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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Sure if you make 250-300k NOK here you will have it ok,but if you dont its not that easy to get around stuff.

    It cost for a apartment where i have grown up over 250k$ and that is like SMALL one rom apartment,250k NOK is little over 50k$...

    Hey! This isn't a bash Norway thread, but a yucky food thread. Stick with the programme. :p

    P.S.: Seriously, living in Norway is paradisical for many reasons. There is a reason that immigrants swamped Sweden 30 years ago, and threaten to do so with Norway today. You guys have it great, as do other countries, to be sure. But your country is long, and manageable at only 4 million people. That you have a good quality of life is more about your national cultural traditions, than taxes. No matter how much you tax certain people, they will never have the quality of life you do in Norway. Just look at Minnesota and compare it to West Virginia and you will see the difference.

    P.P.S.: What dog did you have, Dani? Pit Bull, I'm guessing. Not a favourite of mine, but if they banned pit bulls in the US, you'd have a riot. BTW, sorry for your loss.

  2. Thanks much Vbarrett. Now I feel silly.

    Not at all, Tony. I had the same problem and it took me a while to figure out too (well a few hours). ;)

    @Dadog: That is nominally correct, but the picture will be re-sized for you into avatar-sized standards. I've used 2MB pics which are enormous, and the system has still resized it for me.

  3. RRFAN, keep your eyes peeled for a Breitling for Bentley sale coming on RWG soon. I remember reading that a member had no wrist-time for his, and was about to sell it.

    Oddly, because I have a good memory, I can't remember the member's ID so can't point you directly to him.

    Also, and this may not be considered good form yet it's important to share information regardless, but RWI has a brisker sales section than we do. You may want to check them out.

  4. women can sell well jewelry but for sure not watches.....

    Perhaps you'd like to rethink that generalisation, Tigerdaytona, especially with its "for sure" condemnation. I think I could sell watches just fine. Certainly Ruby and King have for many years...

  5. Hey Capice. Wassup. Welcome to the forum. :)

    Of course you can post photos but to make your stay here more enjoyable, and more profitable in terms of answers, it is suggested for all newbies to first SEARCH and SEARCH a lot on the forum.

    Your questions more than probably have been already been answered by others.

    I only say this because many newbies come here, and post these types of questions "Which one is better?", and sometimes they walk away frustrated by the lack of response.

    Another very important tip is to look at each section, like the Rolex Forum or Omega Forum, which have pinned "Stickies" like By-Tor's reviews of watches, etc. Lastly, use RWiki (located above in the green border) for any movement questions, etc.

    Good luck!

  6. Hey guys I have been in contact with Jay and the last week he has been responding very diligently. Whatever it was that was keeping his time must be gone now because he is back to great service.

    One of the two members for whom I intervened with Jay, informed me via PM that Jay emailed last night.

    Hopefully, the other member will have his questions addressed too. :)

  7. I have noticed that since i recieved my blue steelfish...with that great ar....i am constantaly wiping all the south florida sunblock and sweat off the crystal.

    YES! I too do that with my gens...

    man that ar really gets nasty looking.

    I realized, after a few nice watch comments that i probabally looked like i was trying to draw attention to the thing. and was a bit embarrased.

    i am starting to appreciate my single sided ar more and more. :)

    Very interesting observation there, lumpy.

    I am one "Those" who must seem like they're always wanting to point out their watch, precisely because I am always admiring and fussing over them, trying to get the watch to sit just right on my wrist (hey Rima, good idea!), or wiping them clean.

  8. In the spirit of the holiday season. I am wishing everyone around the world a happy Thanksgiving.

    Thanks, DVN. To you and yours too. :)

    Just so that others do not feel left out, I wish Swedish RWG'ers a happy St. Lucia day soon, and to all in the Netherlands (like Scoobs) and Flanders, a very happy Sinterklaas day on Dec. 5/6!


  9. I don't think you're supposed to take Michael Moore too seriously..

    Psst, I agreed with almost everything you said, Apey. I am happy that there are countries like Norway* and the USA, with their different ways and solutions.

    But anyone who has an Oscar for his "documentary"; is considered a shoo-in for another for "Sicko" next year, and had a fawning Palme D'Or awarded him, IS taken seriously by the filmmaking establishment, and intellectual elites.

    *I've been to Norway, and it's lovely -- like a combination of Scotland and Switzerland, majestic and scary all at once. Here's a quick fact for you, which most Norwegians know, but few Americans do.

    Which country gave PROPORTIONALLY more immigrants to the USA than any other country?

    Nope, not Ireland. Not Italy. It's not the Jews from Russia, either. The correct answer is Norway. :)

    (Ireland having given the largest percentage of their people to the US)

  10. in the last 2 years i studied in the watchmaker technology which is possible and which not. so i could give my watchmaker a lot of

    ideas and suggestions. so by now we are a very good team.

    The input by so many people here is a gold mine, and I'm glad it has served you well. :)

    May I ask you, if it's not indisrete, how did you "find" this particular watchmaker? Had you always dealt with him, before your rep watch career, and modding, started?

  11. If you don't mind the wait though, you are right, bitTorrent is ace and there is loads of content.

    I updated my uTorrent client yesterday and got that Top Gear episode mentioned, with the Ferrari and the PAMs. Yay!

    BTW, my boyfriend got a scary notice from his ISP: he had downloaded Tiger Woods' video game, so we could play online together, and they had caught him.

    So he just laid low for a while, got Peerguardian (though as mentioned by a member, it's not foolproof) and he's been fine for a year. ;)

    I think ISPs in the US target some people to make examples of them, but like US Customs, they are not overzealous about such stuff, as in other countries.

  12. Not a clients, but one that I am selling in the gallery. It is a female painter of Persian ancestry. She does good eyballs. :D

    It's funny you should say that!

    I was thinking of Zeugma, the strapmakers from Turkey, who feature the famous Alexander the Great mosaic as their logo.


    (The allusion has to do with ancient artistry, concentrating on the intensity of the eyes, not because Turkey and Persia are interchangeable for me!)

  13. Or should I just stop being a limey wimp and jam those suckers in there?!

    That's what I do, darling.

    In fact, I made our V above make me a 25/24 strap, because I like my straps "Jswing" style: hugging the lugends for all they are worth.

    Jswing being the name of a Risti strapmaker who is famous for this measurement for his 24mm lug PAMs. In fact, if you want 24/24 or 24/22, you have to specially request it.

    Really lovely straps, by the way.

    Exceptional straps. Congrats on the Senape! My favourite, next to the PAV 91.


  14. I was thinking Commander Riker after several years in a Cardassian gulag (Trek Reference for non-sci-fi buffs)

    LOL. Oh God, memories of an old boyfriend and his watching Sheep Dip Nine (whatever).

    As for your comment about beards, indeed, Mr Brosnan certainly looks better clean shaven, although, there are a couple of good sayings... :lol:

    There are some men who just would not look well without a beard, or a moustache. Clark Gable and Tom Selleck come immediately to mind. George V, in the beard category.

    "There are two kinds of people in this world that go around beardless
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