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Posts posted by Victoria

  1. Finally, I'm thinking of grabing one or more of these from Andrew, any comments?

    Welcome, Daneel. I'm guessing from your name you're Dutch or Flemish. ;)

    I'll stick to what I know, in your intro post asking for advice:

    No, and no, and no.

    My father has a gen Patrimony Classic and though I would have to go get it to be absolutely sure, that version just looks awful.

    I've yet to see a JLC that is also anywhere close to the gen (maybe other guys here will disagree about the Reserve de Marche, which I know a few have).

    Both Pix and I have a Vacheron Constantin Retrograding Calender. Forget where Pix -- who is a true collector of Vacherons and a beautiful photographer -- got his, but mum got one for dad from Joshua.

    Pix's collection:


    The one we got:


    More pics here including gen comparison photos:


    Good luck, enjoy the forum loads, and please, should it prove your while, upgrade to RWG Supportership! :)

  2. Dammit... I said I didn't wanna see it. :mellow:

    The problem with this rep is - it really looks like 65 bucks + shipping.

    True. Get it anyway, Emmzy. :)

    @Emmzy: Hang on. Might get Narikaa to see about this. PMing as we speak. If it wouldn't kill you to wait, I'd say wait for a day! ;)

  3. Yep, not much of a review.

    Says who? An excellent review. Not as technical perhaps, but showing more of your machinations and perfectionism in getting just the right watch.

    I just wanted to enjoy my new amazing white franken-beauty, and share the joy with you. I hope you liked the photos. I got some brilliant watches in 2007, and this ExpII was the perfect way to finish yet another year of rep collecting.

    Brilliant stuff. Loved that Avitt allowed you to use his photo, and that others prized their ExpIIs so much, they wouldn't even consider parting with them, even at your no doubt fair price.

    Me, because I'm a low-baller, I lost a very good version of a white-dial ExpII on RWI, just a few days ago. Someone picked it up at full price, and it had the darker not greyish markers, etc. DAMN.

    But this End of Year review puts me to mind that I need to get this lovely watch sooner than later. Thanks for the effort, By-Tor!

  4. Well... they aren't as popular as Rolex, Breitling or IWC - just to name some. I wouldn't call them unknown though.

    In fact they are quite an extraordinary brand, the idea of making the watches upgradeable by electronic gadgeds (instruments) makes them quite unique.

    Wow, that I didn't know. That's genuinely useful for a watch.

    But yes, that's why I put unknown in inverted commas.

  5. 51X07R834KL._AA280_.jpg


    "Set in the 1940's, James Earl Jones as an an old clockmaker faces racism and is tried for murder when the racist is killed."


    EDIT: IMDB keyword search for "Wrist Watch":


    Showing: all 17

    1. Shenmue (1999) (VG) 9.4/10

    2. Pickpocket (1959) 8.0/10 (edit Victoria: Great film by Bresson)

    3. Zaak Alzheimer, De (2003) 7.5/10

    4. Khakee (2004) 7.4/10

    5. Don (2006/I) 7.1/10

    6. If Only (2004) 6.8/10

    7. Riders of the Whistling Pines (1949) 6.6/10

    8. Anthony Zimmer (2005) 6.4/10

    9. One Night of Love (1934) 6.3/10

    10. Mindhunters (2004) 6.2/10

    11. Lorelei (2005) 5.8/10

    12. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (2000) (TV) 4.8/10

    13. Gacy (2003) (V) 4.6/10

    14. Raggio infernale, Il (1967) 2.2/10

    15. Strife of the Party (1944) -

    16. Land of Lost Watches (1951) -

    17. One Is Guilty (1934)

  6. I'm curious how folks gift reps. Do you tell the recipient it's a rep? If not, isn't there huge potential for embarrassment if the rep dies or the recipient is called out for wearing a rep?

    HUGE HUGE embarrassment factor if you give someone a rep watch without telling them it's not real, especially if someone tells them, "oh that's a fake" or they have it serviced at an AD etc. Wow.

    If you DO let on, how is the news taken? Who would you feel comfortable admitting "inside the tent" about the replica world?

    For me, family and certain friends. From what I've gathered, there are guys here whose co-workers know they have reps (FxrAndy, e.g.). I think that's awesome, but it depends on the situation and person.

    Bonus question - does your spouse/SO know you're wearing a rep?

    No offence, but that would really be sleazy if one's own spouse didn't know. If they find out, the first thing a woman particularly will think is, what other secrets has he been keeping from me. You chaps don't want to open that Pandora's Box...

    Ahh, angst in gift-giving season.....

    You saw my Rollie Tux-Dial I posted in the Wristies? Early Christmas present from my mum to me. Very cool.

    But I would never give anyone outside my most intimate circle a rep watch, even if they were comfortable with it.

  7. wow great pics....right now i am wearing nothing (watch-wise that is) as it is 3 am and hot and i couldn't sleep. ..so it is just men's cotton pj bottoms and a singlet i am afraid

    However today i wore my gen vintage TAG that i got from Alt.obsessive for an insane price (with orig black leather strap) plus some matching braclets that i bought....I always wear mens watched with eirhte a chain link bralet or a bangle...and several on the other writs..



    And if I know the guys here, preferrably something like this (I actually have this, a Nordstrom's baby doll...):


    If you post a Wristcheck like this, J, don't matter whatcha watch ya got.

  8. Great topiv victoria (and all the other that contributed, of course)...also great pics :)

    'brigada, Cleobis! I'm glad you have been browsing all the forum's sub-areas. :)

    I also love Lange, but as with the rest of us here (I think) it's just a bit over my league, for now, but finding a good rep would be awsome to wear...

    Although I don't wear my reps to show-off, when you have such a special watch in your wrist like a lange you secretloy want someone to notest that it is a lange in your wrist, but as said before, those are probably the same people that will know imediately that it is a rep, so it's a bit a catch 22 thing...

    Absolutely. BTW, I think the same thing about Panerai. Despite what others say about South Beach, I have seen all of THREE Panerai here, since becoming conscious of the marque. One was a Chinese lady tourist, wearing it on a pink band. I don't like that. :(

    But oh well, for rep collectors this is the problem and I wonder if this is why many men here mod their watches. To be sure, there are those who love tinkering with the mechanics because men love that. But a lot of them seem to stick to marques which can be modded to look more gen -- like Rolex, Panerai, IWC, etc.

    Lange clearly isn't one of those.

    In my case I think I might get away with it, I'm a classical singer and as I move a lot and meet almost allways new people in every concert, they don't know for sure if I could get one or not...lol...

    I'm sure you could!

    It's also nice to hear we have a classical singer in the bunch. The season just started at the Florida Grand Opera (where Luciano Pavarotti had his US debut), and this reminds me, I have to go pick up some tickets. Maybe I'll see you here one day!

    You'll be the only Don Giovanni with a Panerai. ;)

  9. Thanks, Victoria. I deleted the pic.. And haven't decided on a new avatar yet. :)

    Cool. :)

    And I agree with Pugwash that LV is the one throwing their weight around.. At least in Norway. Whenever there is a case involving counterfeit goods, you always see LV mentioned. After opening a boutique in Oslo I suppose they have closer ties to NACG than most companies. ..I have yet to see Rolex or the Swatch group voicing out in public like LV.

    Ah thanks for replying to the thread, as I hadn't seen Pugwash's reply. Yes, I realise LV are very important, but I had no idea Rolex were not MORE. When people think counterfeit goods there are two words that come to mind -- Rolex (first IMHO), then Louis Vuitton. I suppose the conglomerate WOULD have more clout, as Rolex are still privately owned. Makes sense.

    Since I have conflicting views on buying and owning (lots) of rep watches, which I've voiced in the past, let's just say I'm both happy and saddened at the legal outcome. Happy for you guys in Norway.

    Followup: Here's a .pdf of US magazine, BusinessWeek's Top 100 Brands:


    Louis Vuitton is 17th. Rolex...71st. Wow.

  10. Add these to the list:


    This is where my boyfriend goes, but though the NY Sun link I wrote up top listed them, I didn't want to post the direct link to that forum because they recently used Kenberg's photos to highlight "counterfeit" mens' suits.

    :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

    @Jumbie: Ah, right. Thanks for the correction. Hmm, now I feel like going to Ken's Bergies area. So double thanks!

    Followup: LOL! Ken has men's underwear now.


    Is there nothing sacred? Rep Tampaxes next! ...ahem, fortunately, in the US men's undies are dead cheap at outlets. 3 for $15 Calvin boxers BUT in the EU, these are very expensive indeed, so fair play to Bergies.

    @Jumbie: Good idea. Let me do so too. EDIT: Hey! How did you rate your own post? That's the first time outside of Admin, I've ever seen that done. Cool. ;)

  11. Good idea about getting into Daytonas, since you can't find the Lange 1.

    I wish we had more choices in the right-hand corner for rating posts. My Gold Stars can mean anything from "Outstanding job" to that which I give a newbie, "Welcome and thanks for choosing this awesome forum. Hope you have a great time". Somehow, I think they don't get it. :lol:

    Anyway, that and the PMs are invaluable for an effusive lady like me.

  12. Is Cartier considered more jewelry than a watch?


    Are the movements any good?

    Very reliable, since they are quartz -- I'm talking of gens as much as reps. Yes, $18,000 for a gen quartz. What can you do, it's a Cartier.

    Are they tough?(i would baby it either way)

    Our first Cartier (Tankissime) from June is still going strong. But the mills of gold need to be reapplied. And by "our" I mean my mother and I use the same watch.

    Is there any info just worth knowing about Cartier or the Roadster GMT in particular?

    They are elegant watches, suited for certain frames and types of people. Robertk wears a Pasha Seatimer in black, and he looks manly, macho, call it what you will.

    But my hairdresser does too, and he looks quite gay wearing the same watch. The python strap imported from Paris doesn't help, though.

    Overall, the beefy Roadster is custom-made for men who are self-conscious about wearing what might be considered a marque for women (plainly not the case...).

    Can you point me to any links or articles.

    Well, there's this recent one I replied to ZainoDetail.


    Don't let the title throw you.

    I have really not been able to find much information on it on the Internet and its killin me. I enjoy researching watches I am thinking of purchasing. That is half the fun, getting to know your watch (for me anyway)! Is there a quality rep. of this watch that I could buy or be aware of in case I buy a used Gen?

    Darling, President Bill Clinton wears a Roadster. He looks great with it, but they are an acquired taste. My only advice to you is head to your nearest Cartier AD or Cartier boutique and try them on.

    What do you think?

    Go to Andrew of Trustytime. He's got the best Cartier reps we've been able to find. And by best, I mean closest to gen.

    Another possibility, if you're not fussy about details is Wackobirdkeeper of RWI, a competing rep watch forum.

  13. Thanks...I thought it was interesting. My wife pointed it out to me and asked how accurate they were. It's definitely written to a target reader who has really no idea of high end watches, or has any interest in the niftiness of mechanical movements...exactly like you say...to those who haven't clue.

    Even for those who haven't a clue, the article reveals one high-end shop in TO must be "Royal de Versailles Jewellers". And spending on luxury watches went up a lot, to $6-billion, by North Americans.

    That's good info.

    Here's another factiloid:

    "In 1999, Americans spent approximately $1.9 billion on Halloween candy". :D

    I always enjoy reading their gear reviews...of equipment (generally outdoor technical equipment like hydration packs, high end bikes, hiking boots, gore-tex jackets, etc)...more from an anthropological perspective of finding what aspect of non-Manhattan lifestyle the Upper East Side should aspire to when their cousins have booked the get-away in the Hamptons.

    This is why people outside of NYC have a subscription to the NYT: a kind of vicarious living, because surely it's not for their sports section, or anything which "blue collar" folk might find targetted to them. -_-

    Hah hah...but how many could really pull off wearing one?

    ME! :)

    Seriously, I rarely wear mine. It was just about the first watch I ever got, from...Paul. I got it for the amazement factor. "Hey cool, Patek Sky Moon!", like someone would get a poster on Fleabay "signed" by JFK.

    Me? I buy tool watches, as they fit in with my predominant costume of gore-tex jackets and trail running shoes...which generally amount to the cost of a high end Italian suit...just not as flashy. heh heh...

    You can't fool me. I know you have a Sky Moon hidden somewhere!

    Tool watches are fantastic and on your wrist can be thousands of dollars worth of watch. People just don't know and don't care as much, unless you're in an environment (like with divers) where they know.

    Unfortunately, ladies can't wear most tool watches. No. They CAN, what I mean is they usually don't. Our tool watches are Swatches. :)

  14. To explain this extravagance, the magazine quoted Robert Frank, author of Richistan: A Journey Through the American Wealth Boom and the Lives of the New Rich, as saying: "The challenge for today's rich is to set themselves apart from the merely affluent."

    And this differs exactly how from other times? :)

    Toadtorrent, fantastic link and c/p of the G&M article. I actually read it a lot, since my bf as you know, is Canadian. It's like the NYT, only not as sophisticated. It's in articles like this, where you can see that they are not writing to those who have knowledge of 'high-end' watches or to those who live in Rosedale, but a primer for those who haven't a clue.

    The tone in a NYT article would be much much different and aimed entirely to the Upper East Side crowd. This is why amongst other reasons, their subscription sales are dwindling...

    Back to the high-end watches. Nice expos

  15. FRIDAY

    RWG is not slow today, but nothing cheers people up more than seeing new watches, new vistas, new STUFF. It's like having free rep watches of your own, since you see what's out there. This is my contribution today. Amongst my most favourite shots ever.

    My new Rolex Day-Date from RWG member, Azmindreader. Lovely lovely, gen-looking linen/tuxedo dial. :wub: :wub:






    I wanted to share in the snow fun. Here's me wearing my North Face anorak and the Rollie DD.


    But the reality, I'm afraid, is much different. It was 87F/31C today. :whistling:



    You've seen the Fiddy sized version, but here's Greg Stevens' Crazy Horse with antique stitching on my DSN PAM 112! Beautiful (and sold out). But there was a surprise in the buckle I wasn't expecting! :animal_rooster:







    This is my "Nantucket" watch. A Geneva on grosgrain D-ring strap. :victory:




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