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Everything posted by Quarks

  1. Absolutely stunning!!! Wear it well kostas!
  2. So damn true!! Oh satellitecad or whatever @#$ name you go by, withdraw the bloody paypal complain!!! You are a @#$@$%# you son of the #%&%, go @$E^% yrself and get yourself a #@$$# life. Sorry had to do it.
  3. With that price, I would fork out just a teeny bit more and get a 213 Rattrapante..... Not too crazy about the mares..
  4. Quarks

    You Guys....!

    I'll have whatever you are smoking right now...
  5. I know River carries excellent rep for Patek Phillipe 24 as well as Chanel J12. Depends on what you are looking for specifically.
  6. What a [censored] this guy is! Hope his listing does down sucka!
  7. Very coool!! Excellent mods!!
  8. This seller, fashionisti, used the pics of my RXW to list it on ebay. All pics except 2 of them are mine - I believe the huge illumed pic is from a member on TRC? Anyway, 2 days ago I have contacted the seller to remove the pics but no reply. I have somehow managed to contact the bidder about the situation. Do not want to see anyone getting ripped off here. Cant some people use their own damn pics. Partly my fault for not leaving any special 'trademarks' on my photos. Just thought I warn you guys about it - and to vent as well. Click Me for the Link fashionisti could very well be a member here or on TRC. Who knows? Seriously.
  9. Very nice!! What a combo! Wear it well.
  10. DAMN! Admin, glad to hear that you are ok. This really sucks but the most important thing here is that you were not physically harmed in any way. I do hope the police nab those thieving @#$%. I'm speechless. Take care man, and do update us on the situation. All the best.
  11. Estaban, I am sorry to hear about Casey. I am a dog-lover/owner as well. I have lived around dogs since I was born. I have my fair share of the experience. Dogs come and go throughout my life. Everytime one of them passed or had to be put down, it hurts. It is very difficult time. Just a few weeks ago, one of my dogs was diagnosed with a malignant cancer in his gums at the lower mandible, prognosis wasnt too good. Tumour removed but expecting it to resurfaced again soon... and this time round, he would have to be put down. His sister passed away too years ago with cancer as well. No other dog can replace the one you have. Every dog is different and unique in their own ways. Remember the good times you both shared together. My most sincere condolences to you and your family. -A.
  12. When I first bought reps, and I believe I have mentioned it before either here or TRC, that if the watch doesn't come, I am prepared for the loss. Why? I am dealing with illegal items here. I am VERY surprised by how things are run here by the dealers which we ALL take for granted. And some people goes a bit further by ABUSING the system. @ Craytonic, I have re-read your post. As for the calculations, I don't really care that much about it. You may hit the nail right on the head, who knows? I am not a dealer, neither are you. I'll just take it as a grain of salt. Yes, I agree with you on the insurance part, hence I do not mind paying extra for the service and I don't see why anyone should.
  13. If the watch is seized in the country where it was sent, the dealer covers the loss. If the watch is seized in buyer's country, the buyer is responsible. This should be the way how things should be run.. but is it?? Dealers are covering both bases here and somehow you are trying to work your way around the fact that the dealer can somehow cover the losses by "encouraging more buyers to purchase"??? Jebus. Even legitimate online businesses don't run this way. You order illegal items into your country. Your customs seized the item. YOUR LOSS. Who the hell in the right mind would try and monitor each and every country's law. The fact that andrew went an extra mile doesn't mean that he can keep on covering the costs. Some of you people have one thing in mind: "I'm alright Jack"...f**k everybody else." (to quote TTK).
  14. Well there you go. We need to expose more people who is shitting on dealers. See what has been going on: Luckyy got hit, EL got a huge ass fine, Josh got scammed by Fassi and probably more, and Neil, I'm sure you have your fair share as well (I'm sure other dealers as well). Plus all the risk getting nab, etc. After reading all these, I have no qualms about paying more for service. No doubt I would be a more picky about which watches to buy. Just human nature. Whatever it is, you gotta do what you gotta do. It is about time people realise how damn lucky we are.
  15. They just want to pay for cheap watches, that's all. Nowadays, who really cares about dealers getting scammed? It is none of their business to care. It is all about prices baby... and of course the watch. What a community this has become.
  16. Damn.... the ordeal. I know how that feels like. Anyways, congrats!! It is definitely a nice piece!
  17. Of course you don't feel bad, you are not the one losing the money.
  18. Nice looking RM!! How is the weight of this watch? I am interested in getting one.. Can the straps be taken out by removing the caseback? It seems like the caseback is obstructing the removal of straps.
  19. Well said, Caleb. Well said. I couldn't have said it any better myself. TTK vs blah, blah, blah... I think we have enough of that over at RWI, why bring the [censored] over and resume the whole drama here? There is no doubt Neil has some valid points which was brought up over at RWI, which some may not agree with (although many were more concerned on the WAY Neil puts them across, personally I could care less - it is not as if, this is the first time you have read how Neil deliver his posts) If dealers want to raise the price, fine by me. Not a problem. It is our choice to make. To make the purchase or just fug it and move on. I have always stood by the dealers I have dealt with and the customer service I have received has been by a long stretch of what I have expected out of their generosity and trust. I fully agree with weeding out the troublemakers, those bloody bad seeds who has been taking advantage of the dealers' generosity - causing paypal problems, keeping extra goods, scamming movements out of the watches, those petty complains about scratches here and there, etc..... And what has happen to this board? It has almost turned into a bloody customer service complain centre over here everytime I log on. I am just sick of the people whinning like 8 year old girls about every-fecking-thing. Seriously. P/s I am always [censored]in amazed by how members tries to scrutinise the amount of money our dealers make by selling these watches and then breaking down it to every penny the dealers makes over the service we get. Seriously. Get a bloody life. I just cant believe this [censored] really. This is a replica business. I am already thankful that our dealers go an extra mile to make sure our watches get delivered with all the customs [censored]... what more do you want? Some of you should just [censored] off, forget about reps and get genuines.
  20. My vote goes to Breguet La Tradition ; it is no A.Lange & Sohne but it sends chills down my spine...
  21. I tend not to trust ebay at all. And the seller with zero feedback? Pffftttt.... Ebay has a bunch of so-called reps of high end watch brands which I have yet to see our dealers list them. I would not believe a single bit unless one of our trusted dealer steps in and say so.
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