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Everything posted by StormTooper4

  1. Wonderful story and a smashing wristi, and thanks for letting us share the good times ST4
  2. Makes me Miss my old one, your's looks awesome wear it well ST4
  3. These White Pams go with ANY strap, currently my 003D is on a Darker strap, but it also sits happily on a very light Zeguma 176 ST4
  4. This is all I can find its for a 195 Not sure if will help, but good luck ST4
  5. OK I just don't see it? Look at the where the DSN Crown covers the Base of the watch and then where at the top it meets the bezel? its the same as the HR , I think its the CG , can you put the HR CG on the DSN? What does that look like. I have a Panerai Book an on the inside cover is a side shot of an Auto...........the Crown looks just like yours and its supposed to be a Gen. I'm not defending DSN here, I agree his manner is abrupt and far from friendly at times, I just don't think your watch is that Bad...............also whose PVD do you prefer HR's or DSN'?
  6. One lucky Dude to find one let alone get to wear it. The best strap I think is the OEM Monte Carlo they come up on risti every now then for about $150. Its funny the 192 is the rep that you actually want to look a bit more wokky, but i have to say I prefer the rep's subdial spacing for some reason. I was lucky to pick this up in that it had been OXY'd quite nicely so is darker. Here's mine on a Gabo I've been debating if i should send it to K2222 for some AR, how did you think the AR was on the GEN, do you think this made a difference on the dial and hands colour? Cheers ST4
  7. Sounds like a good deal, if its the Rolex crown'd version its a bargin ST4
  8. Welcome to RWG, we don't often deal with Batteries that often round these parts and I don''t think Chris does either. So where do you go ???? your best bet will be to find a Rep friendly watchsmith. Lots to learn so keep reading ST4
  9. On my DSN 195 the crown is indeed not looking to be centerd, when compared with other PAMs. The thing is the Crown does not actually appear to sit Higher against the bezel compared to my other PAMS, infact they all look the same, what appears to be causing this is that the Case appears to be somewhat thinner so the bottom part of the crown doesnt show as much below the CG. I agree that its not perfect but unless you find it impossible to wind then I think thats how they come, I really enjoy my PVD PAM despite its faults , and given some comments i recently had, the chicks dig it to . SO there you go if you can post some pictures that would help ST4
  10. VERY NICE Fantastic looking watch Wear it well and enjoy ST4
  11. NAH , they've a 140 Pam, carbon dial and correct markers, its not real NO WAY AVOID
  12. Almost moody and atmospheric Nice work ST4
  13. August looks to be a great month for you, perhaps a little too much rubber for my liking but some fantastic looking watches you have there ST4
  14. Howdie from another downunder repaholic Enjoy your stay you're in the right place
  15. Awesome, love the folded bracelet wear them well ST4
  16. WWWOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOOOO and there's more, best news I've heard all day, there is a PAM god after all ST4
  17. Saturday was Sunday is Hope its been a good one ST4
  18. It was Awesome from start to finish, I "WOW'd" out loud quite a few times, the Drummers Countdown, the Globe runners and the footprint fireworks were just some of the highlights. But if the world doesn't wake up to the issue of polution now , then it never will, the smog at the rowing is dreadful. ST4
  19. Cheers Guys So many "Right answers" here, but yisuspoul you missed the white Dial, you gotta have a white dial
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