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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Why don't you ship to Canada? You do know that the Canadian government doesn't confiscate replica watches.

    But if they seize it, open it, and see a Panerai watch valued at U$5,000 in real terms, they WILL tax you the difference claimed, won't they?

    Having said that, I send my boyfriend presents all the time. Many times they have opened my sealed packages, but never have they asked him for extra duties. Touch wood.

  2. hi fitmic,

    first, merry christmas.

    yes, i wear my straps always inverted, it's much better, i wear my watches right wrist.

    What a good eye that Fitmic has! That was almost a Victoria-like observation. ^_^

    (Only I hadn't noticed it before. Good stuff)

    Rolli, no teasing from me. I don't know you as well as others, and well, we both have German blood. There is a limited tolerance of teasing before we break out the Mausers, you know? :D

    I just know I use your photos as my guide when choosing PAM watches. I don't get them as close to yours, but at least you give me a good rubric!

  3. Thought I share this info.. just watched the movie ! Not bad.. your typical zombie movie.. but with Will Smith ! :)


    What is it with apocalyptic films at the end of the year. Last year it was Children of Men, which was awesome. I haven't watched "I am Legend" (probably tomorrow), but here are some screenshots.

    Clearly, this isn't the Hamilton:


    But you can see why -- he wears two watches,

  4. Most of them show a burgeoning "male v. female" mindset. Boo.

    But this kid will grow up to be a writer for the next I Love Lucy.


    ( 1 ) I'd run home and play dead. The next day! I would call all the newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns.-- Craig, age 9


  5. I live in Miami, FLA.

    Hey neighbour. :)

    Yes, as Fitmic said, the best option is TWP. Another option is Wackobirdkeeper, but he usually specialises in non-high-end pieces. He's also a dealer at other forums, not this one (Repgeeks, RWI). Another alternative is Narikaa, who is from the UK. Close enough.

    However, if you get a Chinese collector or anyone in the Far East to source you the watch, any USA-resident should be fine.

    You just have to stick to the collectors here, to get the most peace of mind.

    (Anyone else have a funny moment when clicking on this thread? "Hey the Chinese have finally made replicas of reps!") :lol:

  6. 2. How is it as a watch ?

    I own it for more than 1,5 month now, so I think I have enough experience with it to say it's worth every buck ! (Sorry for my delay in reviewing, BTW).

    Although it's NOT the same case as the Asian 7750 version we know, it looks very close. Plain SS and engraved caseback : that's the evidence of a somehow better work than on the other quartz or inexpensive auto versions we know. Most of them have a simple laser etching. That might sound like a detail, but IMO the caseback is as important as the front. Not only it is right or lest's say "righter" than the others (vs the gen), but it's also heavy and breathes high quality.

    As Watchmark (dealer here) who usually hunts the reps I'm inquiring could not get it, I am pretty convinced that this model does not come from Mainland China. Maybe from Thailand ? Indeed, TOS is registered there/

    Great review and photos, Pix, comme d'habitude! (That's French for this Frenchie is always doing something good). ;)

    I read everything carefully, and since RWG is very slow so close to Christmas, I hope you will forgive a question: did you blindly pick out TOS from a list of dealers? Never having been on iOffer, I don't know how that works. You took a risk, but it paid off.

    I think your sleuthing about the Thailand provenance is correct. Not sure why, but straps/bands seem to be a very big priority for Thai-made products. I have a Chinese HBB and a Thai one from Narikaa, and the quality of the rubber isn't even close -- Thai is so much more gen. Strange, no?

    Thanks for posting this, and as usual with your posts, I will "digest" it again and again, later!

  7. With your reviews, I click on a random embedded photo. I chose a winner today!


    Rolli, I know you're discrete, but question -- do you get your parts on Fleabay or does your watchmaker-modder track them down, etc.?

    Either way, your 111h is all the visual proof of why this should be MY first Panerai gen. Congrats!! :wub:

  8. 3 Brits die each year testing if a 9v battery works on their tongue.

    142 Brits were injured in 1999 by not removing all pins from new shirts.

    58 Brits are injured each year by using sharp knives instead of screwdrivers.

    31 Brits have died since 1996 by watering their Christmas tree while the fairy lights were plugged in.

    19 Brits have died in the last 3 years believing that Christmas decorations were chocolate.

    British Hospitals reported 4 broken arms last year after Xmas cracker-pulling accidents.

    18 Brits had serious burns in 2000 trying on a new jumper with a lit cigarette in their mouth.

    A massive 543 Brits were admitted to A&E in the last two years after trying to open bottles of beer with their teeth.

    5 Brits were injured last year in accidents involving out-of-control Scalextric cars.

    and finally...

    In 2000 eight Brits were admitted to hospital with fractured skulls incurred whilst throwing up into the toilet

    Cheers Johnkaz. :lol:


    They don't call it the DARWIN Award for nothing.

  9. If I can get myself one of these then I can sell off one of my smaller strap cases. :victory: I've only seen these FS a few times in the past and they go very quickly, so you have to act fast when you see one. ;)

    Hey Willith. :)

    A 24-strap Woj case just sold for a bit over $190 on Fleabay two days back. I gave a heads up to a member who wanted one, and I do hope it was at least one of us who got it.

    Too rich for my blood. I'll await the January fire sales, when people's credit cards come due.

  10. post='375640']DSC00419.jpg

    My fave. :wub:

    Lovely collection, Mezz!

    Because I have a collector's mentality, and I can never have enough watches, I don't know why people want smaller collections. I'm like that old dude with the gen Patek Sky Moon Tourbillon, who had 102 Pateks before owning the Sky Moon. I "get" him.

    I first admired your collection. Then I did a mental calculation of how much your reps must cost. I see a DSN 112, two MBW Rolexes, probably a full ceramic HBB, and that fantastic MBW AP ROO.

    That's around $3500, not including your the SFSO and Chopard XL you mentioned. That's a pretty tidy sum, if so.

    I'm guessing your next move is a gen? :)

    @Mezz below: I was already indiscrete in putting a dollar value, so I won't take up your offer to know the true estimate. ;) ...just to say that I like your rationale behind your spending, and I see that you are a more refined collector than I. You go for quality, whereas I go for sheer quantity, as if the delight of owning is more important than appreciating (not the case, but I can see where others may think so -- not that you were suggesting that!).

    As an aside, someone recently mentioned another poster's writing elegance, and may I say that I enjoy yours tremendously. No matter how offhand, I know whenever I read a post marked "Mezzanine" it'll be a well-written one.

    Well, thanks again, and Merry Christmas, Mezz! :)

  11. Sorry, Vicky - changed my comment just after you quoted the original...

    Heh. I'm too quick on the draw. I'll update the comment, since my followup wouldn't be changed.

    Don't see you posting as much as usual around here...cat got your tongue, or have you turned into a lurker?

    Dude, it's this little thing called Christmas shopping. Remember? Le Parking is le crap. :giveup:

    P.S.: I'm against performance enhancing drugs, but not for shoppers.

  12. My desktop with better photos is with the Geek Squad, so please forgive this impromptu Christmas card shot.


    My deepest thanks go to the moderating staff for their patience and kindness; my warmest thanks go to the wonderful people I've met in this hobby; my most heartfelt thanks go to my friends.

    Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year, one and all. :)

  13. Happy Christmas to you too NORing, the only place to be on Hogmanay, is Scotland,

    I'll second that. Always spent Hogmanay with my grandmother's family for New Years (an Aberdeenshire lass, originally, RIP).

    NOring, great beer selection and even better watch! If that was the one advertised here, I think I had my on it. Happy Christmas, be safe in the oil rig this New Year!

  14. Absolutely hilarious... :Jumpy::rofl: thanks! You have a very fine ear for foreign languages....

    Thanks, GiD. :)

    I can't take the credit for finding this -- it was Ryya who sent it to me during a low point to make me laugh. Must've watched it 10x the first time. I almost weed myself.

    On a serious note, some day some Asian person is going to have to explain to me why Bollywood films always have a dance sequence, why they are 3 hours long, why in the dance sequences there are singer-actors which don't appear in the film itself, and why they constantly keep changing scenery, almost maniacally. :p

  15. Antique Gruen Precision Autowind ...

    An American classic, POTR!

    So far, 4 original posts, 3 gens. More gens to come, in this Wristcheck? ^_^

    @SCOOBS below: Thanks, Scoobs! You gotta know that I chose a black strap just for you, as I hinted I would in your Black Strap thread. ...I'm also reminded that you like smaller watches on ladies, so the Tiffany's watch will certainly please you and others. :p

  16. FRIDAY

    Slinky. Sexy. Panerai.


    My DSN PAM 112 on a Don Croc strap. :wub: (Oh, and Jennifer Connelly's right boob)



    The lovely Andrew PAM 113 on a Dirk Bacchetta Miele strap. Mama Claus approves. :tu:




    I'm busting out the old lady cocktail clutch, my Tiffany & Co watch, and the ice for my last (formal) Christmas party.


    A lady holds her liquor like her handbag -- tight. ;)


    ...have a safe weekend all!

  17. 8. Never get in a hurry. If you get frustrated or nervous, walk away and come back to it later. Even if is days later.

    10. Study! Do searches here and read all you can. It will save you headaches!

    David, thanks for posting this, truly.

    This is precisely the kind of pro-noobie thread that I dearly wanted to continue, and think it's brilliant for its common sense tips.

    Thanks for unlocking some of your knowledge for the noobs. Look forward to seeing what others have to say as well. Merry Christmas!

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