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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. My, what a definitive answer from the red-taloned owner of a pink-gator-strapped Fiddy and various other monstrosities....and please don't waste our time Googling Debrett's, it's really not necessary.

    I've had quite enough of your cyber-bullying, cyber-obsessing, cyber-targetting. You don't exist for me on RWG from now on. Please do the same for me.

  2. pam-2.jpg

    Magnificent! The post is also like a How-To on dealing with Davidsen! The watch turned out brilliantly, really. If I ever get a PVD, this may just well be it. Really happy you got a nice working one, with good straps you can use out the box.

    As the smallest aside, you may want to lower or change the font of your post. I read it all, but it wasn't so easy on me eyes. ;)

  3. I really can't think of any reasons for going for a rep over a gen, except it being out of price range, or a model your really not crazy about and just want to check out. Reps are never totally satisfying, even after spending hundreds of dollars to make them look 98% like the genuine, at the end of the day it's still a rep. Then there are QC issues, mechanical issues, there's no guarentee your rep that's new today will still be running a few month's down the road. I recently liquidated all my reps and decided to go all gen for a while, and purchased a Panerai, and I can honestly say having owned some pretty heavily modded Pams and comparing side by side, there is no comparison in the fit and finish and just the "feel" of a gen. And when you truly love a certain brand nothing compares to having the real deal.

    Well, to be sure, although don't expect to be very popular in a rep watch forum with this opinion. ;)

    I have loads of gens, and honestly, for the lady Cartiers and Rolexes, the comparison is not bad. Maybe the bigger Subs and SDs have more tells, or my eye is as yet unexperienced, so who knows.

    I'll let you know if I change my mind, when I buy a gen PAM this summer, God willing. I don't intend on liquidating my reps. I'll keep them, happily.

  4. Wow! I didn't know we're all ANAL about these rep spotting stuff! I just enjoy the watch....rep or not! It's an addiction.....and most of the time, you dont care what you have as long as you get the high!

    This is a forum where people agonised over the tiniest flaws in a rep watch, and ever since I arrived (originally with your mindset of "who cares, it's a rep watch, I know that going in") that attitude has been dinned into me.

    Finally, I've accepted that there are some tells which are more glaring than others. Why not share them in a convenient, all-encompassing thread, since we seem to talk about them quite a bit? :)

  5. thanks for the warm welcome and suggestion. i didn't mean to break protocol! i'll definitely be on the lookout on these sub-forums.

    Nah, no protocol. And I asked the same thing on my newbiest post too!

    Consider this forum like Home Depot (which I always thought was the unofficial motto of the United States of America too):

    You can do it. We can help.


    Good luck! PM offer stands forever. :)

  6. I was thinking specifically about Omegas, but there are several other brands as well, where you can get a preowned for $1000 or less. Why spend $200-$300 on a rep, when you could save up a little and get a preowned?

    Just curious..

    Im not saying dont by a rep (In fact, I just bought one), but why buy a rep of the cheaper watches?

    Good question.

    Psychologically, a rep is still "new" (it may well not be, and have overhauled movements, etc.). When there is such a little difference in price, I would go for a gen -- but often with the MARQUES of watches we like, one can't find it that cheaply.

    I'm thinking of Rolexes, Panerai, Audemars Piguet, that ilk of $$ watch.

    With Omegas, Tags, and Cartiers, it's all a question of what you can find, really. Recently a member paid $500 for a gen vintage Cartier Tank Classique for his wife. Lizard band and everything.

    That beats my $108 Andrew Classique by a lot, and though I have 2 gen Classiques, I still bought mine because I'd like to wear it for peace of mind and to see how it compares, too. :)

    So some reasons:

    1- Curiosity

    2- Still wanting to get a cheaper but "same" watch

    3- Being able to buy more reps with the money saved

    4- Getting something brand-new

    5- Peace of mind that's it's not a gen (in crime areas like cities)

    6-A replacement for your gen in general (to give yours a break, etc)

    7- You're just plain into rep watches and don't care about gens :)

    Any other reasons people can think of?

    @Supermoves below (LOL, another double entendre): The member got it on FleeceBay. If you're patient, those kinds of watches do turn up CHEAP.

  7. Ferris Bueller, now that brings back memories. Damn I'm getting old.

    Ahh, the 80s. The heydey of the awesome teen flick. ;)

    One more point about watch props in film:

    As D4Me revealed, watches are provided to them by the Props Dept. But I still doubt all watches are. This becomes evident when you see an actor wear a particular watch not just after the film (where you can surmise the actor asked to keep it, or was given it as a memento, as sometimes happens with costumery and actresses), but BEFORE the film: when it's part of their own personal, day-to-day wear.

    This was true of Jude Law and his Big Pilot in Breaking and Entering, as well as Mark Wahlberg and his watch (I forget) in The Departed.

    There are many other examples where you see a regular watch in that actors' collection being worn on screen, so it can't always be that it's the Props Dept.

  8. Funny you should mention this:

    IT'S A FAKE!

    The movie car, a "Classic GT250" replica kit by defunct coachbuilder Modena Design, used a small-block Ford V8 in a custom tube chassis.

    Did I hear "replica"?

    Yes, I myself knew it was a Ferrari and there was a "California" somewhere in the title. Not being a car nut, I Wikied just before posting and saw it wasn't a real Ferrari.

    But though that was a replica, I've seen enough films where genuine, very very pricey cars are destroyed, so the general idea stands, I think. :)

  9. You can believe me on this or not,,it sounds far fetched but it did happen..

    I was at the Bellagio in Las Vegas while they were filming Oceans 11. I got to meet Andy Garcia between scenes

    he had walked over near me (they have the filming area taped off) he was talking to some in the crowd and I noticed what appeared to be a solid gold Piaget. I said "man, that's a sharp watch" he basically said that it is just a prop (I didnt ask him if it is your standard replica) I did ask him if he gets to wear his own watch and he responded that it depends on the film. If he is dressed casual and there is no specific reason why he cant wear a watch he will wear his, but if it's a dressy scene, they make actors wear a specific piece picked out by wardrobe supervisor.

    They were filming at 2am. I was able to see Julia Roberts, Andy Garcia but not Brad Pitt or the other main actors.

    It was really neat to meet him and to be able to talk with such a crowd watching.

    That's VERY cool, D4me. Especially since one of our members works in a Vegas hotel, and I'm sure gets to see actors shooting films all the time.

    Piaget? I have to rewatch Oceans 11 again! :)

  10. Sorry for missing ur email. I think I gave u a wrong tracking number. I am contacting my shipping agent, and will give u the right one as soon as I get it. Please PM as well.

    There we go. Thanks for coming over, Jay.

    I, of course, always include the url of the "Silix delay" threads, as well as any more private PMs given me to relay to him. Hope things are being sorted out to everyone's satisfaction.

    Now, Jay, about that watch of mine. :p

  11. It works that way on my laptop but not my desk top. Better would be to wait for Richard Brown to release a new edition of his book im sure there have been massive changes since it was written

    Good idea, but it would still be good to have a handy Guide here, as well, given members' experiences in modding, etc.

    BTW, when does it come out?

    "If you're a watch collector, or even just a watch fan, this book is an excellent resource to keep next to your computer. 184-pages of exclusive secrets of replica watches that you won't find anywhere else in print."

  12. how much should i expect to pay for both and where could i find these?

    Hey Johnnyallthetime, wassup!

    The forum is more like a repository of information, where you go to the various sub-forums (say, here Rolex) and scout around there for information oneself, rather than be given the info which would be unwieldy daily, if all newbies were to ask the same. :)

    But once you do, almost certainly you will find folks who have posed similar questions to you, and you have several choices after that -- PM the members, or go in search of the collectors in their various galleries.

    It depends if you're in the EU or the USA, or wherever, to get you that right watch. Whomever you choose in the collector's forums will certainly be a person of confidence. Any problems and you have the board to share your travails (hopefully none).

    Another excellent option is for you to go scout around the member trade forum (you can buy but not sell as a non-RWG Supporter).

    Just recently, e.g., member Gioarmani had a pink-dial lady's Rollie for sale, dead cheap. I myself don't like the salmon-dials, but it was certainly snapped up quickly, so you know they're popular. :)

    As an ex-Med School student myself, it's best to have a non-obstrusive watch, with seconds hands, so not too sure Rolexes are the way to go there, but again, it's your gal's call. My profs always got sniffy when they thought you were putting on airs that way. I actually used a Swiss Army watch, on velcro...but to each their own, right?

    If absolutely pressed, may I suggest either Andrew of TrustyTime, or Joshua of Perfect Clones, both in China. Narikaa/Precious Time if you're in the UK.

    Again, these are but a smattering of collectors here, so fill yer boots. ;)

    Good luck! This is a mantra with me, these days, but PM if needed!

  13. Hey Victoria- nice to meet youi have quite a few reps-cartiers, TAGs, Hermes, VC, a perfect Rollie daydate, a great Franck Mulller, a couple of APs and few more...If you ever want a top quality rep bag i know the places that have the best reps and the best prices...(goes for the guys too if you want to impress the better half, win a few brownie points or whatever) I will post a pic of the jeans and as soon as I get my blue TAG to match....i have had such kind offers but I cannot think about them for a couple of hours as I have to take Jake to the Vet to have the stiches out of his paw....grass seed...$600AUD...boy am I glad for pet insurance...lol..I have the RSPCA insurance which pays 80% BUT 20% of the profits goes to the dog and cat shelter..well worth the $32 per monthIt costs so much cos he is so precious and wouldn't let the vet near his paws while he was conscious so he had to be sedated...unfortuantaly she wouldn't give me any sedation while i waited.. :( ........plus she said he had to lose a few kilos...i am a BAD MOMMY...lol...anyway, will get back to the blue tadg as soon as I recover from Jake's visit to the vet...lol...he seems to do better than I doHey Victoria- nice to meet youi have quite a few reps-cartiers, TAGs, Hermes, VC, a perfect Rollie daydate, a great Franck Mulller, a couple of APs and few more...If you ever want a top quality rep bag i know the places that have the best reps and the best prices...(goes for the guys too if you want to impress the better half, win a few brownie points or whatever) I will post a pic of the jeans and as soon as I get my blue TAG to match....i have had such kind offers but I cannot think about them for a couple of hours as I have to take Jake to the Vet to have the stiches out of his paw....grass seed...$600AUD...boy am I glad for pet insurance...lol..I have the RSPCA insurance which pays 80% BUT 20% of the profits goes to the dog and cat shelter..well worth the $32 per monthIt costs so much cos he is so precious and wouldn't let the vet near his paws while he was conscious so he had to be sedated...unfortuantaly she wouldn't give me any sedation while i waited.. :( ........plus she said he had to lose a few kilos...i am a BAD MOMMY...lol...anyway, will get back to the blue tadg as soon as I recover from Jake's visit to the vet...lol...he seems to do better than I do

    Great. Just what the forum needs. Another overtalkative woman. :lol:

    Darling, I'm just yanking your hose, as it were. Thanks so much for your offer of the rep bags. Oddly enough, I go the "gen" route for my handbags. I too have an absolute passion for them; until the rep watch obsession, I bought one a week. Pricey...

    EDIT: I have thought about why, and I came to realisation that women are not like the guys here. We can't usually tell if the rehaut is too deep, the cannon pin is recessed, and all that palavah. But we do KNOW a fake Louis Vuitton when we see one. I guess I'm too hypocritical to be caught out by another woman, but don't mind with a man and a rep watch, since I can flash my smile at them. :D

    (Ken, just recently I was asked to pass judgement on which of your bags was most close-to-gen, I'll have you know, Mr. Oz)

    Good to hear about the dog too. And believe me, I know what you experience when a pet is not doing too well. It's ghastly.

    Please consider me for PM chatting anytime, Interested1956! :)

    @Interested below: Just in case there's a glitch, your posts are appearing twice, sometimes three times over IN THE SAME POST. You may want to edit them, which of course, you can here. Good to hear about your dog, though. :)

    ...wait, did I just write "Interested below"? :lol: :lol:

  14. Pug,

    Where do you see the Orange Monster on eBay for $140???

    On AMAZON, Puggy wrote. :)


    Well, whaddayaknow. You wrote FleaBay but obviously you meant Amazon because I see the 183.95 price you quoted there.


    I am also searching, and unless he meant used, I cannot find that $140, either. A link WOULD be in order, for the pair of us, please. ;)

    I see it at $183.95 with bracelet or $164.95 with rubber strap.

    I do too. I want the one shown by Pugster, with SS bracelet and those are both pricey and hard to find.

    EDIT: This looks like a good deal though:


    DELUXE VALUE PACKAGE: SKX781 Seiko Orange Monster Stainless Steel 200m Automatic Professional Diver Watch, Spring Remover, Link Band Tool, Extra Rubber Band, International Warranty Book, Seiko Gift Box

    List Price: $420.00

    Sale: $219.99

    You Save: $200.01 (48%)

    Watch Pavilion seem to have good feedback too.

  15. ok Firstly, the member did apologise :). I won't go into details but it was NOT a miscommunication on my part.

    Well, glad it's been resolved. I've been on tenterhooks since you posted. :p

    Seriously, great photo. I love your dog (but then I love dogs)! I do think you missed a chance to post a photo of you in your jeans, but now that everything is resolved, at least partly, why not do so in the Wristchecks?

    I'm not just taking the Mick you know. Really nice to see another lady on here. :)

  16. I actually found a Tank Americaine in white gold with a list price of $18,000. For a quartz watch. Absurd.

    Mum has that Tank Americaine (don't think we paid full price on it though). In fact, my mother has a staggering collection of Cartiers -- I clearly got my 'watch hobby' genes from her.

    There are some things at work here, which you know instinctively, Doug.

    First, women buy Cartier watches like they would jewelry. It's an adornment more than a workhorse. Second, the marque itself is non-pareil. It goes well beyond anything that can be offered by Rolex. Third, women are said to have a larger collection of watches for daily wear, than men (debateable in this forum, but I think true, otherwise). Thus, having the time and care needed to get wrist-time can be problematic. It's just so much easier to have a Quartz...

    That it's absurd, yes it is. But it's also absurd to pay $250,000 for a Lambo, which has trouble turning corners. :p

  17. I see one on Ebay for $115 buy-it-now.

    SOMEONE STOP ME!!!!!!!!! :Jumpy:

    *twitch twitch*

    From SINGAPORE, and it looks manky. Mind you, I'm in the market for one, for my boyfriend. :)

    @Jimster: Conveniently being sold by you in the Trade section, hmm, hmm? ;) ...I saw it. It's a beauty. Good luck with it.

  18. Okay, okay, okay... this is how we do it in Alaska. Windproof polar fleece, Carhartts and a Superman 990 dive watch.

    I can happily report that the watch survived the campout! Subzero temps are no problem at all. :tu:

    Piker! :p

    Here are the lads from Top Gear during their Polar Special, showing you the gear you should have on, including watches.




    That's Sir Ranulf Fiennes (legend) fittingly showing off an old-fashioned Rolex Explorer, I think. And on a Zulu strap. ;)

    P.S.: Just kidding, Nanuq. You look quite wonderful. I'm glad Alaskans haven't fallen for all that The North Face style crap, like I have...

  19. Victoria

    Your station suggest that you would have at least one shot with you in a business suit or formal attire ;)

    It's been years since I've been gainfully employed, but I DO actually have a few of those mannish-styled business suits, that women are supposed to wear in the world of banking and finance.

    I hated them. They made look like this:



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