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Everything posted by DemonSlayer

  1. Interesting story... I buy whatever I think looks nice I don't care about whether or not I can afford the gens in real life, frankly speaking, I can't afford any of my reps as gens I'm only 22 and still a university student with student loans, I don't exactly have much disposable income. One of my reps is a AP RO Chrono and the gen is worth
  2. Check out his website and contact him by email there: watch-ebay.net Ignore the prices on his website, just email that you are interested in purchasing the 45mm planet ocean, point out the watch to him from his site, and he will quote you a price.
  3. Hey man, I would go for it! It's an amazing watch and good value for money The dealer was actually my own business supplier, he doesn't specialize in replicas at all. I give him specifications/requirements of what I want in the watch and he has someone find it, and closely inspects it to check everything is working and the overall finish is good before shipping it to me A dealer I would highly recommend for providing you with 'best bang for your buck' watches is a dealer called tonyxkf on the cqout auction site. Fellow board member TeeJay bought his 45mm PO from him at an extremely good price, and it appears now by looking at his photos that mine and his are the exact same version His one however has double-drilled lugholes to allow the SMP rubber strap to fit in properly. I don't know what the lug width is on mine but I will get the measurement for you later I was a bit upset that my SMP rubber strap didn't fit and I am looking for what options are available to me.
  4. I asked my supplier to source me the 45 mm Planet Ocean (as worn by Daniel Craig in Casio Royale) and said that he couldn't find it and would therefore ship me the 42.5mm but would try his best to look for it before my package was shipped. When I received my package of watches, upon initially seeing the watch I thought it was the 42.5 mm. He also shipped an Omega SMP rubber strap with it, and I tried to fit it onto the watch without much success, but it did not occur to me it was because this wasn't the 42.5mm watch. Today I measured it with my calipers and it turned out to be close to 45mm or spot on. I realised that the reason why I did not immediately spot that it was the 45mm was because I had got so used to wearing my 111h on SS that everything else seemed 'small' and light. I have to say I wasn't even suprised by the size of the watch on my wrist. I don't have particularly big wrists, they are 6.5 inches and so more towards the small size on the scale but the watch doesn't look at all bad, at least in my opinion and the width from lug to lug doesn't exceed the width of my wrist. Overall I am pleased with the watch, it is built very well and has been keeping excellent time so far in the week I've had it. There are of course flaws with it, especially being the 'low end' asian 21J movement and therefore more prone to have cosmetic flaws compared to the more expensive ETA version which can cost upto 3 times as much!
  5. It may be a while before reps effect prices of gens, if at all, but one thing is for certain, reps are getting extremely easy to find on the net these days. I just did a search of "audemars piguet royal oak" and on the first page of google, there are 2 links to cqout auctions Even just searching for images of the known brands on this board, almost always results in auctions from ioffer, cqout etc. Even this board comes up on searches when something what I think is a bit common, typed in, for example I typed in "rambo panerai" on google the other day and the topic started by TeeJay came up on the first page of google results Auction sites such as cqout and ioffer are definitely exposing replicas to the public in general.
  6. I would assume some sort of epoxy is used to stick the logo on the dial, as I've read that superglue releases fumes which will fog/cloud the crystal.
  7. You need to remove the caseback to remove the entire movement out of the watch. Then you need to carefully remove the hands and once you've done that you have removed the dial! I've done some experiments on inexpensive quartz watches to just get a feel of what it's like to assemble/disassemble watches but I am still not confident enough to try this out on my reps. The furthest I go with reps is to remove the entire movement with the dial and hands still attached It would be brilliant if we had a modder in the UK who could work on the most popular brands! I would love to get a TWP job done on my 111h here in the UK Hopefully one day though
  8. Im based in the UK, and when my packages arrive from EMS, it has to be signed for, if you're not present they can re-deliver it on another day, or also you can collect it from the depot.
  9. I have to say that recently my diet has been really bad, too many crisps, chocolates, biscuits and junk in general. I am also very lazy when it comes to food preparation and am quite stunned at what some people have been posting about what they eat for dinner, some of those meals sound like they must have taken ages to prepare! [edit] I'm just about to toast 2 waffles right now or I might eat as teejay did and have a baked potato
  10. I personally don't think the UK government and government bodies/organisations can be trusted enough for us to place our safety into their hands. When they do make mistakes, they are quick to just brush them aside. Look what happened to Jean Charles De Menezes, he was misidentified as being one of the July 05 bombers, but with no real check up of who he was, just going by appearance alone. There were a lot of discrepancies in the police report about what happened that day and the report from witnesses. At the end the officers in charge were just given a slap on the wrist. If he had one of these ID cards on him that day, would it have made a difference? Probably not in his case, if he reached for his pocket to take it out he would have still ended up being shot in the head as the police would think he was reaching for a trigger. Maybe if they had approached him beforehand it may have saved his life. Another thing I don't understand is, if the police did indeed suspect him of being one of the bombers, why the hell did they let him go anywhere near a train station or a bus? Surely it would make more sense to approach him when he's on the road where if he had been a bomber, he would pose much less risk on the safety of people's lives. In fact several police officers actually boarded a bus with him on it! Again if he had been a bomber he could have exploded the bomb on the bus, killing several people including the police officers.
  11. After seeing Victoria's photos of this one, I knew I had to get it
  12. Raijor, that meal is healthy and carb free, that kind of meal is usually eaten by someone who is 'cutting' a term in bodybuilding which means someone who is in the stage of shedding body fat. Are you into health and fitness by any chance?
  13. Talk about High G.I carbs overload which leads to insulin sensitivity and therefore can lead to fat storage All kidding aside, that does sound like a nice meal. I just had a packet of noodles, some hula hoops and DIET lilt I gave up drinking regular coke years ago, and switched to diet. However I've been reading some articles online which says that the artificial sweetners used in these soft drinks may actually pose a risk to our health, and talks of brain tumours and the likes.
  14. It sounds a bit like a title of a Indiana Jones movie Come on guys! It's not that bad, surely Octopussy has to take the biscuit
  15. Nice to know there are Jarre fans on the board TeeJay, I haven't yet got the new Oxygene album but I have heard that it's very good. It's a DVD isn't it? It has some videos/graphics playing while the music is played? In fact, the only albums I've heard of his are the 3 oldest he did in the late 70's, Oxygene, Equinoxe and Magnetic Fields. I didn't really bother to look into his other albums but just doing a quick google, I found out that there's quite a few of them, looks like I have some downloading to do tonight Indeed his concerts are something else, doesn't he hold the Guiness Books Record for the most number of people attending a concert, and this was in 1981 I think in Paris? His laser shows/fireworks are spectacular, I haven't actually attended a concert but I've seen it on TV but even on tv I can tell that it must have been quite an experience.
  16. When I was a very young kid (late 80's early 90's) I used to love listening to music my dad would have playing on the cassete players I can remember he had a very varied taste in music, he was into the soul/disco, like Brothers Gibson, D-Train, Luther Vandross, Kool and the Gang, Earth Wind and Fire, and other 80's funk/soul (well you get the drift), Michael Jackson (especially Off The Wall and Thriller albums), Bee Gees, The Shadows , Paul Hardcastle, Tangerine Dream, a little bit of Kraftwerk, I can go on and on However I used to enjoy listening to his tapes of Jean Michel Jarre tracks, like Equinoxe, Oxygene (how can we forget oxygene 4 ) and Magnetic Fields. Just recently I've been heavily playing these albums on my mp3 player and it's bringing back a lot of memories There's something about his music which is extraordinary, brings in so much mixed feelings/emotions! Anyone here also fans of his music?
  17. I haven't actually tested any of my watches if they are waterproof or not I enter the shower assuming they are well made and no water will get in So far I've been lucky but maybe in the future as I get more reps, I should test them out first. Saying that I haven't yet purchased a pricey rep and I don't think I ever will, so I probably have less to lose than most people who opt to buy more higher priced reps.
  18. I always sleep with my watches on, though I know some people who refuse to do so because they think they might damage the watch, such as the bracelet, crystal or case etc. I also shower with them on too and too lazy to keep taking it off and putting them back on. This is why I often wear a watch for weeks on end and then might switch to another model, rather than switching daily or every 2/3 days. So come on Who else is guilty of this crime?
  19. Maybe I've watched too many movies and read too much UFO stuff, but I really don't think the government have our best interests at heart I'm not saying all, but certainly some governments who portray themselves to be the all righteous then go and do things which portrays them as the opposite. I mean, we can't deny that there are many things that are witheld from us. The topic of UFO's being a classic one, we know that theres something that governments of the world know something is going on, but have lied to cover up things, the Roswell case being an example, I don't know how many times the US government has changed their story about what happened on that day, its incredible. Don't get me started on the CIA
  20. As TeeJay mentioned, I am also a fan of the Australian system when it comes to immigration amongst other things and it does seem to work well over there. The issue about whether or not these ID cards can help stamp out terrorism, well as I mentioned earlier that the majority of the bombers on July 2005 bombings where actually born and bred in the UK, and as Pugwash mentioned that in Spain they do have an ID card system implemented there but that did not prevent the Madrid bombings. I personally don't think that the UK government will be able to create such cards that are flawless in the sense that they can't be tampered with or replicated or anything of that sort. If these cards fell into the wrong hands, who knows what that might lead to, and I'm certainly not 100% confident that the UK government will bend over backwards to maintain safety over all the personal information on UK residents stored in some computer somewhere.
  21. Yes Victoria, I agree with you there also. If such flawless replicas were produced in high numbers, we would just buy them and 'pack our bags' and leave We as a community get excited about discussing the latest reps out, or who has the most accurate sub/PAM 111h etc. I believe that the factories do have the ability to produce such reps, IF THEY WANTED TO. At the end of the day, they don't care a lot about the hobby side to it, about how we feel about the hobby, they're simply a business producing goods and we are their customers. Many of us will buy a watch, and when a more accurate version of that particular watch is released, something rages inside us that makes us want to buy the more accurate one To the factories it's all about quantity, how many watches they sell. It's not them who demand the high prices for the more accurate watches, it's the 'dealers'.
  22. That's a wicked watch TeeJay I'm looking to get the 009 PVD after I saw Rambo's wristshots although I'll be wearing it on the black rubber strap. Hopefully my supplier can source one with a pvd buckle. Today, my brand new SMP...
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