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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. New record must be the effect of the mass emails :)

    JUST about to write that. Exactly, PZ. Proof positive is that last time, when RWG underwent the Big Green Change, the forum's record wasn't broken.

    Maybe if Admin posted a mass mailer about the RWG Supporter upgrades, even once a year, I bet you there would be an increase in them -- even with the PayPal difficulties. :busted_cop:

    Screenshot at 11:59 PM EST.


  2. IMG_3513.jpg

    My first PAM ever was that blasted Mini-Fiddy I got from Paul. Never wear it, but this is incentive, boy!

    Europelli Shell Cordovan strap?

    @Kruzer00: Sheesh, you were carefully composing your Wristie for seemingly hours. You are taking your new duties very seriously, I see. ;)

  3. I tried a Cosi Grande on over the weekend...me likey. :D

    How much costie?

    Victoria, finally got around to watching the last no reservations - Tony Bourdain is still wearing a Tag. He even mentions it when he's joking about celebrity endorsements.

    Wow, are you serious? Ah well. He seemed to wear a very elegant, Patek-looking watch and then a chunkier than usual, which I thought was a Breitling, in his season debut. Bah.

    What did you think of his presentation in general?

    I like Bourdain, but he tries too hard to be cool.

  4. Arrived today: DSN PVD 111h on self made vintage (bad lightning)


    RATINGS. I want my RATINGS! :lol:

    Just to say, there are SO many things I want to say about these photos -- Doc's Porsche kit car, Ryaku's great Seiko Monster, TeeJay's trainers, Avitt's bracelet shot (so "clean"), etc. but this one, PATerai, called to me.

    Gold star for composition and wristcheckiness!

    (What, it's a word)

  5. Foreign films are hard to find in the US outside of major cities. You have to hunt for them in other locations.

    I think that's true of any foreign film in most English-speaking countries. BTW, the American Golden Globes were given out tonight, in a low-key press conference.

    Marion Cotillard won for Best Actress. :victory:

    Please note, not Best Actress in a foreign film. Just "Best Actress" (in a musical or comedy, of whatever language). Unlike the French C

  6. As far as I understand it is LE (50 pcs) made exclusively for Hublot retailer/AD Marcus of London. I think Black Marcus is not it's official designation, it's just something that @UB7 came up with ;)

    Ah thanks. I think UB7 got it from somewhere else though, as I Googled "Hublot Black Marcus" and that Fleabay auction came up! And others too. :)

  7. Why would you even consider replacing a Plexiglas crystal with a sapphire? That would change the watch's appearance & definitely reduce its value.

    You've been speaking to my mother, haven't you, Freddy? :p

    On the other hand, a competent watchsmith should be able to renew it to showroom condition, which, considering its current state, would make alot of sense.

    Yes, when I took up this hobby I had the contents of our bank vault boxes inventoried. Well, I did most of the work, but they were appraised professionally. The appraiser-jeweller offered me cash on the spot for the watch above. No way.

    I'll wear it, enjoy it, but it's mine forever because it belonged to my great-grandmother, my grandmother, and now me.

    I only took it out of the vault, because on Tuesday I'm going to my trusty jewellers to have it serviced. Here's hoping I'm not robbed along the way, but that's the risk any Rolex owner has to take.

  8. I think they should be worn as well.

    From a realiastic standpoint watches are not a great investment. I realize that some will double in value within a short period of time but in the end a watch is a luxury item and only worth what the market is willing to pay. A watch that is worth $100k today may be only worth $4-5K in a few years. There is no guarantee that its value will stay up no matter how rare it is, like I said it is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

    That is true with almost all investments. It's sad to think of a beautiful watch like that Rolex as an investment. It feels cold and unnatural.

    But I'm glad my grandmother thought of me, when she was wearing this and making her Will.



    Now, I love wearing it, but it's not insured. We can't afford to.

    But once we have it serviced, with a lovely new sapph crystal installed, I can sell it and buy a house with it -- well, it'll make a nice down payment. Not that I will ever do that. It's for my future daughter.

    That's what patrimony is all about.

  9. I am, unfortunately, not near any large gyms. The closest "big" gym near me is 35min away. A little too far for me. I suffice with the local Golds Gym. 30,000sq. ft. of juice heads and men that wear too much cologne while working out and not enough women to use as motivation while training.

    Oh well...back to my Twinkies.


    There's a Gold's Gym a few blocks away from me (well, everything is a few blocks away in SoBe. It's 20 blocks wide). I entered to inquire, and saw all these muscle-types wearing loose shorts, circa Arnold Schwarzenegger-Pumping Iron, and bimbettes in wall-to-wall pink, and walked out. It was a meat market.

    The receptionist was wearing a Cartier Fran

  10. i like his quote.

    "Enjoy and wear your watches or else you are just taking care of them for the next guy"

    I'm all for wearing and enjoying watches, or anything else we have, that is worth a king's ransom. But his comment above lacks some perspective.

    Taking care of them for the next guy could also mean one's kids. The reason we slave, save, and invest is for them too, no? To leave them something of worth.

  11. c. i don't like to leave my watches whether fake or gen lying in the "locked" locker....

    Now drop and give me twenty..... :p

    :lol: :lol:

    I like your 'tude, Tech.

    BTW, your allusion to a "locked" locker actually did happen to me. I had my racketball racket, and Sport Walkman (remember those? In yellow) stolen from a ritzy gym locker once, and I never again returned.

    I'm guessing one of the staff pilfered it, like what happened to Dionne Warwick and her jewels in an Italian hotel recently. It included a Rolex watch...


    So, it's either a cheap watch, or a rep I can wear everywhere, but wouldn't mind losing it when I go into the sauna.

    WBK offered me a Tag Carrera Chrono. I said no. Too butch. :lol: My quest continues.

    I like Laz' watch, a lot though!

  12. 12-0-07306.jpg


    Fleabay Item number: 140192456711

    Buy It Now price: US $20,750.00

    Maybe others feel this way when they see the other HBBs we have, but I wouldn't pay a dime for the Black Marcus. Very nondescript watch, IMO.

    Why is it called "The Black Marcus"?

  13. collectionrm0.jpg

    Chris, I did a search just now, and indeed both you (and I!) had posted about similar topics. Like you, I just can't do it. I can't buy that Casio above...at least, not tonight.

    Stylish it may be, well for a quartz -- practical, no doubt. But ay, a Casio.

    If I were in a gen forum, that's one thing. But as rep watch owners, maybe you understand where I'm coming from...

    Anyway, thanks guys. See you tomorrow. :)

  14. IMG_0135.jpg


    I was about to buy this watch on the *Bay:


    Listed at less than $50:

    "Casio BG1001-7VD Baby-G Ladies Illuminator Watch NEW


    Water resitant to 200m. Plus a Tanning timer (good grief).

    But guess what? It's not a gen Casio! Can you beat that? They make rep watches of CASIOS.

    Finally, I'm going with this, the Casio Baby-G Poison in white:


    I'm so hating this. I really want an IWC CD. -_-

    P.S.: Who WEARS these Nikes? Barf.


    @Pugwash: Thanks! That's sound advice.

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