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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. l'italiano.....

    Apparently, the first "perfect batch of MBK EODs got all bought up by an italian guy.....which basically left TTK and Narikaa with the second "not so perfect batch" of MBK EODs....

    Mario Paci gets around!

    I should have bought mine then on the spot...but I figured I could get one down the road from Neil....which ain't gonna happen now as this current batch that MBK has is NOT as good as his first one...

    But your EOD is flawless. How much BETTER can they get these things! It's mindboggling sometimes.

    (Same goes for Raymond's EOD)

    ...you were on a gurney in the midwest.... :wheelchair: what happened? That midwest is a long ways away from Miami :cold:

    Whoa, whaaa, nono. :lol:

    Gurney in local hospital, not Cook County or the Mayo! ;)


    I don't show two new watches in one Wristcheck, 'cause I like to surprise with a new one each time. But what the hay! :)

    My latest HBB, IN ROSE GOLD mind you, and incredibly not from Mr. Narikaa, the fantastic in-house collector. This is from RWG member, Raimondo, all the way from the Marocchini of the beaches in Italy! :lol:


    Che bello! :wub:


    With working chronos too!





    Not a new watch, but a beautiful, new Don Carbon Fibre strap graces my DSN PAM 112 (hey Cableguy!). ;)



    Needs two more holes to fit though. After taking the photo, I hole-punched them in.


    Lookin' good! :1a:



    This isn't that blue-bezel "Corgi Rolex Sub" I once showed you my mum wearing in a duo-Wristie. Nope. I got it locally! Ho-ho. I'll never tell where. :bleh:




    Believe or not, the Silix summer special version for U$19.99 looks more gen. Look:


    But in the Wristcheck, it's not too shabby!


    ...have a great weekend guys! ^_^

    @Mezz: Nice to see you here! Why the one and only time though? Sorry, I must've missed the story!

    @Jetsons: I've refreshed three times, but your pic is taking oodles to load up. ('K. Loaded)

  3. Roger that...thx.


    You got me all excited, Tech. Thought it was the Weekend Wristchecks already -- since it wasn't I just re-checked this whole thread.

    Man, do we have some lovely watches, folks. Tech, your EOD and that steering wheel, well, what can you say. Gold star ad infinitum.

    @Tankster: BTW, meant to inquire earlier, but is that a gen Silberstein? :)

  4. these zealots.

    That's the point. They're zealots, not just religious.

    This teddy bear anecdote reminds me of a girl in my form. Like Brideshead's Sebastian Flyte, she carried around with her wherever she went -- no, not a teddy, but an anatomically-correct male doll.

    (We didn't use the term in the late 80s, but today she would be known as a Goth chick. Posters of Joy Division and the Ramones plastered everywhere. A row of ear piercings. Dyeing her hair black, though she was fair. You know the kind)

    And one day she turned up with this doll which she called, wait for it, "Jesus Snot". This outraged one of our Anglican nuns, and she took her and Jesus Snot to our Head. Scary lady, in that traditionally stuffy British Headmistress vein, but fair.

    The Head told my classmate, look this is an Anglican school, and you can't expect not to insult people with that doll's name. Tell you what, change the first name whilst you're in school, and call him whatever you want outside it, fair enough?

    So, her dollie was henceforth known as Jimmy Snot. Nice to know the nuns weren't outraged at the Snot bit, BTW. :)

    This precise attitude is what is missing in this country, Sudan. A sense of proportion, moderation, and fairness. It's not going to change any time soon, so it's just as well she's out of there.

    @Pugwash: More than probably, like Ally Sheedy more or less, in BC. :p ...but we girls didn't use it.

  5. 1. Metta.

    Damn. My guess was the "portaerei" L'Aquila. But yours is obviously correct.

    (BTW, V, that's my official entry. "L'Aquila", the first aircraft carrier in the Regia Marina. Converted from the cruise ship, Roma)

    2. May I ask whether it is your gen 112 or else?

    It's a gen I believe, Sssurfer :).

    And my final guess since V bought it late last year, apparently, is serial number 1359.

  6. How does being 32 years old merit a gold star?

    Finally, my exact contemporary. We came out of the womb at the exact same time, or within a few months which in this suddenly surprising joint full of shall we say, older gentlemen, that's fantastic.

    Victoria, did you used to be an elementary school teacher?

    If that question means "Did you ever sleep with one of your 9-year old pupils, especially one named Wili Falau?", the answer is no. However, I did once eat Elmer's glue if that's of any help, Hambone.


  7. I searched for the serial number by scrolling back to some lontana post of RWG's yesteryear, where V might've posted something like "I got my first gen PAM!" in the title.

    Well, I found a poll where he asked for help in choosing his gen purchase -- the one he chose, the 112, was not the winner, BTW, heh.

    But no post mentioning the serial number.

    So, if this is correct and he never mentioned it before, the variations can be endless, and the question is indeed, blind luck.

    I have an inkling V wouldn't make the question this hard, so it must have been posted somewhere ("Gen v. Rep" area?), or in fact, Prof got it right and it's 2687.

    The first I conjecture is a photo posted before on RWG, perhaps by a famous member like Tanfo, which mentions something notable about the ship. Or even, just mentioning who posted it, is the answer.

    That can be my only conclusion, since Prof's detailed reply about it seemed even to a PAM newbie like myself, a very good response (unless it's something more basic like "Ship is part of the Decima Mas Flottiglia" or some such).

    Both of these questions, given the logic I employed above, are best suited for old-time RWG members, and not for newbies. So good luck to the more established members in remembering the answer. :)

  8. A few weeks ago my supplier had warned me that the 177H models are going out of production in GZ. I thought to myself, yeah right. Tuesday I placed an order for 8 more. Guess what. NONE. I have had to order 20 036 models just to get the Titanium case. According to several of my suppliers all Ti case panerai are out of production.

    I had heard something along these lines from a famous collector, but didn't really believe it. How can they stop making the 177h? That's madness.

    Also, no destro cases are being made anymore, save the ones Davidsen makes. I've always wanted to own a PAM 115.

    What is next? The 005

    Patiently waiting for mine, TWP. It would be a great Christmas present for myself.

    I am sure a lot of you guys and gals started with the 177H as your first panerai purchase. WTF?

    It was actually part of a 3-fer buy -- 111h, a 113, and the 177h all in one go. Immediately afterward, I turned to Davidsen.

    My dream watch is the logo 005, though. :p

    @TWP below: That's a shame. The 217 is an absolute beauty, and very very underrated both in the rep and gen worlds...thanks for the forthcoming 005. And the other stuff. Plus the Kevlar. Just let me know when they're ready. I'm on tenterhooks since August.

  9. You can try member "Rep-Craze" on RWI's sale forum, who is however, from Asia. OTOH, U$20 for great quality, stamped, thick Rolex Oyster/Jubilee bracelets plus very little for shipping, is a great deal.

    Takes about 2 weeks to arrive, not factoring in the Christmas holiday, unfortunately. Sorry can't be more of help to you.


    ZainoDetail asked what thin, OEM-like straps there are out there, for Panerai watches. My answer was immediate: Manifatture Firenze. Their best is the vintage "1942" leather.

    Today, I offer you one of my two 1942 straps. Sure, you can SEE this wristcheck. But you can't SMELL IT. This strap's aroma is indescribable. Close your eyes. Imagine tobacco. Imagine an orange grove. Imagine eucalyptus trees. Oh God, that smell is SO sensual and Mediterranean. :wub:

    So, ready? My Andrew PAM 177h on an MF 1942 strap with sewn-in buckle, with "sock", certificates, and case. A love letter explosion of photos!









    Having OD'ed you on Wednesday, today, just three little shots of my Silix Rolex DJ with Roman numerals. :yu:




    (Ahem. Already asked on 'Geeks if this is our family Xmas tree. Nope! At a Cuban restaurant. :lol:)

    ...really really busy these days for Christmas, guys. PM in case of need. See you later! :tu:

  11. I'm 35.

    Well, send me to the foot of our stairs...I genuinely thought when I posted my age, that I would be amongst the oldest here.

    Turns out Warbody is the youngest of those who posted at 18, Dutchy comes next at 19, Moi & b16a2 are 21, Rolexman is 26, jsmith11 is 28, and I'm next at 32.

    Wow. I begin to understand the dynamics of this place, a little better now. :balloon:

  12. Impossible to know what the problem was/is. Watches don't fix themselves, I think your problem is going to reappear...sorry...

    Yeah, that sounds right, and since we've been in contact since he first posted, I PMed Inmotion cautiously so as not to rain on his relieved parade.

    Turns out he's a GREAT guy, friendly as all get out, and we oddly all of us have something in common. It's been an absolute joy to have met him in the forum. This is what makes this place great.

    Thanks Inmotion! Good luck and don't forget to check out the rep watches around that area. ;)

  13. I bought a Pam 111h for a low price, with a asian unitas movement. I've noticed that the watch crystal gives off a blue tinit when it reflects light. is this possible for a mineral crystal, or is the crystal sapphire?

    I can't speak for anyone else's experiences, but my low-priced mineral crystal PAMs do not give off a blue-tint. Even the sapphire crystal ones with light AR (well, as advertised), do not. They are "clear" (whitish).

    The only ones which give off a blue-tint of my arsenal of 17 PAMs, are the two Davidsens, specifically, the DSN 112. Does your watch look like this?


    That's sapphire crystal, with single-sinded AR (on the underside). It could be that you lucked out or that it's a visual trick. Have you tried the single-drop of water test on it? If it beads and doesn't "bleed", it's more than likely sapphire crystal.

    FOLLOWUP to reply below: DemonSlayer (cool ID, BTW), does the fluorescent light shining so clearly above you have anything to do with the blue-tint, I wonder?

    Can you tell the members if the blue-tint (which is definitely there in these photos, beading or not) is present in daylight as well?

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that my Pizza photo was taken in an outdoor restaurant. So therefore, in natural light. :)

    Sssurfer, great info, thanks!

    @ :sss: -- by special recommendation of the restaurant manager, an Italian from Udine! ...must be some Austrian pizza mix-influence, although it was called "Siciliano". The pizza my friend had was even more disgusting. Artichokes & broccoli. :p

  14. I tried to take pics with different light sources so that y'all can get an idea of what she looks like under differing conditions.



    In turns a smokey, muted dial, other times aggressive and purposeful. It's got muscles this watch, but like a thoroughbred's, the body is sleek.

    Love it. Want one. Thanks, Euno!

  15. Just wait for our Strap Queen Victoria chiming in... :D

    Wait, when did I go from a Mademoiselle, a sweet virgin waif, to a Queen, a menacing old woman with a plastic handbag? :lol::g::lol:

    Thanks, Sssurfer. :)

    I PMed ZainoDetail shortly after seeing his intro post. In fact, I PMed another member who suggested the same as I did, to tease him about great strapista minds thinking alike! So we're all agreed?

    Manifatture Firenze for that OEM-look. It's pricey, and they are not quick. Also, their comms are lacking fluency for English-speakers.

    (And so what! Italian is the lingua franca of the Paneristi. WE should be speaking in Italian to them!) :p


    This was my specific suggestion (I have one):



    Item Code: A1-211

    EC Price : € 76.80

    Extra EC Price : € 64.00* (~US$ 93)

    But I also said to check out the Risti Accessories corner (which Zaino knew well already), for cut-rate OEM straps. They are sometimes very affordably priced at under U$100. MF too, of course. :)

  16. From the forum rules.....

    [10] - All publicly displayed messages are limited to the English language. This includes posts, titles, signatures, and any attachments or other forms of public display.


    Thanks for the heads up, Admin.

    I had PMed back and forth with Jo

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