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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. No it is not the normal practice if the seller gave his word to hold it for you then one would expect him to do just that.

    I just saw the original sales post. Curiously, since it was once owned by By-Tor, I had considered buying the watch! :p

    But Interested1956, not to be harsh about this, but you'll see the member CLEARLY states in the auction, "known forum members" for PayPal.

    You may indeed be a member on these boards for 3 years, but it could be that he didn't know you. I do hope that at least he had the decency to tell you that privately.

    What Ken said, sadly, is the case. Buck up, though. There'll be other watches. There always are! :)

  2. I did indeed. That said, he slipped me the slightly more expensive version for the price of the original ;)

    You sly dog you! I knew it couldn't have been the same quality, since it just sparkles compared to the other one. I think the camera might have something to do with that though. ;)

    As for what Kru asked, the very first ill-fated Fiddy I bought, arrived with an exploded sapphire crystal. It was an Eddie Lee "Super Fiddy". Gorgeous to look at but I counsel TeeJay here, to have a Davidsen crystal to hand, just in case. He sells them separately!

  3. What a WONDERFUL thread this is, for any of us ladies viewing it -- not sure why I missed it when it came out. It's the equivalent, for me, of Tech's Gina Lollobrigida avatar. I could look at these photos for hours.

    Congratulations to all the gentlemen who posted, looking smart and spiffy. You clean up well! :lol:

    And now, I have to come up with the goods. I have no suit, of course, but I do have a ballgown, Jimmy Choo high heels, and a Judith Leiber cocktail purse.


    Let's hope I am well enough for the Palm Beach New Year's ball, so I can take a shot for this thread. :)

  4. Please someone explain to me why someone would do this....I always keep to my deals and I wanted a blue-faced TAG so much....


    If this is normal here I may as well resign..I thought everyone was of the calibre of alt.obsessive (top notch)....

    I feel for you, first and foremost, Interested1956. It's not cool what happened, though we only have so far, one side of the story. This is not to impugn what you say, but it's important to hear both sides of what happened.

    It seems like a miscommunication happened here, and I would like to ask you if before posting your thread, did you try to contact the seller? What did he or she say, to justify their actions?

    The internet is the Wild West, but it actually resembles real life very much.

    Sometimes you shake hands with a person, and you think you have a done deal, only to find out that's not the case in the morning. Happened to me one time when buying a car, and that hurt a lot too.

    Overall, I must say that these kinds of things should be hashed out privately first, especially since you revealed the ID of the forum member. (Oops, no I misread "daus" as the ID. It was merely a typo! Sorry about that).

    I know it's a bitter pill to swallow, but you wouldn't want to prejudice future deals because a seller says, oh dear, this person is a troublemaker -- now would you?

    Life is tricky. And times like these, unfair. Hope you'll stick around, because one sour deal shouldn't be the determinant factor of why you stay or go.

    Good luck to you either way.

  5. Btw Freddy yes I am thinking of engraving his name (when I decide it) to the custom Unbranded Cali dial radiomir I am building and is at The Zigmeister's at the moment :)

    Noo! It's bad luck before a child is born, to say the name out loud. Well, it is in Russia. :p In Greece, aren't you supposed to name him/her after the father's father or mother, etc?

    I've always liked the name Pavlos, as an aside. :lol:

  6. This post almost got lost in the mix, TeeJay.

    Stunning, stunning, stunning. It looks SO MUCH nicer than the first, absolutely. The bridges, the printing on the dial, everything. And whatever magic in photography you did, it looks nicer on your wrist!

    I know Emily has very kindly offered you to get you that Orly Bloom hommage strap, but screw it, I'll include an extra Fiddy strap just the same.

    You always need a little variety. :)

  7. I've never seen such a wealth of eyecandy on RWG, as today.

    But, and I feel so strongly about this, I decided to make a separate post on it -- the absolute star this month so far are Raymond's ongoing series of threads, on the Panerai Exhibition, held locally in his hometown last month.

    May I draw your attention to them, in case they get lost in the shuffle?









    Those of you who are not major posters of photographs will never know the sheer amount of work these kinds of threads are.

    You have to select the photographs. Open them up in Photoshop (or in my lowly case, Paint). Touch them up, size them, and make sure they have JUST the effect you want them to convey to your readers -- to make them as easy on the eyes as possible. Then, you have to upload them all, often one at a time, since multi-uploads can be problematic.

    All of this Raymond did. Surely, he's not the first, or the last, but he did. And just for his buddies in the rep watch forums -- us!

    What a generous spirit lies behind that lens, people.

    This forum should feel blessed to have people like RCHK, who every time he posts, adds nothing but positive to it.

    Thanks so much, Raymond!!

  8. I'am thinking about getting my first Pam, so i love the one with closed caseback only, is there any good rep. of Radiomir style case out there without see thru casaback?. Please give me some advices...

    The very trendy, yet very underappreciated PAM 232, with tobacco dial.



    This happens to be from Davidsen, but you can order it from a slew of collectors. :)

    N.B.: If you do buy from DSN, make sure you ask for the smaller hands, and the darker dial, though he has upgraded both -- JUST IN CASE.

  9. What does exports per capita have to do with anything? Besides, Germany's population is declining, is it not? The USA's is increasing (for better or for worse). But, that aside, I can not think of any way that export dollars per capita is relevant to the discussion.

    That and the trade deficit are the only things people can point to, to beat the USA over the head with, "economically". Lowest unemployment rate in years, a healthy economy in the middle of a war, the housing bubble which has moved on to North Carolina, Tennessee, etc.

    These are good times in the USA. But we're due for an end of decade correction, as ever. I don't pity whomever becomes the next president of this country.

    Ahem, but back to Australia. Migration swells in Australia:


    "AUSTRALIA'S population is growing at its fastest rate in nearly two decades, thanks to rising fertility rates and an immigration boom bigger than that during the aftermath of both world wars.

    The number of Australians grew by 1.5 per cent, or 315,700 people, over the year to June 30, topping 21 million for the first time.

    Australia now ranks above the world average for population growth of 1.2 per cent, and only just behind the rapidly expanding Indian population, which is growing by 1.6 per cent and expected to overtake China by 2050 as the most populous country."

    People usually have more babies in good times, because they feel better about the world. Like the 80s in the USA.

  10. Mark, congrats on the job! But arggh, I just ordered three pens from Narikaa yesterday, and none were the Starwalker (which I had my eye on).

    Your timing is lousy! :p

    But your review was a delight. Thank you so much for it. And the photos! I will place another order soon with Mr. N.

    P.S.: Loved the touch of the Post-It with the kind of writing the Starwalker does!

    @Rolexman below: Ordered 3. Thanks so much! My parents will love it.

  11. Can we ask 5 minutes of attention before sending our watches?

    What you wrote, is what I wrote Paul word-for-word, once. It only takes 5 seconds, the merest glance, to ascertain certain faults. But they don't -- largely I think, because the watches arrive all wrapped up in clingfilm, and they don't want to open them up.

    No excuse, of course.

    This is the secong watch i received. The first one, from another dealer was defective too. He sent me back..the same watch... but repaired. I begin to feel tired.

    I felt the same way. It doesn't get better. It just gets "different". The more watches you buy, the better it is, however.

    At one point, when I was at 40 rep watches, more than 1/2 had some kind of QC issue. They were all replaced or refunded or in some way compensated for. Even Paul gave me the case for the rusted out PAM 199.

    But it takes PATIENCE, this hobby.

    If not, sadly, you should start saving for gens. I don't say that to be mean, Francisco, believe me.

  12. i placed an order last tuesday...paid.... and nottin yet ????? im going to email him later today

    I have one watch coming from him. I'll apprise him of this situation and thread in my next email. I also got a private PM, which I will include in the email, so fear not. :)

    UPDATE: Email sent.

  13. On the last note , im deffinetly back and will be more active again , sheesh so many topics to be read , replyes to be posted im looking forward to be active here again .

    Laz! I can't believe this, I only just mentioned you in a thread about Ladies Watches yesterday. Uncanny.

    I had forgotten about your best friend. I'm so sorry again. May your return see you with more peace in your heart, if not less suffering...welcome back.

  14. Hmm, again, we all have our criteria for judging people on whether or not they "could" own a highly expensive watch, but this is more a technical thread, guys.

    The examples given here have been WONDERFUL. Keep 'em coming, please!

    B16a2's menu should be called a Chinese menu because they're about Chinese watches. :lol:

    Where are all the various Rolex experts?? Those are the really important watches, for so many on here.

    P.S.: I've never been to Applebee's, either, but I want to. Yet, I could be naked, and I still "look" well-to-do. I don't know what it is, but it is. I think it's my bearing.

  15. consider yourself warned -- pams are extremely addicting. next thing you know, you'll own eight of them :ohmy:

    After 1 month and 4 days, Cleobis, 11 of them.


    Not everyone is as crazy as Deltatahoe or as I am, but (and if someome figures this out they should be nominated for that prize they're always giving out in Sweden) the attraction to Panerai watches is something very primordial.

    It messes with your insides. ^_^

  16. Please read the dealer review section.

    That would be my suggestion too, zmankillian. We get these types of questions a lot, as you can imagine, so it's hard to pinpoint any one collector (as they are called here :) ) to you.

    However, I see your local time is 5 hours ahead of me. Precious Time and Narikaa are both in the UK. You might want to give them a look-see first, if it applies.

    Have a good time on RWG!

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