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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Aha - but that's the entire point, yes - you'd want people to actually appreciate you have a Lange - but the same people who get what it means are exactly those who would wonder whether I could afford one ;)

    Ahh. Well, that depends on your personality or shall we say, what you yourself want out of a rep.

    Me, I like it to look good. Because of what I am, I let "me" do the rest of the work. :)

    (BTW, Tankster, you are 100% right. And it's important to note that men can get away much less than women, in being seen as owning a rep watch. It's like a man wearing coloured contact lenses, or dyeing their hair. If another guy catches you, it can be very awkward. But a woman? Eh. That's just the truth, I'm afraid)

  2. I guess PAMman has been violated in some way by DSN but I have no issues with DSN watches either. Good fit, finish. I am getting several of his relumed so the hands and dial match. The case, CG, crown are all fine.

    Actually, PAMman is a very knowledgeable Panerista here. I have heard the same from others, so even without him saying that, I know what he says isn't based on anything but trying to let us see another point-de-vue.

    However, I still like DSN. Who was it who once said, "if you want quality go to Davidsen. If you want accuracy, go somewhere else"?

    Well, I want quality, and I feel I get it with DSN. *shrug*

  3. This is a hard rep to "pull off" - not from "how different does it look from the gen" - but from a "position in life" perspective. A real Lange costs probably 3-5x that of gen PAMs/Rolexes/IWCs (or course, sans diamonds). I suspect most people could believe that you've splurged and bought a $5k PAM, even if you drove a Honda. But a Lange is a $20k+ watch, and unless the rest of you is similarly set up, that immediately screams "FAKE"!!

    Agreed, 100% agreed. But Devil's Advocate time...

    I work in a pretty high-end environment, Ivy League types, lots of Bimmers and Benzes in the parking lot, but if I showed up wearing a Lange (or a Patek, for that matter), there would be some skepticism in the air ;)

    Who really and truly knows a Lange but people who either have the money, or know watches? Where is that .sig with Vic Reeves' zing of 88.2% of stats are made up on the spot? Because here's one.

    I bet you 99.8% of this world has no idea what this watch is, and how much it costs. The rest of the .2% wonder, or gawp, or both.

    As you say, Tankster, you work with Ivy Leaguers which is American shorthand for Phillips Andover, St. Paul types who have Nantucket summer homes and are members of asmallworld and who have featured in the Social Registry, the lot.

    Maybe you can't, but I bet you your average middle-class American wouldn't be able to tell, ironically enough, since they are more numerous and there are less chances to get caught out.

    So, wear this watch to the movieplex, but not to the Knickerbocker Club in NYC, or the Capitol Hill Club in DC.

    My father is a foreigner here in the US, British, and a professional. Unless he wore the rattiest, most blingiest Rolex rep out there, they'd believe anything he wears because there are too many variables with people like us, that make people think, hmm, maybe. It's easier to read people when they're you're own.

    Having all that said, it IS an awesome rep. Narikaa has Lange reps, but not sure how accurate they are.

    Dunno, but the good thing about Narikaa is that whatever he doesn't have, he maybe can find for you. And he's a FLAWLESS collector.

    I also bought a Breguet from him, also for dad, and it works just fine even today (touch wood). It's a very close replica of the original, at that.

  4. IMG_1211.jpg

    Before I read what you wrote, I thought, hmm, the "Swiss" is a little off-centre. Given that you waited so long, I don't know. But if it were I, I would contact Angus first, ascertain that he will inspect a new one before shipping it to you, possibly get a photograph of it before being sent, and then send it back registered.

    You run the risk of getting a right "Swiss Made" but other stuff going wrong. Nevertheless, this is one of those problems which will eat at you, whenever you look at it, ESPECIALLY with that 1 o'clock scratch.

    Sorry for your troubles, Red. It's a beauty, even with warts.

  5. CIMG2711.jpg

    Seadweller, the effort you went through (and the embarrassment!) was well worth it. These are MAGNIFICENT shots of you, your PAM, your lovely strap (what is it? Paci V?), and the cars on show.

    You're awesome! :tu:

    -- Can't believe this Weekend Wristcheck is only at 9 posts! Sure it was going to be in its third page by now. Let me go outside and shoot mine --

    @Dluddy: Go with the 111 on the Senape? :wub:

  6. I like the layout, esp with the winter theme going, but the one thing I miss is the ability to open different forums in tabs by right clicking. Some work if there is a sub-forum listed, like in the trade area, but I can't open, say the rolex area and general discussion at the same time from the home page. I'm a power-browser, and I like to have like 5-8 tabs open at the same time so I can quickly switch to the pages I want to see.

    I do exactly the same. However, within moments of logging on and finding the Xmas skin (however grateful I was for the festive tone), I changed it back to RWG VIP. It's all the way below, next to the RSS feed icon.

    Makes browsing a little easier on the eyes. If I want snowflakes, I'll just look at FxrAndy's magnificent wallpaper of his Ingy in the Alps. :wub:

  7. "for the time being he's got no business activity that can be traced back to fakes and replicas, and hereby does not exploit LV's trademark".

    This is great news for Chrgod in Stavanger. :lol:

    Seriously though, Ape, thanks for the interesting news. This IS a very serious setback for Louis Vuitton, but I think they don't have as much clout as Rolex, since ladies goods take a backseat to men's watches, and always will. However, the general precedent has been set.

    I don't know if your Regional Court's dictum is final. Here is what I Wiki'ed about the Supreme Court of Norway:

    "As a subject to Norwegian law, you have no right to be heard in the Supreme Court, as the universal Human Rights article on a fair trial is believed to be satisfied with the district courts and the regional courts as courts of appeal. [...]

    A normal Supreme Court case is decided by five judges. However the chief justice can decide that all judges hear the case. Such "plenum-cases" often involve fundamental questions or cases that might alter the Supreme Courts own precedence."

    So since this was brought by an individual to the Regional Court and decided in his favour, I suppose there can be no further appeal to your highest Court.

    Good stuff.

    In practical terms it means that you guys in Norway can now go to the Far East, or wherever, and bring back loads of counterfeit goods, so long as you have no established business links to the selling of replica items.

    If they can trace you back to here, it makes that problematic...

    Anyway, this is good news overall for those in Norway who like rep watches. :)

    @Ape: Maybe my sarcasm metre needs adjusting, but to let you know your Image Shack Photo is missing, and a placeholder error one is there instead.

  8. You guys and girls amaze me,to forget my birthday :console: have is it even posibel :blink:

    Shame on all of you :lol:

    Ok i em little atenttion craver i admit..


    Dani (Itsssss crasy) ^_^

    I was going to PM you and Jkarpas, but felt suddenly shy to, never having done so before. I'm a softie about birthdays, and in fact, noticed it was Jawo's birthday the other day too, with the same (non) result.

    Happy Belated birthday, Dani!

    (Man, I thought this thread was about Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet, whew, not that is a minefield!)

  9. The strap is to big for my wrist, i'm talking with a strap maker to make a custom one (and the adventure begins....) .

    That's good. It's always best to leave the expensive straps to professionals, like say V here.

    But I have so many straps, and such a small wrist, that I would be bankrupt having them sized by a shoemaker or similar here.

    So I went on Fleabay, and got this.

    Item number: 140185476662


    It's a little rough-and-ready as a solution, but as long as it's not the expensive straps, it's great. :)

  10. Well... Sorry but... this is a very bad rep. I find it gross.

    Lange is one of the finest watch brand in terms of "finition", it can't be repped.

    LOL, yes, I can see that point actually! The counterfeiters gave it that good ole college try, but it's just not the same thing with such a marvel of mechanics that is the Lange marque.

    In many ways, it would be easier to "swallow" a Patek Sky Moon Tourbillon rep, which I also have, and which I'll post a pictorial review maybe next week -- not because it's not as intricate.

    But Patek is the sine qua non of taste. Lange is another level of appreciation and complexity. It's got that cold German touch that allows you to admire it, without becoming soppy about it. That's a great thing.

    Anyway, thanks for the honesty. ;)

  11. blancpainnf9.jpg

    Robert, that's the one Doug mentioned! Cool, thanks! I'd love to own that watch...

    The reason I used to not to be interested in rep watches, is that I thought it was only about Rolexes. Well, it turns out it's about a few other marques than that.

    But STILL these kinds of watches like Lange, Blancpain, Piaget, even Parmigiana, are not all that repped. That's a real shame.

  12. if that is your first strap then i am french, nice work, want to swap any

    FxrAndy, you're too honest is what. You posted that first strap seconds after you finished it, and it was your first attempt. Mine would've looked even more manky! But I would've posted the third. :)

    I was comparing the 007/008 straps the other day. Esdee, that was one of the best things FxrAndy ever thought of -- giving limited edition numbers to each. If they're just for you, cool. But if they're for others, that or another cool touch, would be awesome.

  13. But please, can’t we keep the discussion civil??

    Eddhead, I did say there were lingering issues at play here, and you didn't understand then. I think you understand now.

    But listen, let's work on this thread's purpose! The discussion is over, it's done, Christmas is upon us, and people are on edge. It's often the case during "Peace on Earth" time. Oddly enough.

    I am going to scout around some gen forums for ideas. Often what they ask, is what newbies ask too. Meanwhile, this isn't "my" thread. Anyone absolutely can add to it.

    It's an informal roundup of facts about rep watch "tells" which can be of use especially to newcomers to the forum. Hope that makes the purpose clearer. :)

  14. What an utter load of tripe. Drama-queen.



    I say this in sincerity and an attempt to heal any bitterness you obviously feel

    DBR, your olive branches resemble grenades. I'm moving on now. Ciao.

    Guys, just woke up, but I'll be back to the thread with some input later. Thanks to the people who PMed with ideas, and what not.

  15. Hi Victoria,

    Thanks for the advice.

    No problems, Alant. You know these threads draw me like honey.

    May I know is the Uniball you mentioned a brand or a certain series of a brand? If it's a brand, may I know which model should I look out for? And is it readily available? Thanks.

    Uniball is itself the brand you should ask for, in say, Pearl's (I go to Pearl's, an arts-and-crafts chain in the US, to get all my refills).

    Medium Uniball (rollerball). It helps if you take your pen and have the attendant change it for you. They may have a spare open package, and you won't have to pay to do so.

    Worked for me, anyway. :)

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