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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. New England Gas Prices

    Reg $305

    Prem $320

    Super Prem $330

    My V8 Touareg is gulping close to $105 p/week

    That's actually fairly decent for up there, I think, no? BTW, Miami Beach petrol stations are considerably more expensive than Miami, because we have higher local taxes than just 1 mile down the road to downtown Miami. Our insurance is almost 25% more too. I hate that.


  2. What do you pay in your country and does that curtail your traveling?

    SoFla is like Los Angeles -- no car, you're dead. Busses only go to high traffic routes, and they're spaced an hour apart. The Metrorail (elevated subway) we have is a white elephant, which only goes lengthwise, not zig-zagging the city and has relatively few stops.


    So I fuel up A LOT. However, I always keep it half-tankfull. Today I spent $20 for that (presumably then U$40 per a Merc's full tank). EDIT: I get about 28 mpg on that, since I take I-95 and other speedways a lot.

    I also use this:


    (Gives you prices of local stations, in the US/Canada)

    I spent $3.09 per gallon for midgrade today at an out-of-the-way Chevron station I know. Not too bad given the outrageous prices. I patronise Mobil/Chevron by choice, but don't snub my nose at Liberty, USGas, and other cheapo stations these days. For reasons you can imagine, which let's not go into, I boycott Citgo. They're fairly cheap, but their quality is abysmal.

    Gasbuddy has this interesting fact sheet:

    Local Price Snapshot

    Today 3.200

    Yesterday 3.187

    One Week Ago 3.130

    One Month Ago 2.855

    One Year Ago 2.244

    For those unsure of many gallons per litre, and vice-versa, there are almost 4 litres per gallon (3.78).

  3. Your forum is truly massive.

    Yes, it's the best! :)

    On the modern front, the Panerais are just so damn beautiful, I think I'm a gonna get me a Fiddy or something from DSN (?). I'll take my questions to that part of the forum.

    I'm sure you know, but hit search and read a lot. Then ask -- the answers will then pour for you!

    So hi there, fellas (mostly, right?).

    Mostly, yes it's fair to say. But we have Rima, and we have me. And I speak for 10 men.


  4. I don't get back much, but this will always be home base. The city that NEVER sleeps.


    The best place in the world, next to London. :)

    Would never live there, but man, it's a showcase of everything (good and bad) that man is capable of. The skyline is Egyptian in majesty...love love love.

    Thanks Lord Rasta!

  5. csilibrarypl3.jpg

    I didn't say, because I thought someone would guess it!

    But does anyone here watch CSI: Miami? People use "Miami" and Miami Beach" interchangeably, but they are two very different and separate places.

    So the "Miami Police Department" headquarters you see in the show, where you see David Caruso going in and out of, is actually this place above:

    The Miami Beach Public library. :)

    (Well, one of the many many branches in Miami Beach)

  6. "Put your hands up for Brighton... I LOVE this City!"

    I love your photos! But you shouldn't have revealed it, drat. I was going to write, this isn't Brighton, is it? Do you know, I've never been...ah well. Gay capital of the UK. Gotta love it. ;)

  7. While you're lounging near the water in melting hot temperatures us Canadians are royally freezing our buts off in snow and ice!

    Lemme warm you by rubbing your feet. :group:

    Thanks for rubbing it in!

    I dare not think what my boyfriend will say, when he sees that. TO is cold too...

    But seriously, that is an absolutely lovely city, and from what I've learned watching Miami Vice, it has a fair share of excitement...

    Yes! One should definitely base one's impressions on places by telly shows! :lol:

    maybe I'll come and visit one day!

    I would be your virtual cicerone, should you need it, Corgi. We'll have the two best watches in the joint. :)

    PS: Is that just the lighting, or does one of the ladies in that photo have neon red hair?

    Darling, that's Lincoln Road for ya.

  8. Having been stuck at home for a fortnight, I realised, damn I miss the beauty around me. Miami/Miami Beach are two of the most naturally pretty cities I've ever seen.

    What it lacks in culture, like all beachtowns, it makes up in shiny, upbeat newness with a riot of aquatints. This place is FUN.

    So, inspired by Watchbuff's AMAZING New York skyline photographs via his helicopter, and loving Nanuq's Life in Alaska series, I give you!...no, not the city where I was born, but where my family have settled -- South Florida.

    Show the forum photos of your city too! :victory:
















  9. Hey Vic, you and Prince made me put off the PO and wear my 111 today in university.


    Flawless. And look at those autumn colours again. I don't know the meaning of the word jealousy, but I have to tell you, I have a lot of Sehnsucht when I look at your photos.

    @Ehtolcad: Thanks! The leather is :thumbdown: as can be expected from any strapmaker from the Far East, BUT, it looks good. Same deal with StrapCulture straps, and Strap-works, in fact. All Asian leather.

    @Dluddy: SAAB! :wub:

  10. The hotel and everything within it's boundaries seem fantastic, the city...not soo much but to each his own plus nothing wrong with exploring new places. Oh and great pics!

    Sometimes you have to go to those kinds of places, to be grateful from where you come. :)

    (I felt sorry for the ladies with the chadors, both inside and outside the water, despite knowing it's their wish to be so clad)

    Oh and Happy Birthday, Rxus!

  11. For me! 112H on kevlar. Oh yeah, Victoria, baby when are you going to buy the one I am saving for you? KISS!

    Ack! I can see only a few of the images here. The ones on Photobucket and Image Shack don't appear (including my own). Maintenance, I'm guessing. EDIT: Hmm, some are back, but some still don't show. Ah well.

    TWP, any time, darling. :)

    But you know what I have been waiting for, since August, so we'll do a round-up when all the watches are finished. Let me know by PM, when that might be. I am so excited!

  12. aw -- i'm sad i missed vic's crazy video :(

    Yep. It's like a car wreck. All cleaned up and no blood and gore for the rubberneckers to see. :p

    I even deleted it from Youtube, so my wristshot parody with that weird "RWG Down" elves tune, if that's what it is, remains with those who saw it.

  13. These look interesting,,,large tank-like tool watches. I was curiuos if anyone had experience owning one of these? For some reason when the weather starts getting cold, I always get more into watches like this. Here are a few pictures,,,


    Wow, I'm not surprised. That looks like it could survive one of Nanuq's infamous tyre rolls. :o

    It's interesting, though!

  14. Has anyone seen a rep of a Richard Mille ?

    You mean, this watch Mendota?


    Never come across the name, in the various trusted collectors' sites we have here.

    But if I were you, I'd email or PM Narikaa, Ruby, TWP, and Wackobirdkeeper (on RWI) who all specialise in getting watches,

  15. MONDAY

    Okay! Back to the more traditional Wristcheck from me. :p

    Guys, I will level with you and tell you I'm as sick as a dog with a cold, and have been for 2 weeks. Wheezing, coughing, the works. Couldn't go out to take my usual snaps, so I'll be back Midweek with some better shots!

    Without further ado, my Andrew PAM 113 on Taikonaut Grey Basketweave.




    One of the best straps I have, a DIRK Vacchetta Natural strap on the increasingly worn PAM 118, gotten from RWG member, CzarCzar.





    EDIT: Dirks are being sold again currently on the gen forum. Here's the link:


    ...JUST in case, Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  16. Thats a little freaky. Im starting to think you are some kind of nut job VB :o

    My joke isn't going down very well, so I'll cut my losses and take it down.

    I honestly thought most of you got the same little weird ditty, every time RWG went down which happened for me at around 7-8 PM EDT.

    Okay, lesson learnt. No more levity from me.

  17. I'm not one to be at a loss for words, but....

    I've asked this question of the Mod team before...but whenever RWG goes down, this is the Snowhite and the 7 Dwarves type music I "hear" from my computer.

    Now, either I'm the only one who does, which means my account was hacked, or others do too. Which gives? :p

    P.S.: Run several spyware programmes every time this happens. My computer is always as clean as a whistle.

  18. EDITTED:

    Youtube video I made has been removed by me. As I said below:

    "This is the odd music I get, whenever RWG goes down. I'm conjecturing either others do, or it's an isolated occurence. :huh:"

    When I tried to make a self-parody of my famous Wristies, to poke fun at myself, people took it the wrong way. So, removed.

    If Mods wish to delete the thread, please do.

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