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Everything posted by Watchmeister

  1. Well that is one way to elevate a daytona's movement's beat to match the Rolex bph. Purposely dirty it up.
  2. Darren- Normally you assemble the parts and then go to a modder who does whatever work you want. I am not aware of any one who both sources parts and then mods the watch. Once you have the parts there are a number of folks who will do the work.
  3. What is the current thinking on date and place? If I am in town I will be there and see if I can rope up some of the old school guys.
  4. never underestimate the trend being your friend. Momentum is our friend.
  5. Was that before or after you ran it over with a tractor?
  6. You guys are all pessimists. Not a fan of Obama but IMHO he couldn't kill the economy if he wanted to. Take five minutes. Study the Great Depression, how bad it got, actions taken, amount of time to really recover and timing and you are looking at a mini-version here. Of course it doesn't feel like it to all those who are suffering but I truly don't believe you could kill the economy, irrespective of who is President. With a split house and no supermajority in the Senate no one is getting anything done other than emergency type measures and that is IMHO all it takes. Not looking for a debate. Simply my 2 cents. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I am happy to wager a reasonable amount with folks that we are in better shape economically four years from now then today - no thanks to Obama (or Romney if he had won). And one last note, if the Republican party doesn't start ignoring the far right I don't think you will see a Republican President for decades. Both sides are idiots but the idiot portion of the Democrats is growing far faster than that portion with the Republicans.
  7. V1 all the way baby. Just reset that PR and call it a day. It is a great looking rep of a $10k watch. And gendials come up all the time to make that an even more super rep.
  8. You may not like the price but the gen is $50+ thousand so 2% of gen for a gorgeous rep. The SS are closer to 5% of gen. Like my thinking? I can rationalize anything.
  9. I didn't read the article but did own one of his early guilloche (machine turned) dial chronos. That dial was nicer than a Breguet guilloche dialed watch I owned at the time. I did have the opportunity to talk to him once or twice and in all honesty he was not a nice guy.
  10. There is a temporary Microsoft store a few blocks down so I think I will endure the next Nor'Easter today and go check it out. Does anyone understand the issue of RT and the upcoming real Windows 8 version which I read is coming out in a few months? Are there severe limitations on the RT platform?
  11. D- Great info. If you are an old school windows user doing light office work is it a good travel substitute.
  12. I am hoping to hear from someone who actually used it for the typical Office applications - Excel, Word, etc.. Does it use real Office? If you can work on an Office doc and simply save and send to your desktop for further work than it is a must have for me. Without that capability I stick with my IPAD. But god I hate dealing with QuickOffice, etc. It just isn't the same.
  13. I still love it. In fact I couldn't resist and picked up another member's gen strap. Can't wait.
  14. I know of at least two folks who tried unsuccessfully who had picked up the earlier model gen dials but it never hurts to ask again.
  15. +1 But I have to admit I want one of those lazer thingies if that isn't a joke.If it is, oops!
  16. On mine I had all the gaskets but the rotor was not well attached and came off the movement. But I do love the aesthetics of the watch and after a visit to Ziggy for a movement swap and proper lubrication it is solid as a rock. I would take this one anywhere. It is my daily beach and swim watch.
  17. I will take that bet. You didn't end up on this site by accident. And E- That strap is stunning. You have anymore of that skin available?
  18. So what do the 360 experts think of this one? It is starting to grow on me.
  19. R- Absolutely beautiful. Wear that one well.
  20. I am not aware of a BB chrono that comes with ETA. The A7750 can last a lifetime if you get it serviced though.
  21. I do think it is a great rep. On the gen strap it just takes patience to find one at a reasonable price. You can find second hand one for $300 or so but you have to be careful. They have a tendency to fall apart as the skin is literally glued onto the metal tab and it can peel off. If you are price insensitive you can literally walk into any boutique and order whatever you want. But the pricing is silly- $550 for horn back,, $450-500 for regular croc and $350 or so for leather.
  22. Actually the rep is really good and all things being equal the later versions with newer dials and better date placement like the Safari in this thread are very close. Who really looks close enough to notice the crown is offset or the date isn' t deep enough? The people debating the merits are a select few. The franken alternative is a very different and expensive alternative - you are basically building a $5k franken of a $20k+ watch. If you like AP and don't want to dump that kind of money I would still buy it - and this is coming from someone who only owns frankens and gens. I wouldn't hold my breath on an LWO replica movement. What nobody tells you is that the DD module is a relatively fragile module and difficult to repair. Heck even AP simply throws them away rather than repairing when the module breaks.
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