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Posts posted by Toadtorrent

  1. Wow folks...I'm truly honoured. We all know that the true members of the year are all the folks that took themselves out of the running.

    Lani? 'nuff said...what you do to keep this board alive, remind us of paying it forward, and your generosity in time, prizes, time, encouragement and upholding of a level of decorum and class that is an unfortunate rare breed these days.

    Mod team? Best around...to keep this board on track, keeping the loonies out, and keeping the spammers squished. Kudos...you are the true foundation for this place.

    Admin? T...your dedication to the board is awesome...your professionalism...everything.

    AND...all the other members which are too many to name and list. Lots of friends have been made here...which is not something I was expecting and very blessed to have.

    I've always said this place is the best watch forum around...and possible the best forum around outside of something that can't be when the kids are in the same room.

    As much as I don't really feel I need any recognition for doing something I enjoy, getting recognition like this was an awesome lesson for my kids to show why it's important to find a community they can take ownership in and to participate in that community...as the effort we make doing things we love can be helpful to other folks.

    I'm definitely humbled here...given the world class folks here.

    Thanks all...and let's look forward to a rockin' 2010!!

  2. You nailed it D ... it's like a family of 10 kids.. they all look alike.. the one thing with the B-ling.. the generations of dials hardly change.. seen one dial.. seen em all.. B)

    I agree too...BUT, for someone new and starting out with B's...seeing this can show you what you can get. I see no need for all variants of the Avengers: Blacksteel, Skyland, Super, Super Blacksteel, Super with stick, etc, etc even the non-chrono versions...but the pics really show the quality available!

    I have no PVD or Ceramic watches so seeing something like the Blacksteel Skyland or the ceramic Top Gun or things like that in pics like yours Lani really gives as close a look at these things as you can get if a gen is available for true wrist test-drive.

    Thanks again as always...and a Happy New Year to you and all the best for a new crop of super-photo spotlights for 2010!!

  3. The rep on the right looks pretty good compared to Gen on left, expect for bezel font color and AR on cyclops.

    +1...the AR cyclops really stands out...

    Without a side-by-side though, you would never notice the bezel font colour because of different lighting and stuff...all in all...a great rep!

  4. I just had to Google that to see what to start my son on...he's only 4 so it's a bit old for him. Mind you, we do enjoy watching old school Spiderman and the 60's Thunderbird episodes...so maybe this might be game for him. I know he'll go ballistic if he saw it...just don't know if it will give him nightmares when he sleeps...

    "Daddy...turn the lume off...it's too bright!!!"

  5. I tried to find more info on HKTan. I saw a few posts with some of his work which looked really awesome but couldn't figure out how I'd go about ordering. Does he have a website or is just via PM?

    No website...just email.


    HKTan Gallery

    Password is: hktan

    See what he has...and don't look at these as specific models but the skins used and the style, stitch colour, etc...and custom order.

    You can also try PM:

    HKTan's Profile (Aaron)

  6. P4's got it down in all 'counts...pay it forward...tech info...etc.

    As an aside...there is debate here between whether spending the extra for an ETA vs. Asian 21j is worth it. Many members have had bad luck with gen ETA's ordered from the dealers compared to great reliability with the A21j's...others vice versa...so it's a bit of a crap shoot. The issue with some gen ETA's (not all...some dealers get new ones) is that they are often old, unserviced surplus movements...gen yes...but with gummed up dried up lube...so in need of service, but serviceable if you it.

    The A7750 is a different beast. Many have great success unserviced for years...others <1 year...bit of a crap shoot. Serviced, they'll run reliably for 5 years at least. They are hard to service...but relatively easy to obtain so can be replaced relatively easily by any watchsmith...about $130 CDN + $100 USD for a swap...vs. $200 + shipping for a service...so it works out close...the issue is that the A7750 may crap out in short order or may last awhile...so if you get lucky, it's more cost effective to let it run 'til it dies and swap rather than service if you have the know how to do the swap...or service it if you want it reliable and know somebody who can do it.

    It's fun to learn to do the stuff yourself...so let that be part of the hobby...then the little frustrations can turn to fun learning experiences and challenges.

    As P4 said...we've all been coached along the way in the early days...so pay it forward, post your experiences and share your knowledge and keep this forum alive. Read the Noob Guide in my sig to help you along the way as well.

  7. I checked out some of the available sources for straps, including Watch boy's. The trouble I'm having is that the strap for my watch is a 21mm, apparently an uncommon size, and I'm having difficulty finding a place that carries them.

    And Toad, you're Noob Guide was one of the first and most helpful posts I have seen. Thanks for taking the time to help us noob's out.

    The straps you'll want to look for are the IWC straps as they are generally 21mm.

    TWB 21mm IWC Straps

    The problem with going the IWC route, is it will have a taper as per IWC OEM straps which is different from the UN ones. This may or may not be a big deal for you (personally, I don't really care)...but it also depends on the tang buckle/deployment requirements of your existing deployment/tang buckle. As others have said, if you go the Aaron route (HKTan), his straps are custom made...so you specify dimensions, thickness, cut, etc as some of these factors will determine whether or not they work with a particular design of deployment clasp for example (i.e. too thick and it won't work). They take a few months to get the strap...but for the price, quality, etc...tops all 'round...and at a fraction of the OEM UN strap!!!

    Glad to hear the Noob Guide has helped.

    Welcome again!

  8. if you're looking for a reasonably priced (non-UN branded) gator strap for your UN, check out kurt at the watch boys (click here) -- his gator straps are top notch (amazing value for the money).

    ...and remember that you can transfer your buckle over to the other strap!!!

    Congrats on owning a wonderful gen with a sentimental journey. Welcome to the forum. Make sure to read the Noob Guide in my sig to help you on your way.

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