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Posts posted by Victoria


    Don't have my rotation all planned out, nice and neat for you. So, I'll just show you what I have in mind for the next 3 days. Ready?

    Andrew PAM 113 on a Bob Ostrich deployant strap.


    TeeJay and I are in agreement: ostrich straps are a bit gross. :g: It's okay on the white-dial PAM though.


    Wonder what Dave123 thinks, since he was wearing the ostrich on his Fiddy. :p


    Preview of my D-ring grosgrain pink-and-green Preppy strap. A bit of whimsy. ;)


    Mmm. Why I love living in South Florida -- Cuban steak, white rice, black beans and my Raimondo68 HBB RG. You could feed an army with that steak. :animal_rooster:


    Group shot!


    ...hope you liked. HAGWE! ^_^

  2. No way! One is the Savage British tan. A beauty which Savage made for me (I had planned to feature it in my last Great Panerai Strap Caper). He said I got the last one, because he ran out of hide.

    Great to see he's got more.

    The last one...looks like a Micah? It's very nice either way, CT. You've got great taste, and that's because it's the same as mine. :lol:

    EDIT: The Brindle, oh very nice. Not very popular, and that's a GOOD thing. Like Micah's Pale Rider, he's only ever made two and one is mine!


  3. Thx so much Victoria, a wristshot without your opinion on my newest rep is not a wristshot I can enjoy... ^_^

    Aww. :p

    Well, since RWG is a little slow, I won't do one of those "@Pix" followups I have been doing because the ratings were taken out. A full reply instead!

    (Well, one to @TMG: Nice new Tudor! And one to @Maximilian: I didn't even know you had a 177, you rascal)

    Although the background looks very much like a Parisian brasserie, it is actually the window of the Montblanc watch factory in Le Locle (Switzerland).


    For a second, it looked like you posed outside of Les Deux Magots at night. :)


    Nice little house...


    Ahh, the Swiss. So clean, so correct.

    No Hello Kitty ladies there...

  4. Nice..

    There are some good finds on TZ... Two days ago a guy was selling his Breitling Aerospace from July 2007 for 1700 USD!

    Don't you find these quick turnarounds ...suspicious?

    Except for a present or needing the money suddenly, I can't imagine selling a watch just after buying it, since presumably if I've plunked down $$$, I made sure I tried it on several times, and that it was "me".

    Did that ever happen to you, Chrgod/guys?

    I'm talking gens. :)

  5. I'm happy with this lume....


    Good one! Thanks for the effort.

    Is this a C-1 PAM 005? Oh, and I forgot to ask -- from whom did you buy it? Josh? :)

    @Golfman: I'm guessing Lowlands means he's Flemish, and therefore Richyman was very elegant to use French to you given the rivalries. :p

    @Richyman: Ah, cool. An educated Dutch dude. ;)

    @Golfman followup: ZING! Hehe.

  6. I just came across this on doubleredseadweller.com and its pretty interesting. Many here may frequent DRSD.com, but for those who have not, I include this link (replace xx with tt) hxxp://www.doubleredseadweller.com/comexletters.htm

    Nice one, Southcoast!

    "his is not unusual as you already know I have seen at least 30-40 of these models (without COMEX on the dial) over time..."

    So I guess my neighbour, who was a professional diver in his youth, and who told me his was a real COMEX Rolex was right. :p

    Any (ex-)professional divers on RWG?

  7. You know what they say, though---"Big government, big...."

    "...muscle car trying to make up for a small wiener?" Yeah, I heard that too.

    Actually, both Parties have rather unsavoury sexual reputations.





    I don't think I want to be either an effete liberal dressed like a giant condom. Or an old dude in a Speedo, popping boner pills. :yuk:

  8. TTK should have a group sale more often. Almost 5000 hits in a few days in his group sales post, and this record was set just a day or two after he posted his sale. TTK can take a bit of credit with this one

    That's a good deduction, Star!

    Not partaking in the special, it didn't even occur to me.

  9. Unless some of us are so intense we buy 1 watch per week... hmmmm... not going to mention any names........

    I'm bumping this thread, as the holiday approaches. I also just read a post by my beloved collector, Paul, where he states:

    "Holiday start Feb 3 to Feb 15."

    Not sure if that's China-wide, or just him, but that's more than a week. Given EMS' non-holiday problems, I fear placing orders during this time.

    Do packages just not get posted, or do they sit in a warehouse until the reveries are over?

  10. Wow, I wonder what kind of phone calls she is going to subject herself too.


    Aww, man no way.

    The post has been flagged for removal, and the pics of the Vagina Sofa are gone. Some people are so square. I bet you they shop at Ethan Allen.

    EDIT 18 Jan: Someone saved a photo. :lol:


  11. I got one of my favorite shoes back from having the heels re-built :) First time I've ever liked a pair of shoes enough to get them repaired rather than replaced, so, to get the best color match, I was wearing my 127 on its original factory strap :)

    Mr. TeeJay, having no rating system yet, let me just say "ZING!!" too, here.


    For a rep strap, it looks decent. And soon, TeeJay, soon...sigh, sorry. :(

    @Ubi: Beautiful Tourby!

    @HikeUSA: Yes, saw it in the Gym thread. Beautiful CD. And may I say, nice colour of workout shorts there. ;)

    @TeeJay followup: You have the patience of a saint, my friend. Do they have saints in Islam? :balloon:

  12. Victoria I recall a Rolex Air-King in your collection or am I mistaken. In any event it may be just right for environment your gym is in and still not over the top.

    Hey, you know. That's not a bad idea!

    Well, not all the time, but to mix it up with the Casio or Pumpkin PO. It's also cheap enough (28 Euro) so that if something happens to it, it's no problem to replace.

    Thanks, Raijor! :)

    @Viennawatch: Thanks for the Polar info!

    @Alant: Thanks too! Any more info on that Jellyfish?

  13. Well I'm no Repub, but as a pragmatist I think Romney stands a great chance in middle America vs. either Hillary or Obama.

    Tangentially, this is making my friends in the UK a bit worried -- they email me, asking for explanations. Who is the candidate?? Why isn't there a front-runner yet!?

    I'm sorry that Iowa has to be the first State in the Union to caucus, because it is so bewildering to foreigners. They expect consensus immediately.

    In a parliamentary system, the Party is paramount, but you have a leader: an accentuated difference n the US, when a President MUST step down, due to constitutional restraints on a 3rd term. It gives off a leaderless feeling.

    The last time the US had a non-presidential or vice-presidential candidate running was in 1968, when Johnson declined to run in MARCH of that year (after the New Hampshire primary, and Bob Kennedy entered the race).

    EDIT: Actually, just remembered. Hubert Humphrey ran, and he was Veep. Let's not forget that George Wallace split the Democratic ticket though. Enter Michael Bloomberg...

    It's anyone's race, but the country is not in Counter Culture turmoil. 2008 isn't 1968.

    However, it is the last hurrah for the 1968 generation. Hope they had a good time 'cause next stop -- retirement home, not 1600.

  14. I like Bourdain a lot. He's a lot more "real" to me than most chefs on TV. Thoroughly enjoyed all his books too. It's also great to see when he's around some really great chefs like Ferran Adria. He turns into an 8 year old on best behaviour with his arms in front of him and a humble smile.

    True. Good description! As I said, I like him but the personality you find more "real", I find annoyingly too-cool-for-this-show-like. Since these kinds of shows are more about eating, than being chefs, I am going solely on personality and not about talent as a chef, mind.

    However, he's the guest chef at the Coral Gables' Les Halles, down here. He's fairly often to be seen outside the restaurant, dressed in civvies taking a nervous drag of his cigarette, talking only to the chic'est, youngest people.

    The Cosi Grande GMT that Heston was about 3k CAD. Not unreasonably expensive at all.

    Wow, seriously? That's certainly "do-able". :victory:

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