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Everything posted by Watchmeister

  1. Are people reluming the V3? Does it still have the issue of needing to bulk up the lume on hands and markers. I thought that was solved with the V3. The other thing is that although I am not familiar with the Divers and luminosity the gen chrono's luminosity isn't particularly great either.
  2. So jealous of that car. Won't be seeing a two seater for years. V-10 or turbo V-8?
  3. I thought they had already fixed the triangle on later runs of the watch.
  4. IMHO it is not about one person or party being wrong or right but as much about breaking the gridlock between the two parties. They both have been driven too far to the ends of the spectrum. My biggest hope is that Obama becomes more pragmatic and concludes that unlike the first term where he spent all his time worrying about his healthcare legacy he focuses on leaving an additional legacy of a healthier economy. And equally, the Republicans have to turn away from the ideological right and be able to compromise. Unfortunately Politics is now all about keeping your job rather than governing. What this election did show is that people are generally fed up with business as usual.
  5. Congrats. I had a similar happy surprise with a franken in hand and instantly opted to sell th franken. IMHO, a gen is a gen. Own it, treasure it and someday pass it on to your child.
  6. Very nice review. It will of course vary depending on the particular rep strap but I do think all the observations generally hold. For those who have never worn a gen strap I will warn you that it is a slippery slope. But the nice thing about Panerai is that a couple of straps can cover multiple watches so I always feel like I am getting my money's worth - 50 straps later.
  7. As someone else pointed out. I was surprised when I heard the stats for Federal assistance during the campaign. Only 8% of the population receives some form of welfare or foodstamp assistance. 2 percent or less of the 8% rely on government support for the majority of their existence. And of the folks who receive assistance - 39% black, 38% white and 17% hispanic. Now those are aggregate numbers and don't show whether one group of people is disproportionately represented. In any case I always assumed it was a much larger percentage. Unfortunately the amount of our tax dollars necessary to support that group is more than double that at 16-18%. Now that doesn't include unemployment but theoretically the person had to be working in the first place to receive it.
  8. Never underestimate the corruption at Antiquorum. They are far and away the shadiest of the auction houses.
  9. D- You are quite the baller. Swinging around $100k in Gold AP's. I love your Gran Prix in the other thread.
  10. Can't agree with the Civil War comment but I thought the republican party did fairly well with Latino's generally prior to Romney. I know a substantial portion of that segment are fairly conservative.
  11. D- Congrats. Gorgeous piece. Wear that one well. Mr. Z has outdone himself.
  12. Very impressive set-up. Now that is a whole different level of sophistication. My smith used a modestly priced kit usually used for auto repair and then experimented a lot in the garage. If you have the skills and a compressor the whole set-up is probably $200-300. It is the skills that are the issue for me.
  13. Yes, it is a gen. And no worries. You can always find another and that is about the going price. If you want to laugh I would have to look back but that is probably about what I paid years ago.
  14. R- Great stuff. Finally got my AP case re-blasted and although my smith did a great job he said he isn't doing it again anytime soon so I have a sense of the amount of time, trial and error involved. Wear it well.
  15. I know he wore a TAG before and I had heard the Secret Service watch story as well although I didn't know what the brand was.
  16. So much for that idea. It didn't occur to me the explanation is in latin. But I appreciate the effort.
  17. Very nice eclectic collection. Wear them well.
  18. Although he is an idiot you never know. Ronald Reagan was best known for making a movie with a chimp. Bill Clinton stuffed a cigar in someone's twat in the white house and for my money they were two of the most effective presidents in my life - ideologies aside and for very different reasons. And no I don't want to debate their merits. Just saying....
  19. Ever ask yourself who in their right mind would be a politician - you are underpayed, anally raped daily in the press and have no privacy. Hell, you can't even get away with a mistress anymore. Ergo I can only conclude that politics at a top level only attracts self-absorbed egomaniacs. In any case I will stick to my guns. You heard it here first. The U.S. economy will be substantially better when Obama leaves office than it is today. But it won't be because of Obama (or Romney if he were the one elected). By the way Obama never had a chance during his term. An intelligent person who looked at the trends, state of the economy and the fact that we were still getting out of two wars worth of expense would have concluded it would take two years at best for things to get better. Not making excuses for Obama as I am not a fan but if you study the great depression and the major recessions both here and abroad it all becomes fairly evident what the outcome is. For the U.S. economy to only hiccup with the meltdown in the EU should give folks some comfort as to its resilience. No one can kill it.
  20. Agree with the distant part. And when it came to get a repair done he was a complete jerk.
  21. I can't comment on the deficit as it scares the crap out of me but I do believe that absent a world catastrophe you can't kill this economy. It doesn't make it any less frightening for those who have lost their jobs but we are in that portion of the cycle where we moved beyond corporate profits (which have now been good for years), the consumer is starting to gain confidence and even the housing market, having worked off a substantial portion of the existing inventory, is picking up nicely. If you can afford it and are looking for a house in the continental US and have the money or access to a mortgage now is the time to a buy - IMHO of course. And no I'm not an Obama fan but I have believed for more than a year that it doesn't matter who the President is....he will be an economic hero. Ain't nothing of substance getting passed with a divided house. And I left out the most pathetic part, $6 billion later and we are right back where we started.
  22. I own the 170 and love it. I do think the bracelet and the mixed metal mimicking the head makes the watch. I wouldn't buy it without the bracelet but that is me.
  23. Actually I am kind of curious to see the equations.
  24. Chopard Milla Miglia XXL Special edition chrono.
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