+1 Racist thought is not something one can simply turn off unilaterally. It is a socially constructed system of thought to which very few of us (depending on where and how we grew up) are totally immune. Years ago I (white/hispanic) impregnated a black woman and am raising our son without her. Yet I would not be so hubristic to say that I'm free of racist thinking.
If you don't think you're racist, I recommend that you try the following link: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/ Some researchers at Harvard have come up with a web-based test to determine if the test taker has any implicit associations (such as between "black" and "bad"). Taking the test is an interesting experience, and can tell you a little about your own unconscious mind. Unconscious preferences like this is the form racism takes in the 21st century. Since racism now rarely manifests itself as a bunch of Klan members shouting the N word at a random brother, some (almost always white) people who aren't so perceptive may think that it is gone.
One final point: I think it is ignorant to be proud of one's race. It is ignorant to be ashamed of it as well. I didn't choose my races, I didn't make them, it is no reflection on my talents or abilities and should be outside the arena of pride or shame. If I make, do, or conceive something, then I have a reason to feel pride or shame in it. Being proud because something happened to me? Nonsensical.