Here's what the game came down to in my eyes... The team that wanted the gold more won it. And my hat is off, and in awe, to Sid The Kid. Here's a guy with all kinds of hype surrounding him at age 22, and what does he do on stage in front of the whole world? He not only lives up to the hype, he exceeds it. It could have easily gone the other way for him after getting nothing but air on that late breakaway shot 1-1 with Miller, too. But he came through and now has both a gold medal and a Stanley Cup under his belt in less than a year. And, really if you look at it from an accomplishment standpoint, he's done more in his career by age 22 than the likes of Mario Lemieux had done at that point in theirs. Of course that doesn't translate to what he'll do for the rest of his career, but looking ahead for this kid I do think the sky is the limit...