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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. @Victoria

    First of all, thanks a lot for the reminder on the Mid East post! I totally forgot about that one!

    Have you ever had an argument with a woman? We never forget. Ever. Scary. :p

    (We didn't have an argument of course, though!)

    Well you know what, I'll let you in on a little secret... a big reason to why I couldn't get a job there was because I didn't want one there... I never liked it in Austria. I was raised in the M.E., so I guess this is my true calling. My parents live here as well, so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity.

    It's a shame you couldn't find work in Austria, Viennawatch. I see that though your great love is the Middle East, when you went to get a forum ID, it was the Vienna that called to you. And why not.

    I love the USA and have emigrated here, but when I registered in one site once, I chose BritishVic as my ID.

    I NEVER EVER would fancy an affair.... :innocent:

    WHEW. I realise some areas are more liberal than others...but that's s big nono. Reminds me of that old joke, "What is the difference between adultery in the West and Middle East?"

    "In the Middle East, you are stoned after you commit adultery. In the West, you get stoned before you commit adultery." :lol:

    Good luck, Viennawatch!

  2. By the way, to the gross looking women fighting over the worst knock-off bags I have ever seen, NO ONE ON EARTH is going to see you with that bag and picture you buying it at South Coast Plaza. You do see a few trendy L.A. chicks trying to score a fake Gucci and sneak out without bumping into any of their friends, but 99.9% of the "ladies" there are HELL OF NASTY. <end rant>

    LOL! I know the ones you mean. :p

    OTOH, have you seen the amount of fat bald schlubbs who buy Panerai and Rolexes? Wonder who they are trying to kid.

    #1: AP ROO, either quartz or with phony chronos. For some reason they were mostly the Shaq edition.

    #2: Breitling for Bentley (for all the flea market playas) I saw a Flying B which in hindsight wasn't so terrible

    #3: Hilariously bad Panerais galore

    #4: Hublot Big Bang, these were almost as bad looking as the Panerais. They also seemed really small, are the cheap reps smaller than the good ones for some reason?

    This is a much-needed peak at a place I didn't even know existed -- Santee Alley. Thanks, Doc!

    I wish someone would post their cities' backstreet counterfeit areas, although in non-metropolises in America, it's hard.

    In South Florida, there are parts of Westchester and Hialeah where you can find knock-offs, but that's under-the-counter merchandise. Nothing like this place in LA or heaven forbid, Canal St.

    It doesn't help that we have no Chinatown at all. Toronto has two!

  3. Zypher, great watch!! :)

    I guess there is no way to say this, but out with it -- as you have read, that is not a Crazy Horse strap.

    If someone sold you that as a Greg Crazy Horse, they lied. :angry:

    This is what a Crazy Horse with black stitching looks like. But the hide is the important bit.


    EDIT: Hope he doesn't mind, but this the Greg CH with white stitching by Hoochman.


    @Tutima: Good catch. The strap also looks rubbery to me. :(

    @Zypher below:Thanks so much! The 177h is a great favourite of mine -- from Andrew/Trustytime, FYI.

  4. Rating: Gold Star.

    By-Tor, I personally have never bought a Sub, but I have for my father. He's got the "So-Called Perfect" Sub, a Coke like you, and an LV. He's like so many men -- he considers them the quintessential timepiece.

    Not sure I believe this "story" of yours, though. Your Pepsi and Coke must have flaws and you still own/love them. Why not the plain Sub?? :p

  5. Hmm. I'm not sure what to make of this story, but it's good to know Steve and Ali's son name is Chad. Such an American name, don't you think?

    If I were a more suspicious person, Mediawonk, I'd say you were planting a story on a replica site, for a future write-up. :p

  6. It is also too much in other terms.

    The pin now is under heavy force. No pressure is given by the sterap to the lugs, only to the pin.

    The pin will break soon.

    I'm glad Jsmith11 asked the question! This is important info right there.

    J, just tell Waccex of your problems. I think they will solve it -- really. :)

  7. I was refering to I am legend - not cleverfield...

    The trailer i saw was enough to scare me away from it. :lol:

    It was "okay". As you said later, there was a certain tension in the film created by Smith, which held it along. (BTW, I have a thing not for zombie films, but for apocalyptic, NWO movies like Bladerunner, and Brazil...I'll see even bad films along those lines)

    I'm curious to see JJ Abrams' "Star Trek", the prequel, which comes out Christmas 2008.

    I think this film might've helped him to get his directorial bearings, since the Trekkies will be at his throat if he bums it up.

    @LordRasta: Ahhh, SPOILERS dude. ;) ...I didn't read past the first sentence.

  8. I liked it, actually. -_-

    Just got off the phone with my boyfriend -- he saw it yesterday in Toronto. He also liked it, Lord Rasta & SD4000. :p

    Describing the film just now, it sounded like another Blair Witch Project with the shaky cam-work. At first, I wanted him to tell me the whole plot, but when he got to the rolling head bit, I told him, stop! I might want to see this.

    (He's a "normal" cinema fan, albeit he likes Indies and foreign films like me)

    Oh, and though he didn't stay for the end-credits, I hope you guys know that there is a message at the end. ;)

  9. I don't have a problem with businessmen making a profit or even asking whatever the market will bear. I have more problem with fellow hobbyists with little or no knowledge tossing their money at dealers no matter what price they ask for.

    Well, that's true enough.

    But you can't stop uninformed consumers from buying anything.

    Creating barriers for consumers is also not going to happen, nor should it. Not that you were saying otherwise Jack, but it's called a "free" market for a reason: free to make your own choices, good and lousy.

    @Jmt: No you aren't the only one! ;)

    @Sql_PL & Corgi: "Agree"!!

  10. Looking at all these wristshots makes me feel envious :lol:

    As I only have 2 reps, it will be a little more time before I become a regular poster on these wristshot threads :)

    Nah! Why wait to post regularly? Join in the fun. :)

    Have you seen the Wristies of gen forums?

    There's this one guy that posts photos of his one and only Panerai watch ALL THE TIME. Same shot too. :p

  11. @vic.. yeah i'm more calmed down now :).. nah i know the forum is trying to back me up.. and i thank you guys for it.. just felt that with your first posts, it's like you're trying to say to me that i'm strutting my rolexes around and tell him that it's real and he called me out on it and i got embarassed.. which isn't the case and i think you know now :)


    BTW, the reply by Narikaa was an RWG Classic.

    Now what we need is a cunning plan on how to get back at your chum. A cousin of mine once got back at his friend by setting him up with a tranny for a date. :lol:

  12. What Sweatdogg and Raijor said!!

    BTW, I was GOING to write, what else is he going to try next -- but I didn't. I feared since the conversation was going South, that you might think I was trying to make you feel bad, or make you over-suspicious about your friend.

    But seriously, this is the kind of guy who steals girlfriends. Be careful, okay?

    Once you have cooled down, and your pride is less affected, you will see this forum cares about you. Not your friend, that's for sure. Fancy showing up a mate in front of others. <_<

    @Armin followup: I think your Noob YM must be awesome, if other Noob YMs I've seen are anything to go on. As Sweatdogg says, you've been on the forum for a year -- you know the quality of your Noob IS NOT Canal St. So look your buddy in the eye next time, and say, "Oh yeah? You don't know a real Rolex from a vagina".

    Only I wouldn't say vagina.

    Good luck, Armin! :victory:

  13. In honour of Slai's sexylicious pic, I present you with my new Casio Baby-G Shock! :)

    The three watches I'll be wearing: Rolex Air King from Silix. Hublot Big Bang Aspen from Narikaa. And mostly the Casio Baby-G from Amazon.

    I don't need a watch to work out, but maybe you are like me -- you NEED a watch on your wrist. Doesn't feel right, otherwise.





    Was saving this Wristcheck for Monday, but hey.


  14. if you just want to keep going just for the sake of arguing.. OK I LIED? HAPPY? now what? [censored] happens.. so unless you can turn back time so that i could tell everyone at that party that i should not "lie" because victoria told me not to.. don't bother posting about you being miss integrity coz it doesn't change the fact of what happened.. now this is where i stopped arguing about this crap.. thanks

    Wait, there is a miscommunication happening here, Armin. First, I apologise again for my tone. Sincerely.

    Second, what bothers you then, if you go around saying it's a rep?

    Certainly it's not the fact that you wear reps, or that if you tell people you do then the whole world will know about this forum. Clearly, you wouldn't care if people knew about RWG, right?

    Also, I'm not entirely sure you do care your buddy caught you in a lie. That's secondary, IMO. You're probably used to his yanking your chain, by now.

    You just want to know how much of a difference there is between a Noob YM and a cheapo $50 version. Right?

    "because if what he's saying is true i'd be better off getting it from canal st correct?"

    Hmm, don't pay attention to him. If it were By-Tor calling you out (:lol:) that's one thing. But he's no expert. He is simply making you feel bad by saying it's worth $50, then $20. Why can't you see he's messing with your head?

  15. omg not you too!?

    and would this thread change? NO well maybe it does.. difference would be victoria not flaming me.. which is something that i don't care about!

    Armin, we are ALL in your position. How can you think someone is truly flaming you? Come on, lad!

    In fact, you replied "omg not you too?!" to Pugwash. That's the guy who tells his co-workers he owns rep watches. So does FxrAndy, if memory serves.

    If he can't, why can't you? Or me?

    Because it takes a special kind of person to do that. Someone who doesn't care about what the rest of the world thinks about their rep watches. Not everyone is like that. I fear I am not, at least.

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