I finally broke down and got a winder. A Steinhauser that holds 8 watches. Initial impressions, it is extremely quiet and HUGE!!! This thing is taking up all the dresser space which has peeved the wife off but hey her clothes control 75% of the closet and her shoes 99% so I feel this is a fair trade off.
One of the "winders" only rotates one way so they're sending me a replacement in a couple weeks. It's not a big deal right now but I would expect it to totally fail in the near future. The following watches get the honor of staying wound:
PP Nautilus
AP RO Jumbo
Ultimate BCE
TAG Senna Link
TAG Aquaracer
Yes, the winder has cost me a new pair of sandals for the warden, I mean wife. Now her shoes control 100% of the closet. Mines are stacked on top of each other.