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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. okay boss next time i should just tell the whole world about them.. give them info about this site and even call rolex now and tell them that i knew all about it from here.. and sure tomorrow morning to redeem myself i will go around the city and go OMG ME AND VICTORIA IS WEARING REPS MANNN WE'RE NOT LIARS.. WE BOUGHT A ROLEX COPY BECAUSE WE LIKE COPIES NOT GENS!!!! YAHHHH!!!

    Hayul, no! No one has asked me, YET, but I fully intend to lie when asked if that lovely PAM 112 with the Senape strap I am wearing, is a gen.

    "YES! On a stack of Bibles, yes yes!!"

    But then, I will know I am telling an untruth. A lie. Un blague. Why? Because I'm a hypocrite. I want others to think I own a gen.

    It's only if one thinks one's super-modded, almost flawless, MBK marvel of repitude is uncalled-outtable, is when you're in trouble.

    That's what your friend went after. Not your watch, but your character. Anyway, good luck to you, Armin. The schoolmarm is going to post pics of her GEN Casio. ;)

    @Armin: You are not being flamed! Okay, yes, it may sound like I am flaming you. But that's the nanny inside me. I apologise for the tone, but not the tactics. Again, I WANT YOU TO WIN. Not him. Capiche?

  2. can i ask where i lied? the part that my dad gave it to me? to be honest technically i'm not lying sweetie, because my dad DID buy it for me as a christmas present

    Armin, I'm not the bad guy here. I want YOU to win, not your scuzzy chum. You're my forum colleague after all!

    But come on now, it's a rep. The moment he said "this is a fake", you should've said, "yeah", right?

    Everything else is a detail.

    @Dee1: LOL! Love it. That just means we'll have to work harder to get a Lotus.

  3. which part of my story did i actually lie about my reps to him?

    The bit where you didn't admit the watch is yours, and not your dad's AND that it's indeed a rep, even if it's not a cheapo $50.

    Ahh, the joys of being a guilty Catholic. Where the sin of commission is the same as the sin of omission. :p

    @Followup: Ah so it's $20 he's offering now, is it. He's seriously taking the Mick. And you're letting him. Ay, Armin.

  4. Shoulda known he was going for the con, when he asked if it was real.

    In a way.

    But since I am spouting international sayings, there's another one in Portuguese: "Joga verde, para colher maduro", lit. throw unripe fruit, to collect ripe fruit.

    In other words, he wanted to see his friend's reaction, so he threw out a half-ar$ed guess, possibly based on some truth (I do believe he did "hold" a gen Rolex once. That bit sounds genuine. A liar would've said "seen"). He wasn't 100% sure until Armin reacted like he did, though.

    Now, he knows he was right and he also knows his friend lied to him. That's power.

  5. but he tells me that it feels "dodgy".. i mean is he right? or he's just playing the guessing game? i feel down now :(..

    Look, he's playing onemanship with you.

    He saw a cool, expensive watch on your wrist, and wanted to make sure you knew HE knew he could tell the difference between a fake and a gen. That is his way of evening the score, even subconsciously.

    The thing is, what he is saying is true.

    No matter how good the copy, people who have felt a gen Rolex know there is a difference in weight between the two. So first of all, Armin, get that out of your mind that you have the best copy out there. It's still a copy.

    This change in your perception will lead you to enjoy your rep watches more. No one again can make you feel like someone has just punched you in the gut.

    You know you have a rep, but lay people can't tell the difference. Use that knowledge to your advantage. If you act like it's a rep, and believe me, he saw it in your eyes and "went with it" to see your reaction, then it'll pour out of your sweat glands.

    And never forget the old Moroccan adage, "he who explains too much is guilty".

    I wouldn't like a "friend" like that around me, but then OTOH, you lied about your rep watch. Armin, it's even now. :)

  6. There is an old saying: "Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered".

    In the year you were gone, several "ultimate" watches have come out -- the Fiddy, the uPO, and a few IWCs. The pricey ceramics like HBBs even have lite versions which are very good.

    But even so, there would be resistance. Dear God.

    What IS this problem people have with businessmen making a profit?

  7. I can gel with that one, I have to have mine delivered to work so she doesn't notice!! Its terrible being under the thumb....wouldn't have that problem married to Victoria!!!!! :D

    And you can talk to me about sports all day too! ;)

    Seriously though -- I PMed Kokedose my compliments on his collection, already. I find him a kindered spirit, because he got the rep-bug fast and good. WTG, Koke! EDIT: My favourite photo: the gorgeous BCE.

    (My boyfriend doesn't log onto RWG anymore, but he also says, "They all look alike"...)

  8. I really want to send adam and jamie a set of noobs...

    "Funny" rating. :lol:

    You know, they would get a kick out of that. Just invent a myth around rep watches, and ask them to bust it!

    Suggestions? *g*

    @Jfreeman: Right! Therefore the *g* for grin. ;)

    Anyway, Adam and Jamie won't be happy with our myths, unless they get to blow stuff up!

  9. After the wierd stare like I had three heads I said "Victoria would know what I am talking about" "Who the hell is Victoria"? What a mess I got myself into. This watch hobby can be dangerous...... :lol::lol::lol:

    You're lucky she didn't find a photo of mine addressed to "To (Jfreeman), with love from Victoria". That almost caused a divorce in one of my friends' lives, once!

    I admire your oneupmansship.........

    More like bushy-tailed earnest helpfulness. :lol:

    I stick to being affable and informative on RWG...

  10. And of course, living in Oz.... Northern Territory!


    Jolly joker, Offshore. You'll confuse the lad!

    Dadog, in forums it means "No Text". Basically, the reply is the title, and there is no text in the message itself.

    Used to save time in clicking on posts with no messages. It works best in sequential forums like Risti and TZ.

  11. Martin, what is a nice Weaner boy like you doing in Dubai? ;)

    (Just kidding, don't worry, I'm not prying)

    Do you remember that thread where someone was travelling to the Middle East? Wanted to know if he could wear a rep watch -- I remember it well because of the exchange you and I had.

    One of the people who replied was from the UAE -- fellow member, Upirons.


    Perhaps you can try to PM him. If he's not your age, maybe he knows people who are.

    BTW, don't feel bad if you want someone your age around you. It's not about age exactly. It's about circumstances. Most people in the Middle East are married at 30 and beyond. I too like to surround myself with people my age -- I'm 7 years your senior.

    Very coincidentally, since she is shown in my new avatar..., I have a cousin in Dubai doing research. She's 23 but engaged to an American. ;)

  12. 112h.jpg

    That's the best 112 (of whatever series) I've ever seen. It looks gen.

    My only concern for you, Asad, is the money. Yes, it's worth it due to the mods, but ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for a rep Panerai? If you save some more, you can get a used gen...

    But I guess you have gotten a lot of these replies, so let me just say, unless Verbal Kint is on to something about the seller, buy it.

  13. Watches included to stay on topic. ;)


    When I played tennis but particularly golf, I used to get callouses just there on my ungloved left hand (I swing lefty, though I write righty). Editted.

    Nice peak at your collection and Seiko Mostro, Slai!

    P.S.: I'm not going to be power-lifting, obviously. I'm going for a full cardio workout, and easy does it in the beginning -- I'm no gym rat like you guys! ;) My goal is to shed the stone I gained last year, so that I can go back to tennis particularly. It's my great sporting love.

  14. Switched to the BOB brown strap.....


    What a great photo! I'm guessing this is the replacement Jay sent you, which looks great on that fancy Bob strap. :tu:

    Since I'm replying separately, this is what I wrote earlier:

    @Demonslayer: You won't regret it! The PAM 113s are very elegant, versatile. :)

    @Sql_pl: I think Ola will look FANTASTIC with this PAM 113! Goes great with "ladylike" strap colours --> white Taikonaut Kangaroo.


  15. Victoria-

    It's a different hide than yours. A little less orange hence the change in name from British Tan to Saddle Tan. I've not been able to get any more of the other and you did, in fact, get the last one.

    Fittingly perhaps. The British girl got the last British Tan. ;)

    Good to see that you have a similar one though, Savage. I have wanted to get another for the Fiddy, and at least the forum knows you have one.

    Anything else new hide-wise? I'm thinking of getting something from you and Tootall soon.

    @Sav below: "Informative" rating. Thanks!

  16. Hey Victoria....I still have my Yellow Sport Walkman....I used to match it up with my Swatch Yamaha Racer....back in the 80's...girl, weren't we sooooooo kewl back then....rockin' out to OMD and the Thompson Twins....LOL



    Actually, Tech, I was using the Yellow Sport Walkman (with cassette tape and radio!) in the LATE LATE 90s! Mine was the digital version:


    I did have the Madonna half-gloves when I was a little girl and posters of Bros on my wall, though. :lol:

  17. Dear God!!!!

    Is that contageous?!? I fear for the pearls...

    Oh, I didn't see this reply before, Madasboot. :lol:

    Okay, update. I've had enough of the itching, scratching, and ugly red band around my wrist. I finally gulped air, and applied clear nail polish to my PAM deployant a few hours ago.

    No itching, no scratching...I think it works, people!

    I used Sally Hansen "Dries Instantly" nail varnish. U$4.99 at CVS.


    (And no more Cape Cod cloths for me)

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