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Everything posted by Toadtorrent

  1. True 'dat. The interest is definitely fuelled by people here. How many times have people said "I was just going to buy one watch, and after finding RWG, I can't stop buying".
  2. I was just going to post this...or the dimple version as well.
  3. Thanks for posting this. It's always great to hear other people's experiences.
  4. I'm 40...but feel like I'm 24.
  5. I would love just to check out the collection and hold some of the pieces. Many of them hold an academic interest in terms of design, material, etc...nothing I would buy...but something I would definitely like to try on or play with. That's where the discipline is hard.
  6. Hey folks. Lani is a legend...both in terms of his support for the board, his passion for watches, and his pythons which are the size of truck tires. If you've seen this thread HERE, or this one HERE...you know he's running out of room in his watch box. With so many new watches coming down the pipeline, and the our need for his killer macro photo shoots...we need to all pull together and help him get rid of pieces and create more room, and more awesome photo pictorials for everyone. ENTER THE UPGRADE RAFFLE NOW...the more we upgrade, the more he gives away, the more room made in the box...and we are one step closer to World Peace.
  7. With my wife's work and my interests, we come in contact regularly with true collectors and/or their passions. On the EXTREME end, these are people who have their collections given buildings named after them at institutions you may have heard of. What this has done is really made me think about collecting in general. What the driving principle is I have tried to follow, is that any addition to any collection should be done with thought and purpose. Whatever that thought and purpose is, is left pretty open. This really means, don't just buy on a whim, or buy something just because it looks nice. Purchases for me (whether watches or any other stuff we collect) should be made with a purpose. Maybe that purpose is brand representation (e.g. selected samples from brands of interest like Rolex, Franck Muller, Ulysse Nardin, etc). Maybe it's era representation (e.g. vintage Rolex, modern Rolex). Maybe it's quality representation (e.g. buy generally high accuracy, high quality pieces). Gen to rep comparison (e.g. rep and gen Datejusts). Maybe it's purpose (e.g. rubber sport, bracelet sport, leather dress, etc). Maybe it's representative of a particular life milestone or memory. Whatever the reason, each piece in my collection represents something generally (there are exceptions just for fun) and contributes to the collection as a whole in some way that makes sense to me.
  8. Holy Crap...that's really cool T!! Slick as...we'll SLICK!!
  9. Don't know about the black dots. I've only had Zig do my lume work.
  10. Nice. I have friends and family who hold very senior medical positions in hospitals you would have heard of, and none have discounted any of the Asian alternative treatments - namely accupuncture, Chinese herbal medicinal treatments and other stuff. I remember getting deathly ill on a visit one time, and this one relative started pulling out Chinese herbs - this is a guy who's had his picture on many of the industry mags as a top doc. Stinky stuff...but pure gold. Acupuncture has an amazing success rate and can be an alternative great for lots. I'm glad you have found a solution that can work for you and your father. Pain management is tricky business. Keep your mind open...and hope stays true.
  11. Uneven glow is due to the application technique. Mixing the C1 and C3 is done to get the colour desired.. Improper/incomlete mixing may result in uneven glow however. Uneven glow can also be due to "bleed" through of the base layer being lumed over. Not much that can be done. Imagine, a white base layer will produce the best results...but if luming over black lume, or blue lume, the colour will be affected (imagine tryin to paint over a black wall with a light colour).
  12. Great pic. Freddy...what can be said. Awesome pic...love it.
  13. These are wonderful posts R...there are so many fantastic pieces there. Remember...pumping iron just adds more mass...not more arms. Great stuff...always a pleasure to have a peak into a collection.
  14. An older post...but I never saw it before. Thanks for finding this one again guys.
  15. I'm thinking of getting the quartz Apollo 11 35th Anniversary in quartz after this review. I need a quartz watch to set my mechanicals to when the PR runs dry.
  16. I take no offence. I know it to be an honest suggestion...and one I've looked at off and on for awhile. Let the man wax lyrical...I would...we're all watch lovers here.
  17. Exciting. I certainly don't have the expertise...but I know somebody here will. I think with the 1:1 case something that should be considered would be adaptable movement rings to hold either gen movements, 2813's, 2836/2824's to give flexibility in what goes in for the motor. Not being all that knowledgeable, would people think the modern ceramic cases are close enough that the subtle nuances in a 1:1 would not be worth the effort given the financial feasibility of the project (i.e. number of sales)? Would vintage cases be better?
  18. I haven't used BSD...and have switched to Acronis these days rather than ghosting. I've successfully imaged and restored EIDE to EIDE and SATA (via USB) to EIDE and SATA (via USB) to EIDE with no problems. I'm using Windows XP...the only issue being that after restoring, having to reassign boot drive through the BIOS and removing the source drive from the connection so the boot sequence doesn't get screwed up and confused. Good luck.
  19. The Ladies Datejust is quite small...sits nicely. There are a million and 1 dial variants. Stick to the usual EU based dealers for the easiest shipping (Precious Time I think...and a few others).
  20. I honestly don't see the big deal on quartz or no quartz in a rep watch. I like my mechanicals...don't get me wrong...most of my watches are mechanical...but for $100 for a quartz, that's a great deal!! It's not like getting a Seagull manual movement or a7750, or Asian 21j is going to get you that much closer to it being "gen" in that the subdial spacing or function is completely off depending on those options...so why not get better subdial spacing and low maintenance? Mind you, I don't mind the wider spacing of the rep mechanical movements. I'm so used to seeing them, I actually almost prefer the wider spacing. I know...I caused Pug to puke again.
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