P4GTR, I commend you for bringing up the possible negative points that RWG has, I think you are right the other forums do have seem to have a better range of dealers that post new items regularly , I know watcheden posted something recently , but RWG has the most inactive range of dealer posts as far as I can see. Having 3 areas for trade seems like a good and fair idea on paper , but I rarely look at the Fundraiser sections (and Ive missed some goodies) but for me 3 areas doesn't work. I know RWG needs $ to keep going but other forums use post count which is clearly the system that works for them . I dont have to much issue with the layout I agree search is pants and google is better. Yes we have a wealth of information , yes everybody is great here RAH RAH but does that bring the punters in and keep it fresh , well its doesn't seem to be that way these days. We dont seem to have that much needed USP anymore ....... IP aint enough I MISS THE GRADING SYSTEM thats what pulled me in. And another thing is wrist checks I wish I could participate but everybody's pictures always so pixel perfect and mine are rubbish and its lost its fun factor for me, but these days its EVERYDAY !!!! I think it used to be 3 times a week (4 max) It was beginning of the week , and then Hump day and then the weekend , again the grading system worked so well here and it was easy to participate and there were massive threads now its lost its sparkle. I wish it was different.