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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Still wearing this!

    Learning a few things in CS3.....anybody need to comment on the picture quality?


    Looking good, HikeUSA. :tu:

    Perhaps a little overexposed, or too much light in the "box", if that's what you're using. But I only wish mine could look like that. New Year's Resolution: More professional shots in the Wristchecks. :)

    @Dluddy: Love the Christmas tree shot!

  2. Hi Victoria thanks for the generous selections! Wow you are really the lady to seek advice on straps! Hope you don't mind me asking you a few more questions... Oh yes I'm searching around for a nice gator strap that is 'reddish' and glossy but so far didn't managed to see any until you show me one in your pictures! Wow, may I know where to locate that 'OEM Bordeaux Gator (glossy)' strap that you mentioned? And for the 'Micah's Grand Caiman', may I also know where to find it? Moving on, you suggested going through the 'Daily Special (TC)', are you referring to Timeconnection site? And for 'Risti Accessories corner' where do I find it? Thanks a lot Victoria!

    No worries, Alant. I offer what I can on this forum with all my heart. :)

    I am xxing out the urls, because we don't want trackbacks here with one exception.

    General "Official" Straps Links: hxxp://www.paneristi.com/straps/index.html

    Micah Dirksen: hxxp://www.vintagerstraps.com/

    Europelli: hxxp://www.europelli.com/

    TC Daily Specials: http://timeconnection.biz/page/timeco/CTGY/Special

    Paneristi (Risti) Accessories Corner: hxxp://www.network54.com/Forum/353393/

    The last one is where you will find the OEM Bordeaux Croc, both more matte finish and glossy. You have to search around though.

    Another option for the OEMs are actually contacting a Panerai boutique, to see where you can buy one. It's very pricey that way though ($300-400 +).

    Good luck, and PM if you need any other tips!


    My Rolex Day-Date with tux dial from RWG member, Azmindreader. My new favourite!

    And lookie what pulled up ahead of me, in traffic. Aston Martin DB9 baby. In British racing green. :tu:


    (Shame I didn't have on my PO...)


    Another "Nantucket watch" on D-ring, grosgrain strap. This one is more Newport, though. ;)


    I love my other scrolling Wristies, and will return to them on Friday. But everyone needs to mix it up sometimes. Enjoy your Midweek!

  4. Good news: that is simply the strap that came with the watch, a common match to gold and rose-gold Radiomirs.

    I just also dyed the stitching (originally white) with a Letraset ProMarker "gold" (which is actually more of a warm yellow) marker. Cost: a few dollars.

    :sss: I tried your tip about the Letraset markers the other day, but my local art shop (Pearl's) didn't carry them. So I'm going to search for the gold on eBay.

    I had the bright idea of "sprucing up" a Dirk 5218 strap, with a silver marker, and I think I ruined it. :(

  5. ... But wait HER for the best advice you can get.


    Pressure, what pressure? :sweatdrop: Actually, I think Sssurfer and the guys took good care of you, Alant (I didn't see the thread but right now!). If you can stand a few more strap tips:

    The new Mario Paci XIV, Biscotto (Biscuit, or Cookie)


    Europelli Oxblood Shell Cordovan w/ Khaki stitching OR Shell Cordovan Dark Cognac w/ Copper stitching:



    Micah's Grand Caiman:


    And one I think will look TREMENDOUS with your watch, the OEM Bordeaux Gator (glossy):


    These are all pricey ($120-200), BUT they are available sometimes on Daily Special (TC) or on the Risti Accessories corner. :)

  6. Isn't the "ice" bang the one with all the diamonds?

    Unless you're using a different meaning for "ice" but in the hood... ice=diamonds :pimp:

    Playa don't be hatin' ice. (Apologies, I just saw Shaft recently)

    Actually, Mainspring, Corgi, guys, I already saw my first Wristcheck of the HBB all pimped out on Repgeeks. It was...interesting. Wouldn't go so far as to coin a new Gaytona-like nickname, because it's not that bad.

    But it's not for the wallflowers amongst you. B)

    @Corgi below: I just told the member on Repgeeks who posted his, a chap called Dave123, to post his Bling Bang here. I will ask for permission, in case he doesn't want to log on.

  7. Thanks Brothers I live along Chicago's North Shore. Feel much better now though. So when someone says 7 days shipped via EMS it is prob more like two weeks?????

    Sister, here, Tanya. Very few collectors actually name the anticipated date of arrival, since anything can happen, especially during Christmas. If your collector did, that was most unwise.

    The wait is usually 7-10 days, with 14 being absolutely normal. Only after a month should you start to worry. Just in case you are tracking the package via the EMS English site, you should be checking USPS' tracking service now.

    EMS are hopelessly inaccurate. USPS can be, but once your watch is Stateside, they're better. Good luck to you.

  8. I just love it!!!! ;)


    :wub: :wub: :wub:

    Magnificent choice, Elprimerozen. Like HikeUSA said, my mum and I were looking at a "gen" the other day (I think rep being sold for 4k!) at a jewelry shop. Lovely watch, great choice, wear it in good health!

    P.S.: Is that a sunken ship in a bottle in the background? I have a similar one! :p

    (Ahhh. Maiale repro?)

  9. Hey, just stumbled upon this thread... i love Maxmilian's Tan Capretto strap... where/ to whom do i go to get this?

    Hey Andrew -- was going to PM you, but my Inbox is at 100%. :help:

    It's in the Timeconnection.biz site I linked to above in the Daily Specials. For your convenience, here is the exact section.


    UNFORTUNATELY, they seem to have run out of the strap, no doubt temporarily, as it was on $19.99 special all of last week. It's a $109 strap normally! Keep checking the site, especially in the Daily Specials area, for it. Might take about two weeks to restock though.

    I have almost all the Toscanas, and it is by far my favourite except for the Fiero/Arruginito. Some photos to whet your whistle:



    (With my enormous strap rotation, there is no chance to get the patina Maxmilian's has. But it will)

  10. 19.18 on my laptop touchpad after 1/2 dozen times.

    I am up to 18 something seconds, after I discovered the "trick".

    Every game or in this case, quasi-game, has a trick. You know the thing -- like in FIFA '94, you could always score a goal on a corner by positioning your player at JUST the right angle. You can tell how long it's been, since I played a video game. :p

  11. thanks a lot vic (you changed your nick?)

    Yes, one of the big reasons being I wanted to encourage people to call me by name and leave the initial V to V. ;)

    but are not thoses straps a little too big? I mean, a PAM with a 5mm strap is the best but in a suit a small one like the gator of slai and deltatahoe seems to be good

    Hmm, yes, if you're looking for a thinner strap, stick to the Toscanas, which are 4mm, but wear thinner. Manifatture Firenze straps are nice and thin, without being wafer thin (3mm). You needn't pay full price, as they have them on resale on Risti, but this is their site:


    Good wrap-up strap thread (I forgot!):


    btw it seems I have the strap you call P4GTR from strapculture for informal purpose (it's great)


    nice one the gator guys

    If you go to Repgeeks, you'll see a Wristcheck with a TWB gator, as well. Very nice. Might get one. :)

  12. I'm up to about 12 PAM straps. I'd like something to put them in that looks nice and will keep them all together. Anybody have anything that works well for cheap? I'd really like something that looks nice, but doesn't cost upward $100.

    There are cases anywhere from 1 to 24-straps by a famous strapmaker known as Wojtecki (who member Dadog13 knows well, IIRC). It's however, above your $100 top price.

    IF however you want one, you can post a WTB post on the Risti Accessories Corner. I also have his email, which I don't know if it's kosher to post here, so PM if you need it.


    They are LITERALLY snapped up at full-price within seconds of being posted. Real leather, well-built, handy.

    This is a single case:



    And one for 24-straps (I bought a similar one, for around this price: "Wojtecki Maialelogo - Case for 24 straps, black interior, 110 US Dollars"):


    Look at the price though, in this recent FS post:

    "-Wojtecki tan case for 3 watches, 4 straps and 2 screwdrivers. Brand new with torpedo on front. $240"


    EDIT: Forgot this strap case, which FYI, sometimes goes on super Daily Special sale on Timeconnection.biz:



    Holds 10 oversized straps, but is made of real gator. $179 full price, I've seen it as low as $110. Handsome case, but I don't have one (yet).

    UPDATE: Wow, got 3 PMs about this. More photos! Beautiful Woj 24-strap & 4/3/2 cases.



  13. So I'm guessing that a watch that costs 250 is really worth less then 100$?

    Sometimes I hear that, and wonder what's wrong with making a profit. Price gouging during a time of emergency is not cool. Everything else is about supply and demand, as others mentioned.

    One thing though: even in reps you can find super cheapies. That Patek Philippe Sky Moon you saw is pretty darned intricate for just $100. There are tonnes of Rolex watches sold by Jay (e.g.) for $50. They're nice.

    And since I'm not going to the Far East or Canal St. any time soon, that's one sweet deal.

    @Demonslayer below: They're fantastic-looking watches, but movements are the cheapest (none have failed me yet, though, touch wood). Ask Chrgod about his Silix Air-King one day. In fact, here's his Top Ten Bargain Buys post:


    They're at Jay's lower-priced (and lower quality) alternate site:


    Guys here have seen these pics often, but for your comparison pleasure here is my favourite, Rolex DJ RN @ 28 Euro (U$40-50!):



    Thing is, with regret I have to say he's got quality control issues. It's pot-luck what you will get. Worth it, if you bulk order 4, as I usually do though. :)

  14. I am not a wisky fan, but really like this pic :wub:

    Thanks TWP, Scoobs, Golfman for the compliment!

    It's been a hit so far, in all the forums. I'm very gratified, considering it was a last-minute-what-can-I-do-differently idea.

    TWP, I'll tell Gabo to make a Glenlivet strap!

    I prefer drinking wine (remember, i am french :D )

    I'm not a drinker, but I prefer the grape, too. Although whisky isn't that bad, actually. Neat, of course. :p

    I almost forget to talk about my NavB (with the "second strap")



    From Tourby? Your straps are fantastic...

    Hope Vlydog is paying attention, because this watch is flawless.

  15. John, I'm just on my way out, so I'll send you a more personalised PM later. Until then, munch on Erwinner's 177h SOS thread:

    "177H arriving soon; which strap/buckle best matches?, your help is highly appreciated!"


    For informal occasions, it's hard to beat Maxmilian's Tan Capretto strap:


    I think this is what you referred to, Slai's StrapCulture strap:


    P4GTR's SC strap is awesome too:


    The Toscana Fiero strap is your all-purpose Burberry suit/jeans strap and ultimately what Erwinner chose:


    I use this almost as a mantra, but you can't beat these straps for quality. Daily Specials:


    @John followup: Just let me know if this is enough info, or if you need a PM with more stuff. Decided to see if you had enough to go on. :)

  16. Do negative numbers count? I was dead before I started.

    Me too. On my oh I don't know, 13th try, I got it to 8.889. The joy!

    Actually, did you guys see how FAST that thing gets going? Holy smokes!

    "That was some of the best flying I've seen to date -- right up to the part where you got killed."

    I love Top Gun.

    UPDATE: 12.639 secs! Darn you, Halo. I got shopping to do!

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