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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Thanks V. I'll give the strap some time, but will eventually try to buy a used gen strap. I hate my screen name :yuk: . It was chosen in haste after I found this great forum. I guess I can cancel the account and choose another, but I'll lose all my posts.

    No no, E. Just PM Admin with your desired screen name, and he'll change it for you. He's the only one who can do it. You could be BANNED if you have more than one account!

    Word in your ear -- when I changed mine to my Christian name, I included a few surrogates, in case my first choice was taken. Shyeah, like there are so many WOMEN on RWG...

  2. I got the standard officine Panerai rubber strap finally after being lost in the mail for half a month. I put tubes in and screwed it on. Wow this strap is what's the word, it aint broken in leather that's for sure. It's stiff. Is it going to break in at all or what you get is what you get? It looks cool but doesn't quite sit centered on my wrist because it's not conforming. Any thoughts?

    I'm presuming it's a rep rubber diver strap, Screech? I really dislike wearing the rep versions, because of what you describe. Mine are not exactly stiff, but they are very uncomfortable for ME.

    I finally had to buy the OEM (original) Panerai strap, and that is much much softer, if pricey ($125).

    I'm going to be joining a fitness spa soon, so I will have ample opportunity to test out both the OEM and rep rubber straps. As you suspect, with a good work out, it might soften.

  3. Thanks for the kind compliments Victoria! By the way, did you managed to find a solution to the watch nickel issue?

    In a way -- I am using only OEM Panerai straps and the OEM buckle, exclusively. No chafing, itching, scratching of any kind (less nickel used, perhaps). I know Kenberg said that applying clear nail varnish won't damage the buckles, etc. but I am just too chicken to try it. YET.

    I have a dermie appointment on the 31st, so I'll let the forum know what he says. :)

    And compared with the one in my hand now, I'm impressed and it doesn't feel 'cheap' in anyway.

    It certainly looks EXPENSIVE as all get out, on your Wristie shot. That's some cameraphone you got...

  4. Here are the pictures, please bear with the quality as I took these pictures using a simple handphone camera.


    My jaw is on the floor.

    What a gorgeous watch, incredible background photo, and impeccable colour for the strap, Alant.

    If Highflyingclive sees this, he'll be the first to pat you on the back! The dealer is to be commended for hooking you up.

  5. Thanks for the prompt responses, for some reason I cannot upload a file odd as the pic is only 10k. Its does seem to be spring loaded compared to my others so perhaps thats just the way it is. cheers S

    FWIW, Stormtrooper, the 177h I have has the loosest crown of all the PAMs I own. It doesn't wobble, but it just doesn't feel anywhere as tight as, e.g., the Davidsen 112.

    You may have better luck on Image Shack.

    1- http://imageshack.us/

    2- Browse to your photo on the HD

    3- Tick 640 x 480, click "Host it!"

    4- Copy/paste the 'direct url' to your RWG post

    5- Highlight it, choosing either the second button atop, near the Smiley button or put the [ img ] ... [ / img ] tags around it.

    Good luck with it all!

  6. Try making your grind a bit coarser, that will address what you are experiencing, IMO. What burr grinder are you using?

    I had until recently, a Gaggia MDF. It died on me.

    I'm expecting the Capresso Infinity 565 I mentioned up top, ANY day now, so I'll use that. In time, I hope to get a Mazzer Mini or Super Jolly!


    But right now, I'm using pre-ground Tim Horton's coffee from a tin. :o


    (It's the yellow 'band' tin -- Coarse Grind, or for the French amongst you, Cafe Mouture Normale. I love how it's billingual! O Canada, I stand on guard for thee)

    I'll take your suggestion, Subzero1, when the Capresso arrives. I was going to get a Breville, but that coffee forum found the choice anathema. They even looked down on the Capresso! They won't be impressed until I buy a $2000 grinder, which ain't gonna happen.

    Yet. :lol:

    @Ryyannon: :rofl: ...Go to coffeegeeks.com. Those people make US look like Stepford Wives.

    BTW, McDonald's coffee -- delicious.

  7. Ok... I have pneumonia, and mixing the steroids, with the decongestants, my usual pain meds and "horse tranqs" have left be a bit schizo the last week or so...

    Watch swatch. What matters now is your health. Of all people here, I know what you're feeling like, believe me. Take care, POTR.

    Nice watch, of course. Sili-Sub, heh.

  8. I've since put this on a black/black GeF leather strap.

    I was going to say, it's too blue, but I'm too diplomatic.

    OTOH! Fishgodeep is selling a more interesting Simona Vintage blue strap, which I myself just got. Can't wait to own this, to try it on.

    (Got the Simona for my abortive 249 interest...)

    I think it looks better than the blue. Regardless of the strap, under incandescent household lighting, this dial looks purple. Be prepared for that.

    In another photo a member posted, it looked bluer. Hmm, good heads up though.

    What movements are Davidsen's new PAMs going to use? The same? I heard he was coming out with a 164 and 104. Didn't know about a 229. If he gets the color more blue, I might have to buy a dial and swap it in.

    I may have misspoken, but it was about 1 month away. Please PM David for more info. :)

  9. How's the aeropress working out for you?

    Must admit, it has the same "problem" as my cafetieres (French presses); the regular coffee comes out too strong for my tastes. I want full-bodied, but not overwhelmingly so (yes, I have tried to vary the water input. Can't get it right).

    Haven't tried to make espresso in the Aeropress yet, but that's because after ordering Intelligentsia's Black Cat beans, and using my Gaggia to make espresso, all else pales in comparison.

    I love my crema too much! :)

    The Zojirushi has yet to arrive, though. And my Capresso Infinity 565 grinder, which I got via advice on a forum Tech advised me to go to. Thanks, Tech!!

    So, all in all, though I like it's unconventional design, and cheapness, I'd say the Aeropress isn't quite for my purposes. :blush:

  10. A day late, my mailman finally showed up with my PAM 229. Apparently I have one of the first (and only) five made so far. More will be released in 2 weeks but I wanted you all to see it in the wild.

    YAY!!!!! Thank you, Bazonkers!

    Overall impressions are good. The dial is glossy metallic, like DSNs 082, BUT it's more purple than blue. I'm not sure if that's good or bad since I've never seen a gen in my hand.

    Don't worry about that. Here is a gen 228 GMT.


    Looks a lot like your photo here:


    Again, just perfect. Thank you SO MUCH for getting one, and posting it. My 2nd batch 229 is reserved. GOD WILLING. :)

  11. Here's my favorite from Madame Piaf.

    Tell me, TELL ME SOMEONE, where has this talent gone? WHERE! Where are the Frank Sinatras, the Judy Garlands, the Jacques Brels, heck even the Nina Simones gone to?

    What a poor world we live in, talentwise. When Tom Jones goes, I'm burning my 78s.

  12. On the other hand, I've always appreciated Grace Jones' nighmarish version of La Vie en Rose, as arranged by the very talented Frenchman Jean-Paul Goude:

    I LOVE this version! It's so arch. Her accent makes it brilliant!


    "Quand il me prend dans ses bras

    Il me parle tout bas

    je vois la vie en rose"

    Sounds like:

    Hold me prawns down said bra

    Eel me par Cuba

    Jay vwah Lovey on Hose-uhhhhh

    Patricia Kaas wishes she could sound as good!!

    Remember Kim Wayans in "In Living Color" when she parodied Grace Jones? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    P.S.: Buffalaxing is hard!

    P.S. #2 11 January: I just bought it on iTunes! God, it's even better than I remembered it -- des mots de tous les jours.

    "Day Moe day two lay Jew"


  13. So. There you go. You might want to try some faux Russian Orthodox icons, or Notre Dame bobbleheads. But pass on the watches.

    Doug, thanks for the info. You are an encyclopaedia of these types of sites!

    I often wondered what sites we bought from, before finding RWG (good thread idea maybe -- why not post it?).

    Personally, what concerned me more was thinking of 'Russian' and 'scam' together: automatically, I think phishing site, rather than bad goods. I wouldn't trust them with my VISA info, at all, so alas no majolica pottery or matryoska dolls for me.

    Anyway, I hate the Fighting Irish. GO ACC! ^_^

    @Jens: Thanks for the info!

  14. Victoria - Thank you for your support. I am so pleased that you liked your strap.

    Wow, cool, you posted!

    The hardest part of strapmaking is finding the perfect hide to work with. Unfortunately, I don't really have a local hide shop nearby and I'm not flying to Greece every month, so finding these have been fun.

    Good Lord, another Greek strapmaker? ;)

    Seriously, though. Thanks for the effort. My strap is much more proficient than your earlier ones, so I'm sure you'll be fine.

    BTW, people liked the blue thread ones, so stock up! Good luck to all concerned. :)

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