I think the point is that he wants the open field, rather jazzing it up as an artist would. :p

    P.S.: Trying to search for that RWG tribute watch a member has on his .sig. I did find this though.




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