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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Those are both interesting pictures, but have nothing to do with a running problem.

    For the record, it's impossible to to OVERWIND any watch, manual, auto, whatever. That is an old wives tale and simply not true, so it couldn't be the cause of your problem. Whoever told you that was blowing smoke your way...

    I'm sure the technicalese is lacking, but overwinding is the layman's term for when you cannot move the crown anymore, since there is resistance, indeed, it is not functional anymore.

    After a few minutes, the crown can move a little, but no more. This is what is meant by overwinding, whether or not it is what professional watch repairers use. Most people on the forum understand that term.

    As for the swan neck lever being out of place, that has nothing at all to do with the watch running or not. The fact you moved it and the watch started running is nothing more than a coincedance. The swan neck is only concerned with the speed of the movement, and on most models is purely a decoration, and serves no useful purpose.

    Thank you for that clarification. It was not meant to suggest it was the problem. Should you have the time to read the original thread I quoted, you will perhaps see that's what I and other members said.

    Members do give out very useful and valuable information when it comes to watch problems.

    This is how we all learn and help each other out, not on PM"s...

    The offer of a PM is a courtesy, a kindness, and a solace.

    This hobby is so much more than just wheels, springs, crowns and swan necks.

    It's about the comfort of knowing you have an ear to listen to you more personally, no matter what. That is what is on offer, and that is what I offered.

    I hope I have made myself clearer, Inmotion.

  2. wow these HBB's look HUGE.......

    Small they are certainly not. But RCHK (the thread starter) and I both have very slim wrists, and we can wear them. :)


    I'm soon to get another one in Rose Gold. I will update with photos here when I do. The HBB is without doubt, the watch that gets me the most compliments from anyone here in SoFla.

  3. if send on the 24th of November from China with EMS with final destination European country ?

    It really depends if your seller has a "forwarder" in an EU country, like a few collectors do. If so, it has to reach them, THEN they send on your package from an EU country (I'm sure you can guess which country, but let's not draw attention to it by naming it).

    A lot of the veterans here tell me that 1 month is when you should start worrying. I myself only start worrying after 3 weeks (albeit I live in the US). I know that doesn't comfort you, but that's really the truth. It just varies too much.

    Please don't forget to check your country's postal service tracking system, and not necessarily EMS only because EMS is often very erratic in updating.

  4. Hey everyone.

    :( My DSN 112 stopped working today... as some of you know I recently bought it (less than a month ago).

    I remember your review. Much less than a month ago...I'm so sorry, Inmotion. :(

    About a month ago, I also had the same problem with my then 2 month-old DSN 112. However, in my case, since you weren't especially clear about this, it was a case of OVERWINDING.

    Can you wind your DSN 112 at all?

    Also, flip the watch to the open caseback. Do you see the the regulator blade covered by the swan neck? Like this.


    I've seen another DSN 112 like that. It seemed to be badly shaped, leaving a gap seen here in red.


    When I opened the caseback and moved the swan neck side, it sprung to life momentarily (I followed other people's advice in that thread, but it didn't work). Ultimately, I took it to my local watchsmith and in less than 30 minutes, he was able to fix it.

    I paid U$50 but that included some other watches too. (I wouldn't hesitate to tell Davidsen about your situation, BTW)

    Good luck to you, Inmotion. Please PM in case of need!

  5. hi kevin, welcome to RWG :victory:

    finding this site must be bittersweet for a college student -- all of these amazing watches and no income to buy them :o

    MAYBE, but maybe not, Deltatahoe. He's going to Wharton, one of the best business schools in the world (the best? Watch HBS grads kill me), so as a grad student in that field he must have an eye for a good bargain. ;)

    But not to talk over you -- welcome, Kevin!

    regardless, good luck with your first purchase. given your age and the parameters you laid out in the other thread, i'd personally go for the asian steelfish w/ black dial...


    But if Kevin is looking for an Omega, the SMP Chrono looks great, IMHO. It's dressy and sporty at the same time.

    Don't miss out on the sticky in the Omega forum, By-tor's Guide To Best Omega Replicas, Replica Buyer's Guide:



    @Deltatahoe: You're right! He could be an undergrad. I think Wharton, and I automatically think MBA grad student. Pfff. ;)

  6. I bought a 232 from Trusty and it is a nice watch for sure, however Davidsens seems to be more accurate. The gen is amazing

    and will probably be the non rep watch I purchase.

    The 232, the 210, or the 183 are the three Radiomirs I would buy, if gen.

    Tech, our forum colleague Dluddy (who I think I saw the other day, but perhaps he's travelling and hasn't seen your post) has a Davidsen 232.

    He recently received a darker dial than this chocolate one here, and upgraded hands. It's still beautiful as is, though. :wub:



    The GeF Camello is a perfect combo at that.

    My next Davidsen purchase is in fact, the 232 for Christmas. :)

  7. I have been searching everywhere for either rubber or leather straps similar to the gens for my 42.5mm Swiss ETA Orange dial PO... can anyone point me to a quality direction? furthermore, what size should I be looking for?

    Thank you in advance!

    Confused69u, I think there have been a few good threads on this, so don't take my info without verifying it, but they are 20mm in the lugs. When I bought my 42.5mm PO "pumpkin", the member I bought it from threw in a rubber strap, alongside the leather one.

    It looks great on me, but it's not good quality leather.

    Here they are.



    Like FasTTap said, you can try Silix, but I see he no longer has the smaller ones listed, either in leather or rubber:


    But seeing as how I'm the Ambassador for Silix, as I was informed recently, I can tell you that he may be able to hunt them down for you. Please make sure you tell him to get the better version, which doesn't come apart at the lugs in a very unsightly way (seen above).

    Alternatively, if you don't find any info by scrolling back (I see RiffRam and Eychene never had their 42.5 PO questions answered by us...), you can find loads of posts on 42.5mm where your question might be answered. :)

    Try FleaBay, obviously.

    Good luck, and PM in case of questions!

  8. Nothing wrong to post an early wrist check.

    Thank you for that clarification.

    There have been many times in the past where people have posted Wristchecks uncommonly early. A rule of thumb guide I heard from another member is +- within 6 hours of GMT, EST. That usually means midnight on the continent (EU) -- a good midway point for all our international members.

    I daresay few people would post this in the early hours Sunday, EST, but if they do, great. Maybe they're excited to share their watches with the forum or are working, like another member said he would be.

    We have some beautiful watches, and exciting locales to show -- look at TMG's previous photos. Sheer class.

    Well, back to the Wristchecks. That Patek Nautilus sure sounds interesting.

  9. Cableguy, we've already touched on this, but for the forum's benefit:



    They're having a special Thanksgiving sale which lasts until midnight Sunday, IIRC. Incredibly, I won't be buying anything (I have all the straps I want from them -- literally all the Toscanas, and most of the Pacis).

    But just thought those who might not know, would like to take advantage of the fact.

  10. MONDAY

    I've vowed to show a different watch or strap every Wrist-check; this means showing watches I myself don't wear. But having ordered, laboured over and taken care of them, I consider them mine, so hah!

    My father's Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Chronograph from Silix, incredibly with working chronos. Super cheap, super dependable, utterly beautiful. He's got a broken gen, so this does him in the meanwhile. :tu:







    This is what I'll really be wearing though -- the DSN PAM 112 on Greg Stevens' Toro Moro strap. B)



    With two pulmonologists appointments in two days, think I'll keep on the DSN 112 on my new Molina Crocodile strap in burgundy. :wub:


    (Heh, I have that exact Lacoste combo outfit, only with red stripes)





  11. and then to deal with those tiny screws. Any hints would be appreciated.

    Mendota, it seems to me you are talking of Radiomir straps because of the little screws.

    Here are two videos. The first is by the Greek "V", and the second is by a non-RWG'er, TTBOMK. Radiomir watches have fussy, horrible little screws, and I've spent hours looking for them on my carpet.

    Use a white towel or similar, whenever you are changing straps. However, once you have practise, fear not. It's easy. :)

  12. One thing the Brits tend to get right is language. The word bargain is spelled "Bargin". That is a big red flag. I say either the watch is fake or the seller is a faker. Either way, you are best off without it.

    "Baby on the way" is a bigger red flag than someone who misspelt a word (yes, even we Brits do that on occasion). ;)

    There's always a story, isn't there? I say, if this is a gen, then it's stolen or similar. So long as you never post on gen forums, or have them seen to in the Richemont spa (where stolen watches are sometimes flagged, if the owner sent them notice), you'd be okay.

    But I wouldn't want a stolen watch as my first PAM. Even if it were dead cheap.

  13. At a 100 watches I officially am declaring you nuts. ;) I have been collecting reps for years and cannot have more than 40 watches and i have way over $20,000 invested in them.

    Ah, but you're not the Queen of the Cheapies like I am. I think I've mentioned, if a watch gets to $50, I'm in.

    There are no $800 watches in my arsenal. Loads of $100 ones.

    On that basis you would have dropped well over $50,000 on reps in a relatively short time.

    Nah, not even remotely close to that.

    Straps, OTOH...

    Do yourself a favor and stay from this forum and, more importantly, the dealers for a month. Take all the money you saved and buy another gen.

    Thanks, Kru. I know you speak from experience, but I think I like rep watch collecting a lot. I'll leave my resolution at 100. About 2 months, I'd say. :)

    Better yet, save the dough and buy your significant other that well deserved 70' flat screen. He will never [censored] about reps again. :lol:

    Heh. He's so sweet.

    But believe me, I'll give him a lot more than just a flat screen. I'm thinking 3 beautiful blond, healthy children for starters.

  14. I am no expert on panerai...please someone put me out of my misery and tell me its a rep.

    Wait for a more seasoned eye than I, Kokedose but that Crown Guard has an obvious dimple on it, and more tellingly, the crown itself is too thin.

    I also disbelieve anyone when they do not place the exact model on the sale.

    I say rep.

    "Question & Answer Answered On

    Q: Genuine or Replica? Nov-15-07

    A: this is 100% genuine"

    Heh, right...

  15. 100 WATCHES....That's really an amazing number........I can't imagine what will happen on me if I got my 10 watches.....Oh Vbarrett!

    Including those of mine, both my parents, my boyfriend, and I even included two of my friends, since they haven't paid me yet.

    Why I'm not met u before I got married..... :)

    Because Fate was waiting to give you the best wife possible. And he did. :)

    (Not that I didn't like what you said. :p)

  16. This is the best publicity Timex has had in years. Think about it, are there even Timex reps?

    My God, excellent logic, LR! That's so true...a bit like a local mom-and-pop hardware store here which was recently broken into, and suddenly, the next day they were swamped with customers.

    "Oh, didn't know you guys were still around". :p

  17. Hmm....

    I would also consider the idea they might get "lost"

    Mutiple orders in one package is dangereous......

    You might have more lost then you saved in shipping costs.

    Whilst that is true (I personally would never order more than 4 at a time), one prominent collector told me, when I wanted a 4-watch order shipped, that to "the US/UK/Canada" there was no problem.

    However, use caution, pafre. You can't take ANYTHING to the bank when it comes to our hobby. Good luck either way! :)

  18. @Andreww

    Actually this is a pretty good Topic...

    I look forward to see what kind of feedback it gets...

    Can't help but think as of late that RWG has become a Personal Blog for some people...

    Two Tone, I am well-aware that you are the Co-Admin here, but let me tell you something. Your tone of disrespect towards me is horrific. I was deeply hurt by it in another thread, something which you continue here in allusions.

    I am not really worried about me, because I have the good regard of other Moderators and I have the balls the size of a woolly mammoth.

    But it tells newbies who wish to become a little more active than just being occasional posters, that their contributions will meet with the same lack of respect, the same disdain, and perhaps even cyber-targetting from certain quarters, if they are more individualistic.

    The last quarters who should be targetting these people, should they want an involved and involving forum.

    So if IGNORE doesn't work for you, I see resorting to nitpicking, and ridiculing will do for you. I personally won't stand for it.

    Should I see it happening to anyone else, I'll speak even more in outrage.

    Finally, because I refuse to visit this thread again, let me just say this:

    You cannot choose your forum companions. Some will be honest, some dishonest. Some will be talkative, some will post once a year. Some will be male, some female. Some will be straight, some gay. Some will be black, some white, and many shades in between. And some will be rich or poor.

    You cannot socially engineer any social group. To do so smacks of something much deeper than just mere dislike.

    And that's scary.

    Never EVER thought this forum, of the three I frequent, would be the one where I would have to say these things. RWG is better than that. I AM SURE of it.

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