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Posts posted by Victoria


    Getting spare time these days is like selling the Pope a double bed -- difficult. My late Wristchecks start with the TWP PAM 210 on V's gorgeous blue-violet strap, next to Narikaa's Mont Blanc Starwalker.


    I call it the Elizabeth Taylor strap. Wish the ring cost as much as hers. :p



    Marching towards 2008 with the penguin and Andrew's Franck Mueller Curvex Crazy Hours.


    And some other bird, looking a bit swallow.



  2. 005genvsandrewsdl1.jpg

    I wish I had Photoshop, :sss:, grazie!!

    Well, so as not to lightly threadcrap, I will just say the rest of the watch is ravishing. The straps, dead on perfect. And yes, I guess DSN's 005 for the logo alone is the guy for me...

    FOLLOWUP: Even better line of sight -- thanks again! If DSN's logo is not correct, I will have to say that it's the best one I've seen out there, though. Unless Kru, PamMan, Babola or yourself can point me to another...and you have email. ;)

  3. It may be el cheapo but it looks really good. That explains the lack of recessed cannon pinion. I think I would leave the CG alone. Wear it well.

    I think ZD's is BEAUTIFUL. As you know, I'm in the market for one, and since it's a closed caseback, I don't mind its guts too much.

    The one thing I would like to ask, Kru, is if the slant of the logo is right? I think not, and that is what prevents me from getting the cheapo from Andrew.

  4. Little indeed! You have what amounts to a genuinely diverse collection, full of quality and style, Corgi.

    I think your jewel in the crown must be Rolex 16613BL, but then, I'm ever so partial to that watch. Really, you make no false step in any of your choices.

    From the elegant Vacheron Constantins, to that impeccable Patek Philippe (Calatrava?), to the macho Breitling Navi and Omega Railmaster, whilst the 090 and Cartier Santos 100 are dress-up watches which look fantastic informally as well.

    What a way to celebrate your 1000th post, and on Christmas Day too. Congrats CORGI! :tu:

  5. Neither I nor my family are at all religious. I know there are many members here who are the same. We do however get together on the holiday and this year I had the priveledge of cooking dinner for my mother.

    First course was bruchetta: crustini with fresh mozzarella, basil, roma tomatoes and white truffle oil.

    Course two: jumbo prawn and lobster claw cocktail with homemade cocktail sauce.

    Main Course: Penne Alfredo with shrimp, lobster and crab

    A Jewish Italian Christmas Festivus, I love it, neighbour. ;)

    (Most Italians actually have lasagna on Christmas day, but that's a lot of work, I fancy)

    Neither mum nor I are cooks, so like Thanksgiving, we had placed a catering order for turkey today. It arrived, we heated it, and I set up the table. Last night at midnight, we opened presents as is the more Catholic custom, of "celebrating" Christmas Eve instead of Christmas day proper.

    It was a good day today. Family together is always good. Glad to hear you did the family thing this year, Jfreeman, and I won't ask why not last year, fear not. ;)

    P.S.: For those interested, the Greatest Story Ever Told is starting on TCM soon. *g*

  6. Hey Joe, and Merry Christmas! :)

    Unfortunately, the rep watch business exists with great difficulty outside of the Far East. Unless you are talking of the Chinatown (two Chinatowns actually) of Toronto where you MIGHT be able to get Canal St (NYC) cheap watches, you have look abroad for all your rep watch needs.

    -- As an aside, my boyfriend is from T.O., so I know from his wanderings trying to find knock-offs, mostly DVDs, how difficult it is given police crackdowns --

    There ARE two options in the USA: one is a collector called TWP, who specialises these days in Panerais, and he has a gallery here on RWG. The other is a lower-quality merchant (no slam at all) on two competing forums, named Wackobirdkeeper. I personally have bought from both, and recommend both to you.

    Farther in the UK, there are Narikaa, and Precious Time. Customs risks are lessened coming from there.

    Either way, you should hunt around the various collector galleries here for what you are looking for. You may have been burnt before, but perhaps you were dealing with scammers and not the reputable merchants recommended by the forum, who may have faults, but are no scammers.

    EDIT: Here is a recent post showing lists of scam sites.

    Should you find info that helped you out, you could also upgrade your membership in due course. ;)

    Good luck!

  7. I can't tell if you are kidding or not :) That IS a datewheel. I'm pretty sure you were kidding. Or not. Yes, you were. Hmm, or ...

    Gak! That's silly then. What's the point of having Military Time if it doesn't show 1/13 2/14 ... 10/22 11/23 etc.?

    That would be like advertising a GMT watch, and not having a GMT hand. :p

    The response of B&R watches ARE military watches does nothing to quell my misgivings. :lol:

  8. Found this on wus. me want....me want bad.


    Not bad, not bad. Relieves the monotony of the all-black. But if it's "Military Time", where are the 24hr markers? Not even on top, to designate them! :p

    EDIT: Oh, doh. I see it now. I thought that was a datewheel! That's more like it. Minor quibble with the photo: seems to be showing 10:05, but it says "21:00 hours". Picky picky.

  9. I'll be out riding a few hours today, and I'll keep an eye peeled for the wolves. Not to worry.

    Incredible, Nanuq. Being a city girl, I had no idea the dangers faced in the Great White North -- bears, I suspected, but packs of wolves which attacked people and dogs (especially bulldogs, which are bred for fierce protection...), that was too much.

    Merry Christmas all!

    Be safe, Nanuq. Take that axe you showed one time, with you. ;)

    Merry Christmas!

  10. Watching Headline News when a story came on -- a mad pack of wolves attacked a group of three lady joggers, and their dogs.

    The ladies sensibly had pepper spray on them (I do too when I go jogging), as the wolves were apparently emboldened to attack humans and dogs for a quick snack. This happened on Ft. Rich, near Anchorage.


    "Neither the three women nor their dogs heard the pack of wolves creeping up behind them as they jogged on Artillery Road in the frigid morning air.

    Camas Barkemeyer, 26, her dogs Buddy, a 3-year-old American bulldog, and Ginger, a 6-year-old husky, were among that group on Fort Richardson a little after 10 a.m. Thursday. One minute it was peaceful. Then she glanced back and saw the pack of about eight wolves spanning the road, only a few feet behind.

    A melee ensued, accompanied by screaming, snarling, blood and pepper spray.

    "The thought went through my head: 'What dog? What dog am I going to let go?' " Barkemeyer said. "It was the most terrifying thing I've ever been through."

    This is the tough American Staffordshire bulldog that was attacked by said wolves, a rising problem in the area...hope you don't live nearby, Nanuq. :wounded1:


  11. MONDAY

    Apposite snowy ExpII choice for Christmas, By-Tor! Here are my Christmas watches. I hope Shundi likes!

    You've seen the Nantucket watch. You've seen the Newport watch. Here's my "Palm Beach watch", which Lilly Pulitzer would love. :lol:


    With my (empty) Oscar De La Renta coin purse, because I'm skint.



    Christmas is about family and sharing good stuff, so here is another duo-Wristie: mum rocking that Tiffanys watch, and me with the HBB RG from RWG member, Raimondo68.


    The busiest house in the world -- Santa's House!


    What did you ask Santa to give you this Christmas? ;)


    I asked for...more watches! :1a:



  12. i do not understand this.. did we forget history all of the sudden? We all ARE foreigners here in the states (unless you are native american, which i dont think you are).

    Ahem, since a self-deprecating thread has gone south comedy-wise, something I'd never thought I'd see the British do, allow me to pedantically say that even Native Americans are foreigners here. Their forebears crossed the Bering Straits.

    Quick, someone quote Groucho Marx!

  13. Vicky, was that ring all around your wrist, not at the buckle only?

    Did you already wear that strap (buckle excluded)?

    Hey :sss: -- thanks for your concern. To answer both your questions.



    Today, I wore my HBB RG (from Italy!) and didn't experience one moment's worth of itching or irritation. So I just have to lay off FOR A WHILE, the SS bracelet watches and coat the buckles of my PAMs in clear varnish. A small sacrifice to be able to wear my Panerai, Rolexes and Cartiers, in comfort. :g:

    @ChickenManny: Wow! That is information overload, and very appreciated. Thanks!!

  14. Just as an aside I had this happen and I painted the back of my fave watch at the time with clear nail polish (you wont even be able to see it Victoria) however it didn't solve the problem.

    Oh dear. It's good to know you won't be able to see it though, Ken. How do you take it off, with nail varnish/polish remover?? Obviously, an acetone substitute.

    Either what caused the rash was eating through the varnish or my wrist didn't fully heal until long after I gave up wearing the watch.

    That is a shame, Kenberg. Retiring a favourite piece must be awful for watch lovers like us. :(

    (It was the Andrew PAM 113 that I was wearing yesterday BUT I never had that reaction before. I can deduct it was the StrapCulture buckle, which I rarely wear)

    One thing that has been pointed out is that areas with high humidity can worsen the problem.

    Good insight! We were at 80% humidity (81F) yesterday. The South of the USA is unusually high in humidity, so paradise comes with a price. <_<

    EDIT: ...well, I'm wearing a gen Tiffany watch right now, which I showed in the Wristcheck, and no problems. It does seem to be my reps. Anyway, I'll try that clear polish! Ciao for now, guys!

  15. Have you thought about trying a Bund strap? I believe Strap Culture sell them... Could save any contact with the watch from causing a problem :) Sorry to hear you've had another 'breakout', I know how upsetting Emily finds it when her psoriasis flares up.

    Thanks, TeeJay! I do have a Spartacus Bund strap, as a matter of fact, from HKTAN. It's too masculine on me. :p

    I'm so sorry to hear of Emily's psoriasis...now that truly is a problem, but hopefully, she copes well!

    Obviously, people with allergic predispositions (as I am currently) will get these rashes more often, but I wonder if the pricier reps out there are made of less nickel content, or it's all the same?

    I only say this because I have yet to experience any rashes with the Davidsen PAMs I have...how about those high-end SFSO cases, etc.?

    @Scoobs: Thanks so much too! Don't worry. Every problem has a solution, except death. *g*

    @Jetsons: Very kind of you, thank you. :) ...no, I haven't YET washed the bands with soap & water, as I heard one must in another thread. I am sure going to have to, but I was always scared the cheapo reps I have wouldn't survive the "dip". I will, don't worry.

    BTW, interesting observation on gen Rolexes and nickel content. I have never experienced an ounce of bother with the gen Rollies BUT as you know, these allergies take time to develop. OTOH, I have smallish ladies all-gold Rolexes and only one SS DJ. Hmm.

  16. Oh no sad to hear that. But at least you managed to find the root of the cause so now you just have to be more careful. Hope you can find a solution and need not give up this hobby. Then again health is important too better don't neglect it. Ummm..so far another alternative is that you wear gloves then wear your watches over your gloves...not too practical and it will be a waste to cover up all your beautiful fingers and nails too. Cheer up ok. Merry Christmas to you too!

    Thanks, Alant! Merry Christmas right back atcha!

    No, there's no question of giving up on the watches. I will have to rotate the gens a little more, and apply that clear nail varnish/polish to the high-nickel areas like cheap rep bands, and the like. Also, I have to lay off the leather conditioners and Cape Cod cloths.

    Just wondering if others have had their own woes with nickel allergies, and if they can share their experiences. :)

    Mayo Clinic Link: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/nickel-allergy/DS00826

  17. After a lifetime of wearing watches, I've broken out with what seems to be a nickel allergy.

    This, I'm told by RWGers, is due to the fact that our beloved reps must have a higher than usual concentration of nickel in the SS bracelets or buckles. This sucks.

    EDIT: It also could be due to improper post-cleaning use of Cape Cod. You're supposed to rinse the bands with soap and water (see thread here).

    The solution I was given was to apply some clear nail polish on the needed areas. I'm hesitant to do so, in case I ruin the finish. Does anyone have (before or after) photos about how it will look?

    Yesterday, I wore the famous Yaarrrr! buckle from StrapCulture, on a pricey XaMas strap. I didn't wear it tightly, as would be usual. I lasted all of 30 minutes before the chafing got to be too much. There was an angry red ring around my wrist, which dissipated with some Cortisone-10 solution, overnight.

    Here is a general Nickel allergy info site:


    They refer people to, amongst other products, a Nickel Solution ($22) site. The first product "detects" nickel in your jewelry, the second is a varnish (which really looks like clear nail polish).


    Wonder if anyone has experience with these kinds of things?

    I love my watches, but I don't want to look like this one day:


    P.S.: One of the things they counsel you to stay away from are foods high in nickel content. These include potatoes, but also chocolates. Now, I hate chocolates, but just thought you'd like to know that, during this Festive season so full of these two foodstuffs.

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