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Everything posted by DemonSlayer

  1. People usually pray for other people whom they love, because they think that God will listen to them and therefore 'look out' for these loved ones. However in my faith, we believe in the system of Karma. God has implemented this system as a universal law, not applying just this universe but the other countless universes too. So as a result of your deeds, and when I say deeds, I don't just mean your current life, but all of the deeds you have accumulated from your previous lives. These deeds will then be 'paid out' in the form of good things happenining to you in terms of fortune or suffering.
  2. Prayer is used as a means to 'unite' oneself with God, and try to establish a closeness with God, not 'ask' Him to do things for you. At the end of the day whatever He wills, happens. Prayer is worshipping God and we do this to try to I think that you are talking from the point of view that prayer is when you ask God to assist you in certain actions. In my faith, prayer is a means of worshipping God. We do this because thats what we're supposed to do as humans.
  3. Hmm that is indeed a lengthy history, I will have to conduct detailed research into that, perhaps Victoria might know a little about this subject. However I will say this, I believe that God doesn't intervene in such matters. Any one who kills in the name of God, be they right or wrong, will be judged for their actions. If the people who carried out such massacres where wrong, (we can debate that ourselves) but ultimately they will be judged by their actions/deeds.
  4. Pugwash, I personally find that researching history and facts actually reinforces my own faith. I mean if we are to believe that events took place as stated by scriptures of whatever faith we follow, there must be evidence right? Relics, artefacts, anything, there must be something which collaborates with the scripture if we believe it to be true, unless of course you have faith 100% in what is inside the scripture and take it as fact.
  5. No problemo Victoria! I never assumed you had any agendas I think you might know more about Khalid Muhammad than I You have been helpful and I will certainly research more into this, like you I am also interested in history
  6. Thanks again for the link Victoria. I can't make out what scripture this is taken from. I have a copy of the Bhagavad Gita As It Is, a very englightening scripture might I add. The Srimad Bhagavatam is also available online to read and that is a fascinating scripture, a lot of detailed stuff in there.
  7. Questions such as the actual birth of Jesus? I was wondering if anyone here on this forum who perhaps more knowledge of Christian scripture could explain to me or point me in the right direction as to why its widely celebrated as his birthday. Josef Megele was a Nazi war criminal who commited unspeakable horrendous acts. I don't think Khalid Muhammad is anywhere near that league However I should research more into who he was.
  8. Interesting.. What scripture is that quoted from Victoria?
  9. I found a video presentation on Youtube by a man called Dr. Khalid Muhammad who I believe was a part of the Nation of Islam. I believe the presentation took place in a University in California in the early 90's or late 80's. In this clip, he talks a little bit about the significance of the lights people put around their homes and christmas trees at Christmas time: In this one he talks briefly about the origins of Easter: He doesn't quote exactly his references but I think its enough to carry out research on. He also claims that in the bible in the 10th chapter of Jeremiah, it says that the 'heathens practiced empty and vain practices like cutting down the evergreen trees and decking it with gold and silver' - a reference to the Christmas tree perhaps?
  10. Yes I also read about Easter. The goddess Eostre was a german pagan sex goddess and so represents fertility. Why would the resurrection of Jesus have anything to do with this festival?
  11. So basically this information is kept low-key? Well in my case it is, I always thought Jesus was a celibate. I mean I've read about the Da Vinci Code and watched the movie, but I didn't know there was actual fact to back it up.
  12. Jesus was married?? To whom was he married to? I haven't yet researched to confirm this, but I understand that only certain parts of Jesus's life are depicted in the scripture. From the moment he was born, to when he was an adult. His younger years and teenage years are not mentioned. Is this somewhat true?
  13. Thanks for the link Victoria. Do you personally know any Christians who do celebrate the approx date when Jesus is thought to have been born?
  14. Yes I read something about this Sun worshipping and it was to appeal to pagans to become Christians. Why doesn't the Church now celebrate his original birth date instead? (if they know it that is)
  15. From what I have read and understood, Jesus was not born on Dec 25th. Why is this day celebrated as his birthday throughout the world? I'm still trying to research the reasons behind it, but I'm hoping someone here can help me on this question.
  16. After reading all posts in this thread, one thing I don't yet understand is why would TWP show these photos while being confident he had done a good job? There must be an explanation behind it. Hopefully TWP can clear it up...
  17. Lanikai, do you have a pic or a link of the graphite dial version?
  18. I've never really been into Breitling.... UNTIL NOW I'm thinking of getting a BCE first in quartz to see if I will like it. Top 3 choice of colors for the dial are black, white and blue. Whats your favourite color?
  19. I certainly think that the more seasoned 'trusted' sellers here know exactly what movements are in these watches. Judging by some of their responses in the infamous threads started about these lies, its obvious to see that they know somewhat what they're talking about when it comes to watches, they certainly where using this knowledge to defend themselves as to why they were misrepresenting their products.
  20. It looks to me like its in the correct position. The angle of the shot doesn't make it any easier to tell though
  21. thanks Victoria. The PAM recently has seen very little wrist time I think I've grown kinda tired with that SS strap, I'm getting a rubber one soon and hopefully it should change things up a bit and I should go back to wearing it more often The AP.. definitely going to be a keeper for me. I very much like the design and can see why Genta's designs were so popular. I have an urge to get the Nautilus and has been on my list for quite some time now. I'm waiting for more info on the asian 21J version that TTK has for sale, if its good enough I'll get it.
  22. Did a Maradona while I was typing this post lol Or rather a Usher: Instead of 2 audemars piguet however, it was the AP on the left and the PAM on the right
  23. Andrew/Trusty has the Yacht-master in the x-mas special, apparantly a 'noob' factory one advertized with free shipping via Airmail from what I understand on his site. Can anyone here verify if it is indeed free shipping for $78 for the watch via Airmail?
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