The one on the left is missing the tick next to "10", the pearl is slightly off to the right and the gold seems a little red. Knowing Homer, the other one could also be a rep, just a much better one.
Ok just got back from dinner with our son who just turned 20. Since I had on beige with brown shoes, I wore my GTXL on a brown Jacky Icxx strap. While the wife was running her mouth, I was debating if I should of worn my brown PP Nautilus. Yes I have a brown one, I guess it's a fantasy watch. It is not as nice as my MBW version. Should of brought it as a backup.
My Dad is into cars AND watches. He's been tooling around lately in a A8 W12 and wears a AP. No way I could give him a rep since he wears expensive gens and he'd wonder who I robbed to give him say a PP. He also drives a Bentley but it rarely comes out of the garage. He does pick me up from the airport in it when I visit though.
I'd say get your Dad a UPO but they tend to be heavy. I think the TAG Aquaracer would go nice with his Audi.
Forget about it. I had a mate that was buying a laptop from someone in a public place. When he met the guy he didn't get a good vibe. Turns out the guy had some other guys with him and they probably intended to rob him.
This IS your drug. I'll go to dinner with my wife and wonder if I should of picked a better watch to wear than the one I have on. Meanwhile she is going "blah blah blah blah".
My heart really goes out to you. I had a dog when I was a young boy that ran away and it took me 35 years to get another dog. I love my little Rusty and I know that I will probably outlive him but right now we are tight. Remember the good years my friend.
That makes two of us. Everyone I have spoken to has NO intention of spending their bribe/kickback/hush money. I keep hearing, savings/pay a bill/pay the credit card, everything but what the govt. wants them to use it for. This stimulus will be a disaster of major proportions.