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Everything posted by Toadtorrent

  1. Crap...what am I going to do...I have 3 more that should be delivered today according to FedEx?? Oh yeah...the wife wanted one of them...Pheew! I'm saved. As long as I can hide the other 2 she doesn't know about. Just kidding, hiding the acquisitions is definitely OUT of the game plan. I haven't gone that far into things that I have to deceive anyone.
  2. This is a truly warming thread...to acknowledge that this place is far more than just a forum to talk about watches. It truly is a meeting room...a virtual neighbourhood pub.
  3. Yum...I'm feeling the need for some Indian food...
  4. Nice Gator...where did you get that? I like your nick too.
  5. These are miles ahead of where you were. Lookin' great to me. Great stuff.
  6. Great stuff guys. I don't have pics of my first reps from vintage late 80's. I regret chucking them as they would have made awesome reference pieces for how far things have come.
  7. This should definitely go to the IWC area. Great write up and pics. Thanks for posting this. Great to see some new blood putting up quality like this. Welcome to the Review Team!!
  8. Now we're talking!!! Yup Aperature Priority. BTW...I always wrestle with this...the reflection on the datemag (or in general). I've played around with trying to solve this. Try getting a white board or a black board (totally different effect) and position it in various places to cancel out the reflection in the key parts (in this case the datemag). That will bring things even closer to perfection. The thing to remember is with the Deville shot, it works because of SELECTIVE DOF. You had things set for much shallower DOF which works artistically because of highlighting a selection of details, and the taxi adding interest and mood but fuzzy so not distracting. With these face on Sub shots, it's a product shot, so stopping down for full DOF is more the goal rather than an artistic thing. Thanks for posting this, it's good reading.
  9. I'm pretty lucky as there are a few people I know who know about my reps, and they fully appreciate them, as they are interested in watches themselves. One of them collects vintage military watches and is definitely fascinated by them. I'm like Lani though, for the most part I just keep it to myself. Nobody notices watches in general, so it's easy to keep things quiet. RWG is the perfect outlet for this with the passion, the knowledge and the great folks who share a common interest. The diversity of backgrounds and personalities all revolving around the interest is icing on the cake.
  10. Having the same watch with mods (except crystal), that AR really does punch! It makes photos a heckuva lot easier too doesn't it?
  11. White balance setting is better. The DOF 3 pics up is the best. I think either the watch isn't perfectly flat, or something is at an angle in the last pic. It's hard with that copy stand to get things perfectly square (I have the same one), so it might be easier to stop it down for better DOF. If you're maxed out, that's where the true macro lenses help...or you can shoot farther back, and crop in Photoshop. I agree with Pug, that Deville shot is smokin'.
  12. I picked mine up from AJS. I have a local source for them, but have not confirmed if they are the right cannon pinion height. I'm not sure if there is a specific model to ask for to be honest.
  13. The cab makes a great backdrop. I love that DeVille shot. The light studio is working for you.
  14. Like Ubi...watches have become part of the family. My wife actually has a little collection, and she looks out for interesting autction catalogues that have horological items in them. I have a bit of watch related material on the bookshelf. A common question at our breakfast table is my wife asking our son "which watch did you pick Daddy today?". I love it.
  15. I'm a palek paneer man. Love my Indian food...all of it. There's a place close to us that has life changing Butter Chicken...not your usual western variety...this stuff is awesome.
  16. Two totally different watches. I think the Aquaracer is killer and very accurate. It's more maintenance and harder to maintain because you have to find somebody to service the A7750, whereas the ETA can be serviced by anyone. Something to think about. Personally, I think the Aquaracer is much more interesting the Ingy.
  17. I love those first dark pics. The lighting really has "mood". Great piece BTW.
  18. I think generally, 70%+ of people don't support what they don't understand...WHATEVER that is. Luckily, my wife hangs around true collectors a lot for work, so she understands the collecting mentality. I don't understand some of her things but accept them and vice versa. I would guess P4GTR, you are beyond just 3 watches now. Hah hah... My in-laws don't understand how much we pay for a small house downtown in a big city, when for the same price we could get a massive house out in the suburbs. Anybody that disagrees with the hobby I just tell them that I had to switch hobbies because my lap dance and online porn costs were killing me.
  19. I trade in my toothbrush every 6 months.
  20. Can't say whether it's genuine or not...only a real watchmaker who works on these would know but it looks like either an ETA 2824 or 2836 or an Asian clone of the ETA 2824/2836.
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